Need some Opinions on CFA

hi guys

this is my first post to this thread
i have registered for level 1 for june 2007
the link sent earlierhas the first three books only
i found the fourth one just now
this link has it - document sharing - download Cfa 2007 Schweser Level 1 Book 4.pdf

Also theres a place near vt in bombay where people sell the 2007 notes for some 1100 rupees, although i have not checked it myself

Do keep pouring in the info


hi guys

this is my first post to this thread
i have registered for level 1 for june 2007
the link sent earlierhas the first three books only
i found the fourth one just now
this link has it - document sharing - download Cfa 2007 Schweser Level 1 Book 4.pdf

Also theres a place near vt in bombay where people sell the 2007 notes for some 1100 rupees, although i have not checked it myself

Do keep pouring in the info


Yes there is a Xerox shop near VT where you can get CFA L1/L2/L3 notes with colored covers couriered to you.

The 2007 L1 nots cost around 1450 incl courier charges.

hi rajat

do they courier only within mumbai or do they courier in pune.

Yes there is a Xerox shop near VT where you can get CFA L1/L2/L3 notes with colored covers couriered to you.

The 2007 L1 nots cost around 1450 incl courier charges.

Could u plz tell d name of d Xerox shop ?
in_finity Says
Could u plz tell d name of d Xerox shop ?

one of friends has given me a number
hope its helpful

hi rajat

do they courier only within mumbai or do they courier in pune.

They courier anywhere in India...

Their Address is:
Laxmi Copy centre
Shop 1, VM Mehta Road

Opp. Rasraj Hotel, Near Mithibai College,

Vile Parle (West)

Mumbai - 56

ph - 022 2613 4350/5051

mob 9820541867

Hi, nebdy 4m delhi for L1 dec 2007 interested in studyin 2gether. I've just startd my prep and will finish corporate finance in another 10-15 days...


Hello :grab:

Any body from Bangalore planning for CFA this Dec. I am planning in Dec.
If anyone is there i we can go for shared resources. Get back to me :

Hello :grab:

Any body from Bangalore planning for CFA this Dec. I am planning in Dec.
If anyone is there i we can go for shared resources. Get back to me :

CFA June 07 Bangalore. Any one looking for combined preparation?

wsj_iitbCFA June 07 Bangalore. Any one looking for combined preparation?

Hey Buddy

Still I think i We can prepare together though i am planning in Dec. what do you say? We can meet somewhere and take this forward... Can i know you mail id and contact No?

anyone from mumbai for L1 DEc 2007??

tirthankshah_99 Says
anyone from mumbai for L1 DEc 2007??

Hey...Me 2 gving L1 in DEC07
Hi, nebdy 4m delhi for L1 dec 2007 interested in studyin 2gether. I've just startd my prep and will finish corporate finance in another 10-15 days...


me too dude thinking to appear fr june cfa level 1 exam...

Hi All,

I am preparing for L1 in June. The FSA in Schweser notes seems to be pretty obscure. Any recommendations to help understand the topic for beginners:neutral


those who've cleared L1.... is it wise to start now for L1 in June 07???

i_m_listening Says
those who've cleared L1.... is it wise to start now for L1 in June 07???

It depends on your background. This is complex stuff and with Engg. background it is better you devote 6 months of solid prep. I haven't appeared for L1 but preparing for it has given me this feeling. My 2 cents!
Hi All,

I am preparing for L1 in June. The FSA in Schweser notes seems to be pretty obscure. Any recommendations to help understand the topic for beginners:neutral


I have enrolled for 2007 june
got the schweser notes 2007.

If additional resources are required you can go to CFAProjectWgroup - CFA Level 1/Level 2

cheers and all the best
btw i have finished economics ie book 2 and will start book3 today

im from salem.tamil nadu . im also planning to take L1 in dec. interested in sharing resources . kindly reply

Hello :grab:

Any body from Bangalore planning for CFA this Dec. I am planning in Dec.
If anyone is there i we can go for shared resources. Get back to me :

hi all,

im planning to take up cfa l1 in dec07. i ve not registered till now. before that can anyone provide me the complete details about the cfa program.. im having the following queries regarding cfa

1) i did technololgy) from psg tech,coimbatore. am i eligible to do cfa ?( im having no work experience till now. taking care of my own business now.)

2) should i need to take up any exam in english before taking up L1 as it was specified in the cfa website that we have to take a test in english.

3) after paying the registration fees and exam fees for L1 , will i be getting any study material from the cfa institute ? if so y people are rushing to get other notes from Schweser ? is the material from cfa is not adequate for the exam ? kindly clarify....

4) i came across the fact that we should take some calculators for the exam? whats that calculator and how much it costs where we can get it ?

5) finally what is the date for cfa L1 in dec 2007 . whether dec 1 or dec 2

people who have completed level 1 and are taking up level 1 in jun07 kindly reply to my above questions ....
