UBS Ludhiana


I want to know if foreign students can apply to UBS Ludhiana for an MBA. I searched through the website but didnt find much information.

Also, if possible can someone name me some of the other college a foreign student can apply to in Ludhiana. I know there is also PCTE, that's the 2 I know so far.

I'll really appreciate if anyone could help me.


It would have been nice if you had given yours full detail.Yes you can apply for seat under Foreign/NRI category.So foreign students can apply for University Business School ,Ludhiana .But one thing you must give CAT exam for that.

Hi Chandan and Vijay,

Thanks for replying. I am not an NRI, I'm Mauritian and currently working as a software engineer in a German company. I believe job experience is a requirement for an MBA right? I did my primary and seconday education in Mauritius.

I did a BSC in Information Technology at RMIT University in Australia and graduated with a distinction last year. I have never sat for MAT, CAT or GMAT exams, I have no idea what they are about either. I suppose they do these exams in India only.

From what I have heard is that there are sponsored seats for NRI/foreign students but the fees are usually 4 or 5 times what Indians pay. I don't want a seat like that, I want a seat for MBA only if I am worth it, not because I paid for it.

Any advice?

Hi Chandan and Vijay,

Thanks for replying. I am not an NRI, I'm Mauritian and currently working as a software engineer in a German company. I believe job experience is a requirement for an MBA right? I did my primary and seconday education in Mauritius.

I did a BSC in Information Technology at RMIT University in Australia and graduated with a distinction last year. I have never sat for MAT, CAT or GMAT exams, I have no idea what they are about either. I suppose they do these exams in India only.

From what I have heard is that there are sponsored seats for NRI/foreign students but the fees are usually 4 or 5 times what Indians pay. I don't want a seat like that, I want a seat for MBA only if I am worth it, not because I paid for it.

Any advice?

You Can give GMAT Exam ,Which is international Examination.Yours GMAT Score will be treated on par with any other Examination score.Work Experience will definitely works for yours advantage.
One thing ,yes you have to pay more ,But in case of UBS Ludhiana ,the difference is not that much .We pay 3.08 lacs INR (ours is a self- financed course) and NRI/foriegn category guy will be paying something like 4 lacs.You can simultaneuosly apply for both UBS Chandigarh,(our parent Institute) and UBS Ludhiana.And there is nothing like paid seats for NRI/foriegn category ,You are worth it ,then only you will get it.Even Indians pay higher when they go for foriegn B-schools ,than thier local counterparts .So you have to bear with it.Still, see by any standard This MBA program will cost much less in comparison to many other B-school programs. I am sending the link of last year prospectus ,hopefully it wil be of some help to you.


I am Paul

I'd like 2 ask u the cutoff percentile of UBS,

Also I'd like 2 ask u that is there any sectional cutoff. In case I manage to clear the cutoff, what are the further rounds of selection and what is the probability of getting through.


CAT Aspirant

Admission to MBA courses - 2009 Date of Submission: 2008-10-13 16:58:20
CHANDIGARH- October 13, 2008: Application Form and Handbook of Information 2009 will be available at State Bank of India Extension Counter, Panjab University, Chandigarh, on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST candidates) from October 15 to November 15, 2008. Forms can also be obtained by post from October 15 to October 31, 2008 from the Manager, Publication Bureau, Panjab University, Chandigarh, by enclosing a crossed Bank Draft of Rs. 1075/- (Rs. 575/- for SC/ST candidates) in favour of Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh, payable at Chandigarh and a self-addressed envelope (30 x 25 cms). Application Form can also be downloaded from our website and submitted along with a DD for Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST candidates) in favour of Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh, payable at Chandigarh COMPLETED FORMS FOR MBA, MBA(IB), MBA(HR), MBA(BIOTECH) at UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh and MBA at UBS, Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana, must reach Chairman, University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, latest by 5..00 pm on November 15, 2008.

Candidates shortlisted on the basis of CAT scores shall have to appear for Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Details of selection process are available in UBS Handbook of Information 2009.

