Dont mind my asking..cud u please tell me the source also for this info.. Becoz this is by far the highest anyone has told me
No issues, dude. I know how you must be feeling. One of my friends said he knows someone who got in at that number. I'll find out the name/batch of the guy who made it and tell you.
CONGRATS TO ALL OF U for havin made it to the best b-school in India...dubey, puneet, rahul, keerthi n all the otherss!!!!...hope u guys have a great life ahead there!!!
dude, first of all congrats, and secondly.. were u at IMS Chennai for the GD PI wksp? cause i kinda reemember someone with a similar name.. hope that u name is Srihari.. see if it rings a bell..
Nope sorry dude, that couldn't have been me.. I only ever went to one GD/PI workshop, and that was TIME's. Of course, I consistently sucked throughout the TIME GDs, and didnt attend a single mock interview... so I guess I got lucky! Twice atleast! MaCro
Hi, Plz plz gimme some reliable info on the waitlist scenario of the past few years...Also can any IIM-A senior check if there is a list put up on campus?????? If yes, cud u tell us how many confirmed calls were given and the exact no. of seats...Pretty scared....Wat wid a waitlist of 5 and this being my only call... 😃 Even converted MDI but didn't feel like takin it this year...Wanna give it another shot if need be... Plz reply ASAP...
guys ... how many final calls are given ? also once given a final call gettin a seat is confirmed rite ... it wud hurt like hell to get one n then get thrown outta iim a:)
No issues, dude. I know how you must be feeling. One of my friends said he knows someone who got in at that number. I'll find out the name/batch of the guy who made it and tell you.
Thanks man..that will be a big help to all of us WLd....
Thanks man..that will be a big help to all of us WLd....
For The WL guys, Hope and pray a few dudes choose to take their full schols and run to the US for MS/MBA. Thats your best best. The US economy is up maybe a few more guys will drop out than last year. Next comes the few dudes who might choose B,C for location... thats gonna be pretty small... But best of luck.
Thanks man..that will be a big help to all of us WLd....
Gunjan Khetan - Batch of 2003. The guy who told me this now tells me that the number was pretty high, but he is not sure himself abt 23. He still maintains that this Mr Gunjan's WL was very high and that he had given up any hopes of getting in.
Hope that helps. Have the trust, ppl. Hang in there!
looks like the iima people screwed up big time... they forgot to put my name in the final selection list . the IIM K people have been more prudent. we'll see which is the better iim after two years...:huh: dissapointed.. had a ok gd and decent pi. cat%-99.85 di-99.6,qa-98,va-99