Need some Opinions on CFA

There are many amongst us who are crossing over from non-financial backgrounds to finance and this material is definitely going to be a shot in the arm.
You seem to have a huge library of resources - CFA, FRM , Buffet - thanks for sharing....
and yes, keep 'em coming..


P.S: Do post your reviews, opinions on the books too...that way the rest of us can build our knowledge base

Thanks buddy. That should be the purpose of creating a thread- Sharing Premium knowledge through a network 😃

I am still reading the books. Once i finish i will post the review.

2 more good CFA US books:

CFA Analysis of equity investments Valuation.pdf

(LII book)--35 MB

sondhi white-Analysis of fin statements.rar
(LI and LII-22 MB)


Hi Babu,
Could you please send me the guide for FRM at [email protected] .
I really appreciate the materials you shared. If you have the material ( Schweser study notes etc..) for CFA level 2 2007, pls share with us. Thank u very much.

Hi Guys,
Where are the posts.There is no posts since long. I have beem following this thread since long and lets keep this thread moving.BTW, I have registered for LEVEL 1 for DEC. I hope everybody is doing goods in their prep. Good news, one of my friend cleared level 2 also and looking to appear 4 LEVEL 3.I have schweser notes.Anybody interested can PM me.

Niraj 😃

hiii... to all
i have some educational querryy.. can anybody enlighten upon them....

i had cleared Company Secretary - Final Exam in Feb 2006 (ICSI) including First year of LLb from Government Law Collage and enrolled for the CFA -Level I - Dec. 06 ...

where will the combination of Law, Company Secretary and CFA will stand in the Market...(in USA and India)

is it advantagious for me to get the CFA desiganation ?

what will the specialisation after acquiring this combination...?

my worry is whether Law and Finance combination will stand in the finance market as copared to MBA and CFA .....or CA and CFA...... or CA and MBA.....or any other strong combination in finance.....

a detailed reply will be highly appriciated ....


Hi everyone....its been quite sometime since i posted in this thread.....

I cudnt get to post on this thread for long. The exam was was just one of those esoteric kinds of exams where u find yourself completely unfamiliar with what you are reading. Whatever amount of practice you put in it....the exam's just gonna be a googly. I dont think that the exam was conceptually too testing... it was the manner in which the questions were asked that was dreadful . Seriously there were questions that were like.....the "x" ratio and the "y" ratio means the following.....
The options included four choices having answers to the two questions. In effect you were being tested on two concepts for a mere 1 mark. That was not the end of it....the answer choices were a wierd mix of various permutations and combinations. This made life a lot more difficult.

What i understand out of this was...the institute wants the candidate to be absolutely clear about the concepts. The questions are also logic based...which means that mugging up anything just doesnt work.

The worst was included 60% GIPS and corporate governance (both were new topics in 2006....GIPS was introduced in 2005). I didnt expect them to have such a weightage at all. Also, the professional code n conduct statements must be just crystal clear. I mean just the practice notes is not enough...the handbook must be read. It is like law....every clause is important. There could be various possibilities....each n everything is important. Unfortunately i didnt realise it ....until the exam day that is.

One important Tip: Ethics may really decide your result in the exam.

Debt, derivatives, Alternative Investments, Equity, PM every topic takes its turn to try to screw you. Believe topic spares you. Debt is particularly difficult for me atleast ( lot many things to study for very few marks). You have to have a clear understanding in each topic. If I say that the exam was dreadfull, the results were equally dangerous. The passing rate this time is 40%, marginally higher than the last time. Many people i know have not cleared even after joining classes. Its a real tough game here. The stakes are very high. The exam duration too short. The exam atmosphere very tense and the expectations too great. Its not a simple game.....I am not rying to frighten anyone here....just cautioning people...enter the game only if you are serious. With this i think i should wrap up my sermon (though unintended) and thank the people who helped me on this thread. Thanks everyone. And ya...I passed the exam.

