XIMB : Solution Centre '09

Hi seniors,
my xat score is 28
QA - 8.75
LR - 8.75
VA - 10.5
what r my chances for ximb?

you have got a very well balanced score
i think you should get a call
hello seniors

i m scoring


cn sme1 tell me wat r my chances for ximb????/

you are sure to clear the OA cut-off
can't say about the VA
looking at the fact that last year's VA cut-off was 76.08%ile i think you should clear it as well
all the best

Can anybody tell me about the sectional cutoffs required for ximb?

Can anybody tell me about the sectional cutoffs required for ximb?

buddy everything is mentioned about last year's cut-offs in the thread
please go through the previous posts before coming up with any querry

Can any one tell me whether i will get a call from ximb with the following score?

eng=6.5, 8.5

I come under orissa domicile.Have a work-ex of 2.5 yrs in construction eqpt company.

Please help
Harekrushna Panigrahy

Hi my XAT scores are:

Do I have any chances of getting a call?

buddy everything is mentioned about last year's cut-offs in the thread
please go through the previous posts before coming up with any querry

Thanx for your reply.

I'v already seen that the last years cutoffs have been mentioned in the thread. What i wanted to know is what could be the possible scores required to get that percentile.
LR section required a 75.9 percentile....but what is the score required to get that percentile?
Thanx for your reply.

I'v already seen that the last years cutoffs have been mentioned in the thread. What i wanted to know is what could be the possible scores required to get that percentile.
LR section required a 75.9 percentile....but what is the score required to get that percentile?

good question
i wish i knew or for that matter any one else knew

my expected xat score is
VA-8.5(varying upto 11.5 as per different keys)
overall-26.25(varying upto 29.25)

Will i clear the sectional cut offs??
Can i expect a call if my score is 26.25??
At what overall score can one have a realistic chance of a call from XIMB??


Hello seniors,

You must be having the Xuberance 09 at this time of the year.

How is the placement scenario this time around.
What about summers??


Best of Luck to you all.

i've 13.5 in lr, 7.75 in quants, 10 in va. how r my chances?

hari_87 Says
i've 13.5 in lr, 7.75 in quants, 10 in va. how r my chances?

i would say you have got very good chances
Can any one tell me whether i will get a call from ximb with the following score?

eng=6.5, 8.5

I come under orissa domicile.Have a work-ex of 2.5 yrs in construction eqpt company.

Please help
Harekrushna Panigrahy

last year cut-off for domicile quota was 89.55%ile
considering that fact you have a got a chance
you are also likely to clear the sectionals if you do clear the oa cut-off
Hi my XAT scores are:

Do I have any chances of getting a call?

you'll definitely clear the OA cut-off with this score
last year QA cut-off was 78.77%ile
so you can keep your hopes alive
all the best
my expected xat score is
VA-8.5(varying upto 11.5 as per different keys)
overall-26.25(varying upto 29.25)

Will i clear the sectional cut offs??
Can i expect a call if my score is 26.25??
At what overall score can one have a realistic chance of a call from XIMB??


it is very difficult to predict what will be the likely score to get through
but looking at the predictions all around i would say anything around 27-28 is safe
hari_87 Says
i've 13.5 in lr, 7.75 in quants, 10 in va. how r my chances?

if your score remains the same
then you'll surely get a call

my quant score is a rockbottom 3! ....I've an overall of 31.

Do i stand a chance puys?

my quant score is a rockbottom 3! ....I've an overall of 31.

Do i stand a chance puys?

u might miss the cutoff for quants..but let's see

Hello XIB / Puy Seniors,

My scores in XAT are:

QA - 7.5
VA - 6 - 8.75
AR - 19.5 - 22.25
OA - 33 - 38.5

Could you please tell if I would be able to clear the VA cutoff for XIMB..... I badly need a call from XLRI / XIMB....XLRI chances seem pretty low due to VA...I am banking on a call from XIMB....

Do they look for work ex also for giving GDPI calls?

2.5 yrs Experience...

Please Reply,


Hello XIB / Puy Seniors,

My scores in XAT are:

QA - 7.5
VA - 6 - 8.75
AR - 19.5 - 22.25
OA - 33 - 38.5

Could you please tell if I would be able to clear the VA cutoff for XIMB..... I badly need a call from XLRI / XIMB....XLRI chances seem pretty low due to VA...I am banking on a call from XIMB....

Do they look for work ex also for giving GDPI calls?

2.5 yrs Experience...

Please Reply,


Looks like you stand good chance for getting XIMB call No as of now they do not consider your experience for Calls..but they will consider your work-ex for next round.All the best