Hi all!!
I am scoring a total of 26 in XAT 09'(what %tile would this convert into??)
with sectional break ups as
VA : 3.5 to 4.75
QA&DI; : 7.5/8
LR : 14.75
Do I stand a chance under domicile quota???
I know its a little difficult to predict at this stage but
does anyone have an idea as how much does a sectional score convert into?? Like how much was the score in each section,last year, which translated into 70 percentile ??
The sectionals cutoffs for domicile in sections were all less than 70 %tile,
i.e, VA : 64.xx %tile, QA: 60.XX %tile and LR: 57.XX %tile...
A realistic input would be highly appreciated.
Thanx in advance and all the best to all the PUYS!!
And when are we expecting the XAT results and then subsequently the XIMB shortlist?
i'll answer what i can
with your score you can expect a %ile in the region of 92-94
so a definite call from ximb if you can clear the va cut-off
all the best
just want to know if ximb consider sectionals as well?
wht sud b XIMB cutoff this time ??
for GEN. and for domicile??
i am orissa domicile wd 18-20 score
can i expect a call ??
pls reply
gaurav357162 Saysjust want to know if ximb consider sectionals as well?
please refer to post number 157
Hi Seniors...........
Need ur advise on my scores...........
VA - 15********12.5*****16.25
QA - 3.25******3.25******3.25:sad:
LR - 15.75******15.75*****15.75
OA - 34********31.5******35.25
Work ex of arnd 2.5 years in General insurance industry........
What r my chances of Ximb..........
Hi Seniors...........
Need ur advise on my scores...........
VA - 15********12.5*****16.25
QA - 3.25******3.25******3.25:sad:
LR - 15.75******15.75*****15.75
OA - 34********31.5******35.25
Work ex of arnd 2.5 years in General insurance industry........
What r my chances of Ximb..........
If all these institutes are correct with their answer keys..I feel there shdn't be any problem of u getting a XIMB call! although ur QA score seems low..but seeing this year's paper, one can never predict.!! I feel you should be lucky enough to sail through...considering your high overall score.!! All the Best!
Hello puys:
I am getting the following scores:
QA: 4.75
VA: 8.75-11
LR: 13.75-15
OA: 27.25-30.75
Orissa domicile
I know it is difficult to predict, but can any of the seniors give an idea about how much marks(acc to keys) in QA gave around 70+ % (last year)?
All I can do is pray...
Hello puys:
I am getting the following scores:
QA: 4.75
VA: 8.75-11
LR: 13.75-15
OA: 27.25-30.75
Orissa domicile
I know it is difficult to predict, but can any of the seniors give an idea about how much marks(acc to keys) in QA gave around 70+ % (last year)?
All I can do is pray...
Look...it's a complete diff scene all together..guessing from last year's marks would not yield anything.!! It's the maximum of dis year dt matters.!!! So stay alive.....hopefully u wud get a call!
sharadkapoor SaysIf all these institutes are correct with their answer keys..I feel there shdn't be any problem of u getting a XIMB call! although ur QA score seems low..but seeing this year's paper, one can never predict.!! I feel you should be lucky enough to sail through...considering your high overall score.!! All the Best!
Hi Sharad.......
Thank you for the reply.........
will pray to get the call..........:)
sharadkapoor SaysLook...it's a complete diff scene all together..guessing from last year's marks would not yield anything.!! It's the maximum of dis year dt matters.!!! So stay alive.....hopefully u wud get a call!
thanks... keeping fingers crossed
Hi puys
my scores r.
QA 13.25
res 11.75
va 4-6(according to various keys....)
total 29-31
wat r my chances 4 ximb?????
Should i apply ny other college with these scores?????
hiiii ...can somebody plz tell me for ximb rm wat is d expected cutoffs ....is there ny other thread for ximb rm den plz provide d link ... thanks ....
megha.angel03 Sayshiiii ...can somebody plz tell me for ximb rm wat is d expected cutoffs ....is there ny other thread for ximb rm den plz provide d link ... thanks ....
Hi Megha
For XIMB RM, the expected cut-offs are: thru IRMA - 90+, thru XAT - 85+.
However, this is just a tentative cut-off, as every year it varies depending upon the ratio between the no. of seats vs no. of applicants. So, if you have applied thru IRMA, by now you must be knowing if will get a call or not and if thru XAT, then you'll have to wait a lil more! And this is a thread for XIMB, we don't have any other thread for the purpose.
All the Best !!

hello seniors,
my overall score in xat is 26.
i have applied to ximb(general category)
do i stand any chance??
Hi puys
my scores r.
QA 13.25
res 11.75
va 4-6(according to various keys....)
total 29-31
wat r my chances 4 ximb?????
Should i apply ny other college with these scores?????
Hey..it seems realistic to get a call at this overall provided VA doesn't create problem, this is when most of the junta have bundled out in QA.! ATB
hello seniors,
my overall score in xat is 26.
i have applied to ximb(general category)
do i stand any chance??
Chance is definitely there...but a very slim one.!! Keep praying!! ATB
Hello Seniors,
Sorry to disturb you again with placement queries!!
But from the placement report it is not clear as to what companies come to XIMB??
Can you throw some light on that and also what is the summer placements scenario this time around.
Thanks a lot for your help so far!!
Hi seniors,
my xat score is 28
QA - 8.75
LR - 8.75
VA - 10.5
what r my chances for ximb?
hello seniors
i m scoring
cn sme1 tell me wat r my chances for ximb????/