1. Sale of Application Forms at SBI Extension Counter PU - Oct. 15, 2008 to Nov. 15, 2008
2. Sale by post -Oct. 15, 2008 to Oct. 31, 2008
3. Last date for submission of Forms at UBS, Chandigarh . -Nov. 15, 2008 by 5 PM

IMPORTANT NOTE: - (1) University uses CAT for shortlisting candidates for two-year full-time MBA Programmes. IIMs have no role either in selection process or in the conduct of the programes. (2) Panjab University does not take any responsibility for any postal delay in delivery by courier or by other means or loss in transit of the application form, according to Prof. Dinesh K. Gupta, Chairman, UBS, PU.

Online form and brochure is not available as yet, page under construction, maybe in a few days.

What's the latest update on your placements at Ludhiana? There was a controversy regarding common placements with Chd. deptt.., which the authorities were not allowing, & you folks held a dharna outside the VC's office.

Chal chor yaar, I never meant to embarass you, I'm just 5 minutes drive from the University, I'll get all the news from the students from the deptt tomorrow.

hello vijay
how has been placements of the first batch ?:!:

Online form and brochure is not available as yet, page under construction, maybe in a few days.

What's the latest update on your placements at Ludhiana? There was a controversy regarding common placements with Chd. deptt.., which the authorities were not allowing, & you folks held a dharna outside the VC's office.

we never held dhrna outside ,we just went to VC and asked for it ,as it was promised by the authorities at the time of admission.
Nevermind we will work out our placement in decent way.Thats all I can say right now.
hello vijay
how has been placements of the first batch ?:!:

We are from the first batch only ,And we are gearing up for our placements ,I will be regularly giving updates about placement process.

Dear sir
i'm sandeep Aggarwal an engineering grd. and have a work ex of 2 yrs.
i'm also looking for general MBA pls guide me about UBS ludhiana placements and expected packages.

Cool_vijay Says
We are from the first batch only ,And we are gearing up for our placements ,I will be regularly giving updates about placement process.

ok thnx......

can u tell me wat was d avrage salary package dis yr?

Seniors , Plz let me know if v will hav 2 buy separate forms for UBS Ludhiana & Chd ? :new_smile-l:

riddhi-k Says
Seniors , Plz let me know if v will hav 2 buy separate forms for UBS Ludhiana & Chd ? :new_smile-l:

You just need to buy a UBS INFORMATION HANDBOOK, forms of both the UBS are inside that.
ubs combined form is out
1) sale of ubs form at sbi counter pu- 15 oct to 16 nov
2)sale by post - 15 oct io 31 oct
3) last date of submission of form -16 nov
cost of form rs 1000
advertisement in today's tribune

do u hav any idea abt d branches of sbi its available from??? Could not find it on website
riddhi-k Says
Seniors , Plz let me know if v will hav 2 buy separate forms for UBS Ludhiana & Chd ? :new_smile-l:

The forms are common, So no need to buy separately, as a matter of fact you will get it with same handbook,Just fill them and apply.
Alternatively you can download from internet.Just give one time fee of Rs 1000 in the form of DD and apply for both the institutes.One thing should be very clear in advance that admission process will be absolutely common for both the institutes.Since no extra money is charged , I think its prudent to apply for both the institutes.

aditikhosla Says
do u hav any idea abt d branches of sbi its available from??? Could not find it on website

The prospectus could be available from SBI counter of Panjab University only.No other place!.Option of downloading the form is always there!!

hi... plz tell me about the exact location of the college and bout its faculty..

leo_champ Says
hi... plz tell me about the exact location of the college and bout its faculty..

hi guys .....

UBS ludhiana
panjab university regional centre
near fountain chowk
civil lines
leo_champ Says
hi... plz tell me about the exact location of the college and bout its faculty..

The location as mentioned Above is at
Panjab University Regional Centre
Located near Fountain chowk
Civil lines ,Ludhiana.
Its At 10 minute Drive from BUS Stand.
As far as Faculty is Concerned ,All are Experienced and Quite good.:clap: