hey everyone, logging on to PG, and this thread after a really long time...nice to see so much action here! Any mumbai guys here interested in studying together? Im not planning to take the exam anytime soon, but i am quite interested in studying coz i like the topics! Lemme know.
PS: did you guys check out the advertizement in Times of India today? Page 9, i think. CFA institute has run a full-page ad against ICFAI and called it names. 😁 Makes for an interesting read. NOTE: I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THAT WE START ANOTHER UGLY DEBATE OVER ICFAI Vs CFA INST.
CTD let me know from when cos i wil be starting pretty soon....
Hi Insane Genius, Thanks for useful post on CFA (USA). I am planning to take the test in June 2007. My back ground is that I am completing my part-time MBA in fianance from TAPMI, Bangalore. Would be sufficient time to give it a shot in June 07. Also if you are in touch with any one who has already appeared of the exam, I would like to get friendly tips from them. Kind Regards, Shanx
Hey me too looking to buy a Texas BA II plus professional calculator for my June 2007 CFA Level I exam. Please let me know if you get any info on sourcing this one cheap. I have a contact at Bangalore who sells it at 3200/- bucks, not sure if one can get cheaper than that. I am looking for an used calculator that would workout cheaper. Person selling calc is ( Bangalore number)
Hey me too looking to buy a Texas BA II plus professional calculator for my June 2007 CFA Level I exam. Please let me know if you get any info on sourcing this one cheap. I have a contact at Bangalore who sells it at 3200/- bucks, not sure if one can get cheaper than that. I am looking for an used calculator that would workout cheaper. Person selling calc is ( Bangalore number)
Thanks Rajat, i wd surely try palika, bt m nt too sure if i'll get a it b/w 1800-2300, the professional one that is.
@Shanx - well thats about the price evrybdy is quoting. i'll visit palika this weekend, lets see if i get a gud deal. btw if u know smbdy in US u can get it for 2100-2300 INR.
Thanks Rajat, i wd surely try palika, bt m nt too sure if i'll get a it b/w 1800-2300, the professional one that is.
@Shanx - well thats about the price evrybdy is quoting. i'll visit palika this weekend, lets see if i get a gud deal. btw if u know smbdy in US u can get it for 2100-2300 INR.
Last year I got the calculator from V.T in Mumbai for 1800 I don't think the prices would jump to 3200 in 1 yr. Ask someone in Mumbai and if you can have them sent over although I seriously think with enough searching you can find them in Delhi too.
Last year I got the calculator from V.T in Mumbai for 1800 I don't think the prices would jump to 3200 in 1 yr. Ask someone in Mumbai and if you can have them sent over although I seriously think with enough searching you can find them in Delhi too.
Last year I got the calculator from V.T in Mumbai for 1800 I don't think the prices would jump to 3200 in 1 yr. Ask someone in Mumbai and if you can have them sent over although I seriously think with enough searching you can find them in Delhi too.
THe TI BA II PLUS is around 1800 TI BA II Professional is around 3200
thax pooja.....are these calcs (BA2 plus and BA2 PRO) very different. is the professianal one really worth spending 1600 xtra for??? (my last bugging ques)
thax pooja.....are these calcs (BA2 plus and BA2 PRO) very different. is the professianal one really worth spending 1600 xtra for??? (my last bugging ques)
Thx, Mj
ppl say plus works just fine 😃 prof has some more additional functionalities
I have been following this thread for quite some time now. Really informative, esp if one starts from the earlier posts. I am also in the race for CFA L1 for June this year. Registered just today
I am an engineer with 2.5 yrs work ex in sales and marketing of portfolio management services for a reputed financial services player. Hope my signature gives a clue! Will start preparing only after 26th though. Its a short time, but I am all for it. Had a lot of thought whether to give it in June or December but then decided for the former. Only time will tell if were a good decision
Have saturdays and sundays holidays so hope to get some free hours for study. Don't know much of finance, just some surface knowledge through my work ex. Anyone else in Mumbai just starting their preps at this stage?
hi...need help frm those guys who hace cleared der cfa l1..... i m an engineer with std profile....1.5 years of work ex in IT i m plannin for cfa l1 dis december...i knw still a long time to go...wud ike to know whether its possible to get a jb in IB after ur L1...if yes den ..wat kinda....i mean in terms of profiles,pay n all....is der any1 in this thrad who has done so...plz reply..
If you are looking to take an MBA then you probably don't any finance courses beforehand for three reasons:
1. MBAs (especially in US) are expensive business, so save you precious funds for a rainy day 2. Chose an MBA programme with specialisation in Finance, you will get all the training and course materials you need 3. Most Global Financial Services companies that recruit MBA freshers from provide additional intensive training in finance
Instead, in my experience here are 3 things that you should be doing (and they are free) 1. Spend your time preparing to get admission into the best possible programme available to you given your individual circumstances. 2. Pick one or two global industries / companies that you would like to work with post MBA and start follwing the latest news in these companies - You will need! 3. Pick up one or two interesting sports/hobbies/extra curricular activities and get better at them. You will find this useful for post MBA networking.
I completed my MBA at London Business School (The #1 ranking programme in Europe) and I often inteview potential candidates for the school. The #1 feedback from the school about India candidates is that they are mostly academically bright, but they often lack general awareness and social exposure to be able to contribute meaningfully to the programme.
So my advice. Spend less time on academics and focus on the softer skills - writing, grammer, presentation, networking, sports, general awareness of global industries, etc.
If you are looking to take an MBA then you don't need to take any finance courses beforehand for three reasons:
1. MBAs (especially in US/Eurpoe) are very expensive, so save your precious funds for a rainy day. You'll need every Rupee you have. 2. Chose an MBA programme with specialisation in Finance and you will get all the training and course materials you need. 3. Most Global Financial Services companies that recruit fresh MBA provide additional intensive training in finance.
Instead, in my experience here are 3 things that you should be doing (and they are free) 1. Spend time preparing your admission and aim for the best possible programme available to you given your individual circumstances. 2. Pick one or two global industries / companies that you would like to work with post MBA and start follwing the latest news in these industries / companies - You will need this! 3. Pick up one or two interesting sports/hobbies/extra curricular activities and get better at them. You will find this useful for post MBA networking.
I completed my MBA at London Business School (The #1 ranking programme in Europe) and I often inteview potential candidates for the school. The #1 feedback from about candidates from India is that while they are mostly academically bright, they often lack general awareness and social exposure.
So my advice. Spend less time on academics and focus on the softer skills - writing, grammer, presentation, networking, sports, general awareness of global industries, etc.