XIMB : Solution Centre '09

plz tell me how many qs i ned to attempt to get 90% in each section??????coz i am bad at quant,n this sectnal cut off thing reallly scares me

aditikhosla Says
plz tell me how many qs i ned to attempt to get 90% in each section??????coz i am bad at quant,n this sectnal cut off thing reallly scares me

Assuming that your mentioned 90% is 90%ile.......

see the level of competition and the difficulty level of questions will not be the same. So obviously no one can tell you any concrete answer for this.

However looking at previous years it may be concluded that since the difficulty level is on a higher side and XAT follows differential marking scheme, the no of attempts should be well balanced. To give more clearer picture if you are attempting 15 questions in each section with almost 80% accuracy and this will suffice your requirement. But my take ll be the no of attempts should not be predecided as accuracy rate differs among individuals.

Coming to your quant problem.... The quant section of XAT is usually clubbed with DI so whoever is weak in quant can compensate the same in DI.Again my personal suggestion will be that although difficulty level is on higher side you may definitely find few simple questions , its just you have to figure them out.
Again you must be good in some areas ..let it be Geometry, Algebra, P&c;/Probability or any other. Try to hit the questions in your favourite area then look for DI sets.
Once you have made decent no of attempts to clear sectional cut off try to maximise your score in other sections.

Hope it helps

So the D-day for all the XIMB aspirants has come. What else can a New year give to any aspirant. The new year is opening its door for the Prestigious institute - "XIMB" - getting into it is like a dream come true for all the aspirants.
Give you best 120 minutes to XAT tomorrow, so that we can come up with flying colours and we can also join the elite class of the country.

If you have fear in your mind about XAT ,then dont worry because you are not alone, every one has. So the competition becomes same for everyone.And if you dont have then nothing can be better than that.

Dont panic if the question paper is some what difficult and different than the expected one. Give time for screening the questions. There will always be some questions in each section which we can say are sitters. Remember we have to do well in all the three sections so dont miss out any section because once it is gone then we are left with nothing, but to regret.

So relax and tell XIMB that you deserve to be a part of this institute.

All the best to everyone

Were there any separate cut offs for XIMB for orissa domicile as such last year

janandfeb Says
Were there any separate cut offs for XIMB for orissa domicile as such last year

i think so
the cut-offs for them are a bit low
please others confirm this

I have applied to XIMB 09 intake. I am getting a score of 27-28 according to various keys available. Can I expect a call?

i think so
the cut-offs for them are a bit low
please others confirm this

for orissa domicile the cutoff is low as compared to rest of india

does XIMB takes into account the marks of the essay ?

puys clarify us on what will be the expected cutoff for XIMB this year

ravickanth Says
puys clarify us on what will be the expected cutoff for XIMB this year

its likely to be in the region of 28-30 including sectionals

i have applied to the rural management program of ximb,using the irma test.irma results have come and i got a call for irma with 54.5%.it is on 11 feb.from the ximb prospectus it is not clear,when will they conduct the gd/pi.only details given are the modes of selection,declaration of final results etc.any idea on the probable gd/pi schedule.

vinayfantastic Says
does XIMB takes into account the marks of the essay ?

The essay is not used for GD/PI calls and comes into play only at the GD/PI stage.

I have following according to IMS soln:
VA: 5
QA: 7
LR: 16.5

OA: 28.5

Any chance of call?

my scores is aroud 22-24
im a fresher.
i come under domicile quota...is dr ne chanc seniors??

my scores is aroud 22-24
im a fresher.
i come under domicile quota...is dr ne chanc seniors??

AFAIK last year cut-off for domicile quota was 89.55
looking at the predictions for this year you stand a very good chance for ximb
AFAIK last year cut-off for domicile quota was 89.55
looking at the predictions for this year you stand a very good chance for ximb

my sectionals r ma b acc to 1 key
pls let me know if a stand a chanc of a cal frm ximb under domicile quota??
my sectionals r ma b acc to 1 key
pls let me know if a stand a chanc of a cal frm ximb under domicile quota??

donno what will be the %ile equivalent of your score
last year sectional cut-offs were (78.77 in Quant; 76.08 in English and 75.99 in Reasoning)

for ximb
Admission tests 50 %, GD and interview 50 %.
PGDM (XAT)* Quantitative---English----RA/DI----Total
2007 Orissa----49.6-------- 51.08------51.0 -----88.4
All India -------78.16--------77.48-----70.48----93.12
2008 Orissa----60.9 ---------64.09 -----57.55 ----89.55
All India--------78.77-----------76.08 -------75.99 ----96.21

PGDM-RM (IRMA)-Reasoning-Quantitative-English-Social Issues-Total
2007 (IRMA)------18%--------24%-------30%------18.3%----35.5%
2008 (IRMA)------22%-------30%--------35%------22%------37%
2007 (XAT)*-----34.21---------39.15-------43.54----------66.63
2008 (XAT)*-----45.43 ---------50.59------42.07----------70.79

my over all score of 16.25 timekey. any chances 4 pgdrm ?seniors plz help(VA =7.25 QA=6.25 ANR=2.75 OA =16.25)

Hi All,

I am getting the following score as per CL and IMS:

VA: 8.5 11
QA: 6.5 6.5
LR: 11.75 11.75
OA: 26.75 29.25

Please tell me what are my chances of getting a call from XIMB PGDM under domicile quota.