r iimc results really out ???im hel a confused&goin; mad, min by min...waise dint get thru iima...congrats to al those who did............
Dear Fachchas
See u soon at IIMA.
puruc Saysr iimc results really out???im hel a confused&goin; mad, min by min...waise dint get thru iima...congrats to al those who did............
Who told you?
I visited the site after that and didn't find any mention of the results.
Infact the gd pi link on the home page is also disabled now.
So friend rest in peace till tomorrow.
the gd/pi liknk on iimc website is not wrking now...is it a sign of result to be uploaded...wats the possibility of result coming on net after office hours i.e. 5 pm
Who told you?
I visited the site after that and didn't find any mention of the results.
Infact the gd pi link on the home page is also disabled now.
So friend rest in peace till tomorrow.
thx....jus hope they r out soon...so dey can stop playin wid ur emotions......
numinousdivine Saysthe gd/pi liknk on iimc website is not wrking now...is it a sign of result to be uploaded...wats the possibility of result coming on net after office hours i.e. 5 pm
jus called d iimc office...dey said results expected only on 11th or after...so d possibility of results being declared after 5pm, i guess, is zero............
puruc Saysjus called d iimc office...dey said results expected only on 11th or after...so d possibility of results being declared after 5pm, i guess, is zero............
Remember what IIMK had been telling all these days.
Going by past exp, IIMC results will be out much earlier than 11th.
Made it..
cannot believe it..
in astate of total shock.
Amazing. Me coming to Bangalore to take a grand party from you Vimal 😃
puruc Saysjus called d iimc office...dey said results expected only on 11th or after...so d possibility of results being declared after 5pm, i guess, is zero............
The same IIMC office told someone that results will be out "latest by 11th". Start checking after 8th.
lets keep a tab on iimc site and enjoy the wait.
as for me, i am having my last iim hope resting on C.
A already kicked me out.
Aarav SaysAmazing. Me coming to Bangalore to take a grand party from you Vimal :-)
sure...ne time buddy
looks like ill have to take a "partying after clearing iima" loan...
now which bank wud provide this...????? daddy dearest

congrats to rahul abraham mamman, pendyal, and all other folks who made it
havnt made both a n k now w8n 4 the remaining results n prayn hard man i have the jitters
goin totally crazy hope dat al results cum out soon
lets jus get over with it
Hello there, folks of PaGaLGuY!
I've made it through A! (and K, though that is immaterial!)
CAT: 99.57th %ile
IIT Madras BTech EE (final yr), CGPA 9.58/10
10th: 92.4%
12th: 95.4%
GD: Decent.. I usually don't talk much, but I think I made a few valid points. Moreover, wrote a good summary...
PI: Dunno wat to say- went off OK, answered all questions nicely, sprinkled some humor into the whole thing :smile:
Excellent resume (methinks)
Anybody here with details reg academic calendar and also, by when do we need to tell these folks whether we'll be coming or not?
Congrats to all those who made it, and for those who didn't, I sincerely hope you make it the next time you write!
dude, first of all congrats, and secondly.. were u at IMS Chennai for the GD PI wksp? cause i kinda reemember someone with a similar name.. hope that u man..my name is Srihari.. see if it rings a bell..
sorry for taking so long to post my results....but the net down here is very slow and i didnt want to post anything before seeing it for myself.
got thru to A![]()
(and K as well)
congrats to all who did....
Congrats machan, and all the best for a great time (?) in WIMWI! :D
Also congrats to all those who made it. 😃
supervish SaysYup, he's heading to a WIMWI
To A WIMWI ? There's only ONE WIMWI. Congrats man and do make sure you maintain the Red Devils' club @ A.

Whatever, now TCS is safe! 😉
It's those times again...tears n smiles 😃
Congo to all those got wht they wanted :thumbsup:
Vish and pendyal, congo mates
Pendyal,how abt a meet celebrating this,rightfully sponsored by ya?
Stingrae,hang on...besties for the remn results 😃
I know a guy personally who was 14th on the list at A and got through - so its definitely aint 2-3 last year!.....but i dunno if this holds true for this year too !
Good luck to ya WL ppl!
I so wanna believe what you are saying mate...Hope it goes atleast that far this yr too...
praying harder than i hv ever before..n will keep praying for .........:)
Any IIM A alumni or current students on the forum who can provided some info regarding this??
I so wanna believe what you are saying mate...Hope it goes atleast that far this yr too...
praying harder than i hv ever before..n will keep praying for .........:)
Any IIM A alumni or current students on the forum who can provided some info regarding this??
some extra calls are given
cos they know not all ppl join
but some more quit .. so then the waitlist moves
it is real dicey
also last yr(batch of 2005 which graduated now) there was no waitlist (WL 2 didnt get in)
where as in my batch there were some
all the best u WL guys
but dont bank on it
i knwo it is tough on u
Me got thru.
A pleasant surprise after a hopeless GD. Does raise some doubts regarding the weightage of the GD
sorry for taking so long to post my results....but the net down here is very slow and i didnt want to post anything before seeing it for myself.
got thru to A![]()
(and K as well)
congrats to all who did....
pendyal ji....supervish ji and Mr Anderson ji,

rock on. rock on. Gr8 going guys.
@Supervish ji....moi will be in mumbai in May...treat???