Need some Opinions on CFA

Hi any body interested in taking the cfa level I 2007 edition books can mail at [email protected] or mail me at [email protected]

Hello N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_C,
in one of your previous posts you mentioned you have some 803 MB of material and you were willing to share them. Would you mind sharing with me? Can you please email me the link of the files at [email protected]? I am planning to write CFA level1 in june 2007. Currently doing my PGDM in IIM Indore. Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards
Sreekanth Akula

Google Groups: CFA-LI-DEC-2006

you guys aree going to love this

financialdreamz - FINANCIAL DREAMZ

Hey N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_C
What an amaZin link......Thnx mate!!

N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_C, you have done a fantabulous job yaar, I am really surprised to see so much of material in the links provided by you.great, gerat job man.keep it up and guys like you are making this thread as one of the most happening one.

Cheers & happy Reading 😃
Niraj lalka

Can anyone tell me where can i find Schweser Notes for CFA Level 1 2007 exams in Mumbai.


Hi Guyz,
I already cleared CFA-L2 and passed FRM now want to acquire qualification related to private equity.plz guide me so that i would be able to choose correct qualification between

you guys aree going to love this

financialdreamz - FINANCIAL DREAMZ

hey N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_,
it seems the link isn't working
well all the best ..

hi i am a bcom grad aged 21 , am i eligilble for CFA
regarding difficulty level is it even tougher than CA of icai atleast it has no income tax law and all

please help

hi CTD,babu i live in delhi and i am new to this CFA AIMR degree ,where can i find the eligibility criteria for indian students and whether ther are coaching centres for cfa in delhi


hey you guys are telling about aimr cfa ????

okay so far we have 5 ppl in this thread for level 1 june 2006: myself, shalabh, arjun, archbishop, and ankit3k. i think we should coordinate and share info so that our lives become easier.

archbishop...i`ll try and answer what i know:

1. i dont think there should be any restriction on that, but i`m not sure. check the website of the cfa institute.

2. Exam expenses:
Rs.16,875 (Membership fee--once only) + Rs.19,800 (Exam fee) = Rs.36,675 (total)
Total for three levels = Rs.36,675 * 3 = Rs.1,10,025
You can save Rs.6,000 if u register in the early deadlines for the other 2 levels.

Books and Material:

this completely depends on what material u use and where u get it from. the CFA reccomends some standard textbooks, which are quite expensive...but the indian editions are relatively cheaper. you could pool in money with friends and buy stuff together by sharing costs, you could buy second hand material, xerox notes, etc etc. total cost for study material can be anywhere between 6,000 to 30,000 depending on where u buy from and what u buy.

3. there is no restriction as to when you should take your level II and III exams. you can take the level 1 now and take level 2 after 5 years, level 3 after 10 years...anytime u want. if you take level 1 and go for MBA, u will find your mba syllabus pretty easy to cope with and ur academic performance will be good. if u do your mba and then cfa, you wont have much trouble clearing cfa exams coz u already are familiar with the concepts. i have personally chosen to follow the first cfa first and simplify mba studies.

hey you guys are telling 76,000 for aimr cfa ????

okay so far we have 5 ppl in this thread for level 1 june 2006: myself, shalabh, arjun, archbishop, and ankit3k. i think we should coordinate and share info so that our lives become easier.

archbishop...i`ll try and answer what i know:

1. i dont think there should be any restriction on that, but i`m not sure. check the website of the cfa institute.

2. Exam expenses:
Rs.16,875 (Membership fee--once only) + Rs.19,800 (Exam fee) = Rs.36,675 (total)
Total for three levels = Rs.36,675 * 3 = Rs.1,10,025
You can save Rs.6,000 if u register in the early deadlines for the other 2 levels.

Books and Material:

this completely depends on what material u use and where u get it from. the CFA reccomends some standard textbooks, which are quite expensive...but the indian editions are relatively cheaper. you could pool in money with friends and buy stuff together by sharing costs, you could buy second hand material, xerox notes, etc etc. total cost for study material can be anywhere between 6,000 to 30,000 depending on where u buy from and what u buy.

3. there is no restriction as to when you should take your level II and III exams. you can take the level 1 now and take level 2 after 5 years, level 3 after 10 years...anytime u want. if you take level 1 and go for MBA, u will find your mba syllabus pretty easy to cope with and ur academic performance will be good. if u do your mba and then cfa, you wont have much trouble clearing cfa exams coz u already are familiar with the concepts. i have personally chosen to follow the first cfa first and simplify mba studies.
Guys ,
I appeciate your opinion,
I am planning to go for ICFAI CFA course ,
Anybody can help me out by posting any old question papers so that I can get some ideas.
If it is too tough I may not pursue
Any idea about ICFAI CPA course ??

hi, i am the student of icfai pursuing cfa..u can contact me at 9823867327 for info//i can also give you last 10 year question [email protected]

Best of Luck to all the Level 1 December candidates.Lets rock it this time.
Ofcourse, Share your experience with everybody.

And last but mot the least..... Keep Praying

Niraj Lalka

Hey guys this is a really kool and helpful thread.So moi giving a nice link tho im not doing this course.
plzz forgive if someone has already given this link on this thread-

CFA Exam


fragrance1985 Says
hey you guys are telling 76,000 for aimr cfa ????

can you tell me where you got the books of level 1.plz tell me from where i cn get the cheapest material coz i prefer icfai cfa only coz it provides material and i don't no where i can get the material for aimr cfa and what's the pattern of exams.plz i want to start my preparation ,suggest me from where i should start.
if you hv ny phone no.s plz gv me that ...

can you plz give me your ny contact no.? i want to get the detailed info about level 1 aimr cfa..

hi seems that you hv detailed info about the you tell me from where i cn get the material in 6000..i also want to clear my many furthur queries..plz cn u gv me ny of your contact no.?

Hi Friends,

Of late I have been following this thread. And i can say i have got lot of information from this particular thread.
I have enrolled for June 2007 Level 1 Exams & started my Preparations. Anyone interested to form a study group in MUMBAI.

It would be great if we start a Study Group dedicated for Exam Preparations cos it would be helpful in getting doubts cleared & inculcate zeal in preparations.
