Need some Opinions on CFA

Always Welcome 😃

Guys, i have Financial Risk Manager guide which is more then enough to crack FRM paper held annually worldwide. If some body need that, just scrap me your email and i will be more then happy to send it to you.

This thread will never die

Well Babubhai....may I have the previlege of having the FRM material?

My company's sponsoring me for it and so I need it. I haven't yet decided whether I will appear this year or next but I certainly would like to have a good look at it.


Well Babubhai....may I have the previlege of having the FRM material?

Sure Brother . Sended to your rediffmail.

Sended to every one who PMed me. Happy reading 😃

Sure Brother . Sended to your rediffmail.

Sended to every one who PMed me. Happy reading 😃


Thanks a lot for your help man 😃

Hi Babu..can u please tell me more about this FRM exam....i dont know anything about u send the FRM guide to [email protected] ..thnx

Visit for details on FRM course.

Hi tumtum,
thnx for d reply....i visited it already...just wanted to know how tuff is it...shud i sit for november 3 months sufficient??/

Hi tumtum,
thnx for d reply....i visited it already...just wanted to know how tuff is it...shud i sit for november 3 months sufficient??/

That depends on ur background.
If u r an engineering grad/Msc in Maths or Stats/ Masters in Quantitative Finance or Financial Economics, then you may well attempt it this November.
Else, prepare for next exam coz the exam is very quant in nature. Far more than the CFA and MBA programs.

If you go for PRM, it is even more quant than FRM. So u decide.


guys.CFA from the CFA institute is good but how abt a CFA from ICFAI? i mean it would work out to be much cheaper,but the only problem i have is wether CFA from ICFAI is worth all the pain?

Well one of my dear friend working in IT company in mumbai have failed badly in exams. Disastrous ! 😞 My friend wants to be sell side analyst in wall street and wants to start MBA from US next year.

He regsitered in Mid feb for June attempt and no finance background. So guys just be careful and plan well for exam, books and you will clear it. My friend admits he was dummy and didnt planned well for exams !

Hope some of us from here have cleared the exam and will share their results with us !


Well one of my dear friend working in IT company in mumbai have failed badly in exams. Disastrous ! 😞 My friend wants to be sell side analyst in wall street and wants to start MBA from US next year.

He regsitered in Mid feb for June attempt and no finance background. So guys just be careful and plan well for exam, books and you will clear it. My friend admits he was dummy and didnt planned well for exams !

Hope some of us from here have cleared the exam and will share their results with us !



I have often seen you making oblique references to this member in your other posts too.
What he has done is his lookout but what you are doing by giving away his details (you almost made his name apparent) is not what I call sporting spirit.
Agreed that you may have had some disagreements with someone but this is not the way out by making a mockery of him.

I am not favoring him or am against you but then this is not what we are here to do. We are here to discuss out the things and not smash each others heads. When I have a disagreement I make it a point to leave it then and there and not carry the baggage with me all the time but from your posts, it seems that you can't just let go off the baggage of arguments that you had with this member.

Grow up my friend.


I have often seen you making oblique references to this member in your other posts too.
What he has done is his lookout but what you are doing by giving away his details (you almost made his name apparent) is not what I call sporting spirit.
Agreed that you may have had some disagreements with someone but this is not the way out by making a mockery of him.

I am not favoring him or am against you but then this is not what we are here to do. We are here to discuss out the things and not smash each others heads. When I have a disagreement I make it a point to leave it then and there and not carry the baggage with me all the time but from your posts, it seems that you can't just let go off the baggage of arguments that you had with this member.

Grow up my friend.


Thanks for the comment. But i am not making any personal reference to any guy/gal on this forum. I have used common words in my post which everyone uses.

And in case if any one thinks, i am referring to him/her i will say smart way of communicating the message.


Posted on other CFA thread but some guys check this thread only. Any one needs three warren buffet books, let me know. I just got them from a friend.Books are:

1) The intelligent investor

2) The warren buffet way, Second Edition

3) How to invest like Warren buffet

Started reading the first and nice way they have explained different investment concepts.


Hi everyone....its been quite sometime since i posted in this thread.....

I cudnt get to post on this thread for long. The exam was was just one of those esoteric kinds of exams where u find yourself completely unfamiliar with what you are reading. Whatever amount of practice you put in it....the exam's just gonna be a googly. I dont think that the exam was conceptually too testing... it was the manner in which the questions were asked that was dreadful . Seriously there were questions that were like.....the "x" ratio and the "y" ratio means the following.....
The options included four choices having answers to the two questions. In effect you were being tested on two concepts for a mere 1 mark. That was not the end of it....the answer choices were a wierd mix of various permutations and combinations. This made life a lot more difficult.

What i understand out of this was...the institute wants the candidate to be absolutely clear about the concepts. The questions are also logic based...which means that mugging up anything just doesnt work.

The worst was included 60% GIPS and corporate governance (both were new topics in 2006....GIPS was introduced in 2005). I didnt expect them to have such a weightage at all. Also, the professional code n conduct statements must be just crystal clear. I mean just the practice notes is not enough...the handbook must be read. It is like law....every clause is important. There could be various possibilities....each n everything is important. Unfortunately i didnt realise it ....until the exam day that is.