Hi Dear,

My name is Vishal and I am preparing for CFA Level I exam in June'2007. I have arranged Shweser's notes for studies. Please advice whether they are enough or should I arrange additional study material. Also advice if there is any need to go for any other study material instaed of shweser's notes.

Your advice will help me a lot.
hiii... to all
i have some educational querryy.. can anybody enlighten upon them....

i had cleared Company Secretary - Final Exam in Feb 2006 (ICSI) including First year of LLb from Government Law Collage and enrolled for the CFA -Level I - Dec. 06 ...

where will the combination of Law, Company Secretary and CFA will stand in the Market...(in USA and India)

is it advantagious for me to get the CFA desiganation ?

what will the specialisation after acquiring this combination...?

my worry is whether Law and Finance combination will stand in the finance market as copared to MBA and CFA .....or CA and CFA...... or CA and MBA.....or any other strong combination in finance.....

a detailed reply will be highly appriciated ....


Frankly speaking, a combination of CFA and law + CS does not make any niche specialisation. It has to be law + CS for entry level law jobs or LPO or it has to be stand alone CFA or CFA +MBA or CFA + CA for entry level openings in corporate finance, investment research, KPO etc.

Having said that, you need to rethink what your priority is i.e in which field you want to go. As i said earlier, if you want to go in legal field, CS + law- Nothing better then that.

If you want to go in Investment banking/Financial analyst field, standalone CFA is more then enough to get entry level job/Kickstart your career.

If you are going in law field (Criminal/Civil/Company), why do you need to study DCF, financial models, beta etc which are there in CFA coursework.

If you are going in Financial analysis field which is hardcore investment research( Quantitative), why do you need to study Law discipline as you will not be using law studies in your financial analysis job.

Hello everyone

I have registered for CFA level 1 in DEC....I am presently wrking in a consulting firm ...graduated out of IIT Madras last year....

Babu,CTD ur posts have been useful......(I have even taken print-outs of ur de-briefings so that I keep up my tempo for CFA..and not become complacent :))

Can u please answer the following questions:-

1.How critical is the calculator...and skill in handling it?
2.Are schweser notes sufficient....
3.Wat is ur opinion on CFA suggested readings study guide.....(the book which costs $395)
4.Wat is the level of exam as compared to exam flashbacs and concept checkers as in schweser?
5.Wat was ur strategy during exam ? like which sectin did u start with...

PS:I have collected lotz of ebooks (abt 803Mb) ,these include schweser,few textbooks,...I wud love to share these with other CFA candidates..please pm me..
I am looking for stalla,shulman,junwei , official CFA study guide,
all the textbooks suggested..please help me find them...

As it is wrong to post the download links to sharing servers..please pm me
with ur links ....

Guys ,

I appeciate your opinion,

I am planning to go for ICFAI CFA course ,

Anybody can help me out by posting any old question papers so that I can get some ideas.

If it is too tough I may not pursue


Any idea about ICFAI CPA course ??

Most textbooks can be found here
yes finally got hold of FSA txtbook



Wassup with you guys man????? I'm an invisible reader of this thread(makin myslf visible for d first time)....GUYS! this thread is dying out man....The roots are still strong (if nyone starts readin this thread from start ll knw what I'm talkin bout) but as usual with hell load of commitments (whch we call life) the thread is fading out.....
Guys C''s ok! i mean for all who have been a part of this.....Plz!!! bring upon your daily views n news (or anythin 4 tht matter) to keep the thread going....It keeps the momentum going n reminds u......that we're commited to something called as CFA in our busy lives.....
------ You pPl have posted d best of d best posts here....N for a person who had no idea what CFA is...have learnt so mch from this.....that i can now tell others bout it in details.....So let it roll.....n share with us as to what u guys were upto all this while and how are preparations going for rest of d Active/Non-Active players on this Thread......??????
Ok I think it's gettin lengthy (i knw it already is...)
So cheer up guys ( Crash_test_dummy,insane_genius, archbishop...esp).....BaBU.....dude honestly I like ur posts....they are informative (at places) but aviod Sarcasam.....N U'll rule PG (take it from me)
N post it on.........

