Expected percentile scores to get into UBS? And how have placements been till now. 😃
ScarySkulls SaysExpected percentile scores to get into UBS? And how have placements been till now. :-)
well if you are asking about Chandigarh campus ,it will hover around 94 and more. Most probably there will be no NRI seats this year. UBS Ludhiana , I expect will have cut off around 87-91.Placements have been really good in chandigarh, and ludhiana still has to open its account.I had a Chat with placement representative , UBS Chandigarh ,and for this year also there are great offers. Average Package offered even before coming to campus is more than 6.5.

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All GD/PI related querries are welcome
Sir when can we expext the calls to be out??
and can u give the details about the placement scene at UBS chandigarh and ludhiana campuses......
yaa even i want to know abt the cutoff's for ubs ludhiana this time..??
seniors plz help....
calls so far
Well ,the list may come within two weeks .About placement scenario ,UBS Chandigarh had rocking placement this year .I do not have exact exact idea of average or median placements.Bharti Airtel gave package of 9.5 to students at UBS . Similarly Standard Charted ,ICICI ,HSBC Gave handsome packages .The minimum package i heard is around 6.5. About UBS ludhiana As we are the first batch here ,so placements will start from ours batch only.
Well as far as cut offs are concerned information coming out from different sources is that UBS Chandigarh may have cut off around 94 + this year . And UBS ludhiana may have cut off in around 90.
thxs for d reply..... but i believe cut off for lud ll not be more than 78-80% for sure........... anyways one of frnd got 75% ... let us see whats in his destiny.....
iamdbest Saysthxs for d reply..... but i believe cut off for lud ll not be more than 78-80% for sure........... anyways one of frnd got 75% ... let us see whats in his destiny.....
thats yours opinion, I am telling what people in administrative staff are saying,the people who are actually compiling the list!.There will be no NRI seats this year.
Hello guys ,me too the student of UBS ludhiana. Vijay is doing great job here..GD/PI list are bit late this year . Hopefully they will come in coming week.
hey nitin nice to c u here welcome to pagalguy hey people gd pi list is coming in very few days so if u have ny type of questions ask us,
Guys results(GD/PI list) for UBS Ludhiana are out. You can check it with University Website at UBS MBA 2008-09 or their is direct link given below for various categories as given below
General :http://results.puchd.ac.in/mba/ludhiana/general.txt
SC: http://results.puchd.ac.in/mba/ludhiana/sc.txt
ST: http://results.puchd.ac.in/mba/ludhiana/st.txt
Physically handicap candidate:http://results.puchd.ac.in/mba/ludhiana/physical.txt
Freedom fighter:http://results.puchd.ac.in/mba/ludhiana/ff.txt
Roit Victim:http://results.puchd.ac.in/mba/ludhiana/rtv.txt
We UBS ludhiana students will be glad to answer all sort of query.Congrats to all call getters.
congrets to all call geters and good look for gd/pi

Guys there is community made for UBS (PURC Ludhiana) in ORKUT for aspirants ,Those interested are welcome to join there. the link for community is :http://www.orkut.co.in/Community.aspx?cmm=49202160
here you can interact with seniors
There are vacant seats for admission to University Business School,
Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhaiana, for the session 2008-09. Those
candidates who have already applied and are interested are required to send their
request on a plain paper giving details regarding PURC Admission Form Number
and CAT Registration Number latest by August 14, 2008.
Date(s) of Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GD & PI) will be put on the
website on August 16, 2008. No separate letters will be issued for communication.
The admission is through CAT 2007.
For further information visit .UBS - The Best Business Management (MBA) University Department of India
I want to know if foreign students can apply to UBS Ludhiana for an MBA. I searched through the website but didnt find much information.
Also, if possible can someone name me some of the other college a foreign student can apply to in Ludhiana. I know there is also PCTE, that's the 2 I know so far.
I'll really appreciate if anyone could help me.
hello zuberr
ya you can apply here in ubs ludhiana for MBA but the only condition is u should be NRI.
Tre r 9 seats for NRI's.
I dont know abt other collages. But if u want to study in a good business school UBS ludhaina is nmbr one b-school of ludhiana.