One important Tip: Ethics may really decide your result in the exam.

Debt, derivatives, Alternative Investments, Equity, PM every topic takes its turn to try to screw you. Believe topic spares you. Debt is particularly difficult for me atleast ( lot many things to study for very few marks). You have to have a clear understanding in each topic. If I say that the exam was dreadfull, the results were equally dangerous. The passing rate this time is 40%, marginally higher than the last time. Many people i know have not cleared even after joining classes. Its a real tough game here. The stakes are very high. The exam duration too short. The exam atmosphere very tense and the expectations too great. Its not a simple game.....I am not rying to frighten anyone here....just cautioning people...enter the game only if you are serious. With this i think i should wrap up my sermon (though unintended) and thank the people who helped me on this thread. Thanks everyone. And ya...I passed the exam.

Hi Arcbishop

U r not the only one scaring people yaar. All of my friends who appeared for exam failed. Seems all here failed too.
Whosoever i have came across failed.
I wonder wats into dis course.

Hi babu.
Yar could you please send those warren buffett ebooks on [email protected] My mouth is watering for those. ( i wont be eating it by the way)

Thnx a lot

Sorry to put a different item on this forum but is anyone planning for 2007 FRM exams.
I need materials and would be glad to pool resources.

Sorry and Thanx.



Dear Friends

Given the great success we have with this Group (, I hereby propose to create an independent website for CFA India. The website will be created in a professional manner & we may use flash/java etc also to give it a better status & better looks. I intend to include the below given services in the website.

  1. Program Details/curriculum/idea of program/purpose & benefits. A complete but brief detail
  2. Overcoming the printing mistakes in workbook/textbook we will mention the corrections on the website for each book
  3. We will provide extra study material for free or paid.
  4. We will provide extra details of various subjects for better understanding
  5. A FORUM for discussions on any topic
  6. A File section, that will have much more than 20 MB space for files to be uploaded
  7. USER FRIENDLY atmosphere & services
  8. CHATTING FACILITY with own chatting system application
  9. AUDIO/VIDEO file section
  12. Much better Database system than the one we have in Yahoo
  13. Membership based Usage however the membership will be free
  14. We may consider having our very own CFA-ICFAI Chatting Messenger.
  15. Once we move ahead with it, I will personally speak to ICFAI, HYDERABAD for validating & passing us vital information so we can spread the same with every member
  16. All Rules/Regulation will be made available on the Website
  17. Most importantly: recruitment & placement Section for fresher & those with experience. We will tie up with some placement agencies, given the conditions put forward by them suits us.
  18. A complete details on COACHING AVAILABLE in various cities/states, regularly updated
More than a very small effort from each one of you, we will need some funding. All the members can contribute as minimum as Rs.50 to as much as they like & are willing to.
All the money spent will be accounted for in monthly Account statement Report. Each member will be allowed to have access to details of amount spend.
I hereby offer my contribution of Rs.1000 deposited in a separate account though in my own name for the time being.
I hope both working & student members will come forward, as this will in the long term provide us with great benefits & we will overcome all the problems that we face while pursuing CFA or later
Looking forward for an enthusiastic response from all the members along with contribution offerings
You shall please contact me at [email protected]
Best Regards,
Sumit K. Gupta
Moderator @ CFA-ICFAI-University Yahoo Forum

Please dont Spam the forums :wow: . Every time you do this !
Dear Babu

It was becuz of slow forum speed that I posted it twice by mistake. But I shall request you not to behave in irresponsible manner by saying every time you do it

Thanks & Regards

Sumit k. Gupta
Dear Babu
It was becuz of slow forum speed that I posted it twice by mistake. But I shall request you not to behave in irresponsible manner by saying every time you do it
Thanks & Regards
Sumit k. Gupta

Sumit bhai.....I request you not to post in this thread coz this thread is for the firang CFA....(US CFA).

You are advertising to the wrong target audience here buddy.


Posted on other CFA thread but some guys check this thread only. Any one needs three warren buffet books, let me know. I just got them from a friend.Books are:

1) The intelligent investor

2) The warren buffet way, Second Edition

3) How to invest like Warren buffet

Started reading the first and nice way they have explained different investment concepts.


Thanks Babu...
There are many amongst us who are crossing over from non-financial backgrounds to finance and this material is definitely going to be a shot in the arm.
You seem to have a huge library of resources - CFA, FRM , Buffet - thanks for sharing....
and yes, keep 'em coming..


P.S: Do post your reviews, opinions on the books too...that way the rest of us can build our knowledge base..
Dear Babu

It was becuz of slow forum speed that I posted it twice by mistake. But I shall request you not to behave in irresponsible manner by saying every time you do it

Thanks & Regards

Sumit k. Gupta

@SumitKgupta, you don't get it do you ! IIRC, I had earlier too warned you not to spam ! Posting cross-links and doing that across multiple threads is an open invitation for a ban. Feel free to log in again after 10 days !