hey puys , I m a 2nd yr student of BCom hons. Am I eligible 2 give CFA(AIMR) level-1 in my 3rd year or just after d 3rd yr. Do I need any workex b4 giving Level 1 . I read sumwhere dat u require a combination of college and professional work ex dat totals atleast 4 yrs . Also, wat is d duration of a US bachelor's degree? is it a 3 yr degree or a 4 yr one .
Puys plzzzz help

Hey guys,
I'm in my 4th sem PGDBM (Finance) & I'm planning on takin up CFA. Can anyone tell me if there are any centres that do a prep class or something in Bangalore? And where can I get the study material from???
I reaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllly need to know more about how to approach the exam & things like that...
Lookin fwd 2 some useful advice...
C ya!

I have completed Micro Economics Text Book and Work Book and it have made sure I understand every thing. It took almost 30 days.

Now, I am doing Macro Economica Text Book. It is quite good and interesting. But I am finding it tougher than Micro Economics and hence consuming a lot of time almost double than before. I study for 2 - 3 hours daily. But with such a speed I am afraid whether I will ever be able to complete my studies on time.

I have also heard that Economics is quite dificult to understand and hence takes more time than other subjects. Is it true ? This was also the case with me during my B.Com studies.

Will I find other subject also the same difficult.

One more thing, you also said that I should do previous papers also, but from where should I get them as I could not get them on the website under my login as the website said "no question papers available for this group".

Please also tell me how different are the question papers from model papers in terms of difficulty etc.

Please guide me how I should plan my studies for the rest of four months as the exams start from 7th January, 2007.

Please note that I am able to understand the concepts very well but take more time to understand

Please help me.

Yours truly,


Iam planning to enroll for cfa but i really dont kno anything about it.....
so iam bit confused:( ....can anybody help me out?I hav many ques in mind.....pls do write to me....



hey sweet gal,

u've worked so hard to register urself on pagalguy and then to search for this thread ! its almost 99% done... u just got ot visiti all the pages from the first one.. all ir dpubts would be cleared

Hi All,

I am from bangalore and am planning to write CFA Level 1 in june '07. I have 3 queries/doubts:

1) I want an opinion of you guys on the study material currently available in market. Which out of the three or any combination of the following three would be the best:

a) Schweser
b) Stalla
c) CFA Institute Study Material

2) i wanted to know whether any changes have been made to the CFA Level 1 course for june 2007

3) is the course material for the june 2007 exam out in market?



hey puys , I m a 2nd yr student of BCom hons. Am I eligible 2 give CFA(AIMR) level-1 in my 3rd year or just after d 3rd yr. Do I need any workex b4 giving Level 1 . I read sumwhere dat u require a combination of college and professional work ex dat totals atleast 4 yrs . Also, wat is d duration of a US bachelor's degree? is it a 3 yr degree or a 4 yr one .
Puys plzzzz help

i hav a similar query.. i am a bcom with 5 months work exp. I am not sure whether i am eligible for level 1. I even mailed the cfa institute asking them abt this, what they told me is that-- we shud first register, only then will our application be scrutinised for eligibility. If we arent eligible, our fees will be returned, deducting $100.

Now $100 is too big an amt to lose just becoz we arent sure abt the eligibity. If anyone has any concrete info on this, pls revert soon. it wud be of gr8 help..


lots of stuff here ...join this group

Google Groups: CFA-LI-DEC-2006

Hello N_Z_O_M_N_I_A_C,
in one of your previous posts you mentioned you have some 803 MB of material and you were willing to share them. Would you mind sharing with me? Can you please email me the link of the files at [email protected]? I am planning to write CFA level1 in june 2007. Currently doing my PGDM in IIM Indore. Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards
Sreekanth Akula