Need some Opinions on CFA

babu do u hav answer to my query above about d cutoff n all.plz hai to replyy

it's kinda sad...this thread used to be a good place for people to discuss real issues and share useful CFA info; now it's turned into this pick-up joint where people are trying to sell their material n make money, hunt for xerox copies and cheap bargains, and publicizing their mailing egroups. Vineet, please stop posting your number desparately again and again, and sumitGupta, you have pasted the same post at 4 different threads on PG. i will leave it to your discretion whether you guys voluntarily stop doing this or get reported and banned for that matter.

hey wats dis cutoff thing .isnt dere a fixed passing percentage or marks like 75/100 dat is considered passing .plz can ny1 reply on this??
koi tell me dis yaar

hey wats dis cutoff thing .isnt dere a fixed passing percentage or marks like 75/100 dat is considered passing .plz can ny1 reply on this??
koi tell me dis yaar

Hi vishal,

Do a google search and you will get the answer. I did it for you and this link is helpful:;=en&ct;=clnk&cd;=1

On page 11, your query is answered.


Thankx a lot BABU. gr8 infoo

Hi ..
I m a CFA June 2007 aspirant

I have shweizer study notes....can anyone plz tell me from where i will get a detailed syllabus...

as in..

wat im supposed to study from that vast material for level 1

please help

hey veron first of all i think d material mite chnage next better chek it out and regarding d syllabus its already given in d scweser notes just open up n read d way u frm delhi u planning 2 take any classes

Hi Vishal.
Thnx for a prompt reply.
Well my knowledge is pretty confined wen it comes to CFA and i think only beckers is providing coaching for CFA.

Im sitting for June2007 and i want to start as early as possible....only limitation is unavailabilty of books...i have schweizer 2004 notes....i know they r outdated.

I dont think i will go for coaching. But if the coaching really gives sumthing xtra or sumthin not in books ...and is cost effective then i have all the time in d world for it.....

lets c.

hi everyone,

I am Siddhesh from mumbai. I am planning to give CFA L1 this December.. i have schweser study notes for 2006 cfa exam... I want to know are those books good enough... to clear the level one exam ??? and if not.. can anyone plss help me in getting the photocopy of those cfa text-books ??

well brother as far as my knowledge goes schweser is enough but as u no der is no limit if u want 2 study moree n moree.there is materila provided by stella n d cfa institute suggested readings.its upto u how u want 2 go about it .

Hey Vishal.
R u from commerce background? R u sitting for L1 this dec.?
well if u r let me know where i can find the 2006 edition books yaar.

i havnt decided as yet mann just now just no idea of wat i got 2 do next ill let u no if im sitting in dis dec.

Hey Man Vishal

JUst went thru some books of cfa (2004).

i think i need coaching for dis yaar.....not confident of pullin it off alone.

i dont know coachin institutes in delhi....u know sum?

there is an institue named beckers in hauz khaas .i dont hav dere number just search it on d net n enquire . just ask them if they can give coaching without the cost of books i .e if someone already has the buks will dey can dey chrge only for tutions.

Hiii puys,
I hv given my first year exams of BCom(hons), Delhi University and m awaiting d result.
I came to know abt d CFA institue from Economic Times and i m really int. in giving it a shot. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I GIVE THE LEVEL 1 OF CFA DURING MY 2ND YEAR ONLY ??? PLSS REPLY

no brother u need 2 have a bachelor's degree to b eligible for CFA.


I am sure the material which i am listing will be really helpful for all CFA (US) aspirants.Do well and clear all your exams 😃

1. Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis;=20&pathid;=0

2. CFA Level 2: Ethics and Professional Standard 1;=16&pathid;=0

3. CFA Level I 2006 AnalystNotes-FormulaSheet
4. Analysis Of Derivatives;=12&pathid;=0

5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management(Reilly Brown)7th edt;=11&pathid;=0

6. Schweser Pro_Level1_Installer;=10&pathid;=0

7. Financial Management and Analysis, Second Edition;=9&pathid;=0

8. Standard of Practice Handbook v2005n3;=8&pathid;=0

Schweser Stuff---
1. Schweser CFA 2006 Note First Book;=2&pathid;=0

2. Schweser CFA 2006 Note | Second Book;=3&pathid;=0

3. Schweser CFA 2006 Note | Third Book;=4&pathid;=0

4. Schweser CFA 2006 Note | Fourth Book;=5&pathid;=0

5. Schweser CFA 2006 Note | Fifth Book;=6&pathid;=0

6. Schweser CFA 2006 Note Sixth Book;=7&pathid;=0

hi Babu,
Great job, I am sure this links will help many people like me and I really appreciate the job you have done in finding the links. i once again would like to thank you and hope to get similar kind of active support from you and all other members who are making this forum best among all.

Happy Reading

Warm Regards
Niraj Lalka

hi Babu,
Great job, I am sure this links will help many people like me and I really appreciate the job you have done in finding the links. i once again would like to thank you and hope to get similar kind of active support from you and all other members who are making this forum best among all.

Happy Reading

Warm Regards
Niraj Lalka

Always Welcome 😃

Guys, i have Financial Risk Manager guide which is more then enough to crack FRM paper held annually worldwide. If some body need that, just scrap me your email and i will be more then happy to send it to you.

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