This thread is dying yaar lets do something about this to keep it alive
I have the hard copies of Schweser Notes for CFA Level 1 & Level 2. Anyone interested can PM me.
Crazy Guy
I would be taking CFA Level 1 in June'07.
I guess the course content and structure is little changed.
However, I have Schewser's notes for CFA L1 for Dec'06 exam.
Is it stilll helpful for the June exam?
I would be taking CFA Level 1 in June'07.
I guess the course content and structure is little changed.
However, I have Schewser's notes for CFA L1 for Dec'06 exam.
Is it stilll helpful for the June exam?
You can start preparing for the June exam from the Dec notes ,there will be no significant changes except for the ethics part,do the ethics from the new handbook which the CFA institute issues.
Hi All,
The last weekend saw the glory and fancy for the CFA tag. I was in Abu Dhabi to give the CFA Level I exam. Wht a crowd? But wht was more important the level of commitment put in by the candidates. I was surprised to find a number of enthusiast sitting for the exam with very few hours put into study or rather to cover the depth of the subject. Candidates giving a shot with late October and November studies. I wonder is that wht the course as a professional qualification is offering? My personal belief is that it is infact a very rigorous study program with very basic being tested and demands timely preparation and commitment.
I was not surprised when I later saw that the passout percentage for candidates sitting for the Level I exam was 35% in Dec last year and historal average of 44%. Nevertheless, I have crossed my fingers and await results.
I would like to know if anyone on this thread did go for the Dec attempt. Guys, wish all the aspirants of the CFA Program good luck.
Hi All,
The last weekend saw the glory and fancy for the CFA tag. I was in Abu Dhabi to give the CFA Level I exam. Wht a crowd? But wht was more important the level of commitment put in by the candidates. I was surprised to find a number of enthusiast sitting for the exam with very few hours put into study or rather to cover the depth of the subject. Candidates giving a shot with late October and November studies. I wonder is that wht the course as a professional qualification is offering? My personal belief is that it is infact a very rigorous study program with very basic being tested and demands timely preparation and commitment.
I was not surprised when I later saw that the passout percentage for candidates sitting for the Level I exam was 35% in Dec last year and historal average of 44%. Nevertheless, I have crossed my fingers and await results.
I would like to know if anyone on this thread did go for the Dec attempt. Guys, wish all the aspirants of the CFA Program good luck.
I gave the Dec L1 exam from Mumbai India,there were bout 3-4 k candidates and all of them seemed serious to me.Ppl were even mugging in the locals and during the exam breaks.Lets see how it goes.
You will get maximum value if you devote sufficient time towards the course but i know ppl who have passed it with a month's prep.
Hi everyone,
Firstly thanx to everyone on this thread for giving valuable information during my preapration towards december 3 rd CFA level 1 exam
Debriefing follows:--
3 months before I gathered all kinds of ebooks..ppts and videos etc..all of which can be found here(financialdreamz - FINANCIAL DREAMZ)
There are basically two parts to this whole journey towards CFA ..There is a inner game and and outer game .Innner game is when u try to improve ur skills , knowledge in finance.This is something which u read because of interest.I used to read .All these things helpu to understand the big picture of things..and innner game pays in the long run..
Outer game is alll ur efforts towards passing the exam.The number one thing is Schweser notes.Schweser cuts down the BS and gives totaaal exam gyaaann...So this is what u need to concentrate towards the end of ur preparation..bcos thats what will save ur arse finally.As far as outer game is concerned schweser rox. READ ALL LOS THOROUGLY FROM SCHWESER.DO NOT NEGLECT ANY LOS.
As i am from engg background FSA(financial statement analysis) was painful for me...So I tried concentrateing more on that to begin with...which paid off in the end...The syllabus for this exam is vast and making ur own notes helps in a great way....Quant is a cake walk for engineers..though some of the stuff on sampling and estimation is a bit painful...
Ethics is major area where ppl can score easily only if they read the practice handbook by CFA institute atleast five time..I read it four times and paid the price....Do not neglect GIPS ....about 30% odf ethics was GIPS this time.....and remmeber u need to maintain report discontinued operation for 5 years .....5 years ....
Asset valutaion is interesting and I enjoyed it thouroughly...dividend discount model is asked in almost all questions...
Economics remmeber stuuff like what happens when inflation goes up what ahappens to interst rates...
alos do not neglect chillar topis like alternate investments,portfolio managment etc..they are high scoring and u dont want to loose out on that...
Over all I would say FSA and ethics are key to passing the test
I am attaching a word doc this atleast 100 times...almost 40o% of questions where based on this.....
Results wiill be out in mid Jan....will post the outcome here...
Sigining off
I have sent you a PM with a coupla queries
Please have a look at it and reply as son as possible
HI there :smile:
Read on the CFA thread tht you gave the L1 exam in Dec. ATB for the result. I plan to take L1 in June 07. Thanks to your post I now have access to a huge treasure trove of materials (albeit old but still would be useful)
Could you answer a few queries for me.
1. Did you refer to any other material apart from Schweser notes.
Even though i had stalla and lots of PPT by some finance crazy guys I did nt use them....For the exam they are not needed ...maybe for knowledge sake u mite use them
2. Did you order the original notes or did you buy it locally in India (The photocopied version ). If yes then from where?
I took print outs of the schweser notes book 1 to book 6.
3. This one might sound incredibly stupid but what is the significance of an LOS. I mean, in the exam, are most of the questions directly based on the LOSs?
See basically LOS says what to read and till what depth....So if they mnetion candidate shud know what is "coeffecient of variation"...they mean u shud only know "coeffecient of variation"...The point is Schweser guys figure all this sematics for u and compile exam friendly read schweser notes ...By not neglecting any LOS i mean that do schwser completly...they are some boring sections esp in fixed income secuirities dont neglect those...even though there marks/LOS is really low..
the attached excel mite be useful...its basically how i alloted my time
thanks a lot for the information...
Is the test online?
If it is not online, which are the different locations in India where the test can be taken?
N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_C Saysthe attached excel mite be useful...its basically how i alloted my time
This is a paper pencil based test ....Mumbai is the only centre in India ..abt 3-4 K ppl take this twice every year (Dec and june)
N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_C SaysThis is a paper pencil based test ....Mumbai is the only centre in India ..abt 3-4 K ppl take this twice every year (Dec and june)
Err this isin't true as far as i know.
Mumbai is the only centre for the Dec exams.
I think Delhi and Chennai are also centre's apart form Mumbai for the june Exams.
Err this isin't true as far as i know.
Mumbai is the only centre for the Dec exams.
I think Delhi and Chennai are also centre's apart form Mumbai for the june Exams.
Where exactly are the test centers mentioned. I browsed through the CFA website but couldnt find any mention of it or mayb I just didnt look in the right places

If it is mumbai only it could throw a spanner in the works 😐 but if delhi is also a centre for June exams it would be great. Could somebody shed a bit more light on this issue with the relevant link :)
AFAIK mumbai was the only centre for Dec 2006.
however heard somewhere that Delhi might be a new centre starting from June 07..
( standard disclaimer attached :satisfie: )
This questions is for all and specialy for insane_genius. WHICH COURSE HAS MORE VALUE IN INDIA- CPA OR CFA(AIMR) OR CFA(ICFAI).
I am attaching a file for the June 2007 Test Center's.
Chennai,Mumbai and Delhi are all there :)...
guys..this thread is truly amazing,,with lots of info,,,i need some guidance
I am an engg,,currently doing MMS from a decent b-school in mumbai,,i am just done with sem I exams...
shud i go 4 June07 or target Dec-07..& where can i get some notes to have afeel of the exams..
ppl intrstd in June07 (L1)from mumbai..lets from a group,,wats da last day for registration for L1,,,,ne1 having access to quality notes???
First of all I would like to make it clear that I am not against ICFAI nor it's students. I am myself doing MS(Finance) and I know from my heart that the course is extremely good and enjoys good recognition.
However, as all of you know that Degrees in our country have to be granted by Universitites only and Degrees granted by Universities recognised by UGC have acceptance in big companies as well as Govt and PSUs. Perhaps, this is the reason two of the ICFAI Universities are in the list maintained by UGC on it's website.
But one more thing that is important is the norms of nomenclature of the Degrees offered by Universities recognised by UGC.
As per Sub Section 3 of Section 22 of the UGC Act an University Recognised by it must give only those degrees which are specified by it.
This is what had happend in case of BIS, MIT, MIS, MIT Courses offered by IGNOU which were subsequently made to be converted to BSc and MSc.
see : Education
The punishment for noncompliance is derecognition of University as well as the course.
The list of the nomenclatures recognised by UGC is listed under the regulations of the UGC Act on the UGC website.
Interestingly, you will find that MS stands for Master in Surgery and MSc stands for Master of Science.
Thus, one day we will be forced to change for qualification from MS(Finance) to MSc(Finance) or face complete derecogniton. Drecognition because in earlier case it was a Cental University and in our case it is a Pvt University.
I have mailed ICFAI regarding this atleast 10 times but they haven't bothered to reply.
I think we have to collectively approach the University or use the Right to Information Act with the Public Information Officer of UGC.
We have already lost CFA designation and now it may be our MS Degree.
Please wake up, this is a SOS.
For clarifications you may PM me.
Yours truly,