IIMA results out!

Dint make it through A

Its pretty clear that acads have been the overriding factor for selection in the case of freshers atleast.


I dont think so ,i personally know a couple of guys in my coll having poor acads and making it(freshers),supervish on this forum is a fresher having 50ish % in engg and he too has made it whereas 2 ppl both having a CPI 0f 9+ and CAT %ile of 99.9x did not(One of these guys has got a fellowship from MIT but IIMA turned him sdown ;))
congrats guys

u both would make one formidable team for UC 2006

Hey..did someone say UC!!

well since mes got thru as well..count me in .
hmm..will we guys actually find time to participate??
with shrijit arnd that wud make it two winning captains in the same team- that wud b fun.
do keep me posted on any plans on that front..coz the prelims i guess happen in end april if i rem correctly.
Hey..did someone say UC!!

well since mes got thru as well..count me in .
hmm..will we guys actually find time to participate??
with shrijit arnd that wud make it two winning captains in the same team- that wud b fun.
do keep me posted on any plans on that front..coz the prelims i guess happen in end april if i rem correctly.

yeh..u can team up with pendyal and vish can team up with khotahimachali

P.S. i hope vish is reading this
Made it..
cannot believe it..
in astate of total shock.

Dey Vimal

Hats off.....:-o

Me in Trivandrum now, wherez the party? Dun mind coming down to B'lore or Calicut..


IIT K CSE Fresher
99.99 %ile
Acads: Decent CPI:8.7
GD: Sub average
PI: Quite good ( Is this on hindsight!!? :huh: )

Also gave BCL but the wait is already over !

Discover me at http://home.iitk.ac.in/student/vyom

hi all...........
i hv tried to compil the list of PGites who hv made it to IIM A.
i didnt know any technical method so i just went thru posts n
tried to get the names 😃
if anybody has better method or list...plz.....post it

aakash g ( thats me ), garima
fadetoblack99, roops
khotahimachali, nidea4u
egalitare, karthik vis
hanoz , the_fountain
vikkuboss, mast_zhakaaas
thussu, boutsing
fundooguy, confounded
t2s, tdubey
jyoti78 , ramyag
girish_novice, laddoo
f3k560, rp
raghava_v, divyas
sumit13, pendyal
suzyQ, devdutt_marathe
madiyer, mr.anderson
cicahn1, rahul abraham
paguy, maddy420
neil, khetan
eccentric, ivar
tiger66, vkg

hi all...........
i hv tried to compil the list of PGites who hv made it to IIM A.
i didnt know any technical method so i just went thru posts n
tried to get the names 😃
if anybody has better method or list...plz.....post it

u missed the-mod-who-never-became-one

i.e. supervish

hey..since its a nicely compiled list...letme congratulate all da PGites in the IIM A campus for 2005-2007..go ppl, go :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hey frnds...as u hv already hit sixes ...so can u plz be of a lill help for ppl who r in waiting lists of XL and FMS...if any of u has converts or WL in these two instis please take a couple of minutes out and post it there..it wud be of gr888 help...Thanks a lot !!

Hey guys,

Sorry for posting so late.. I am in too!!!!

CAT 99.82
Calls: ABCK

Final Year ECE, DCE

My Ahmedabad GD was really cool. It was a great group and a great discussion. However, I had an arbit PI. I was pretty clueless about the whole thing (on which way it would go). Now that I'm thru, I must have done something right in the PI .

Looking forward to meeting and interacting with you guya at Vastrapur! Congrats to all those who made it!!!



hi all...........
i hv tried to compil the list of PGites who hv made it to IIM A.
i didnt know any technical method so i just went thru posts n
tried to get the names 😃
if anybody has better method or list...plz.....post it


Great Compilation ........should not be picky but its 'what_me_worry'.

Sorry for posting late..But I have become a member just a few days ago and visited the forums for the first time yesterday only...n the 1st post from my side is that I got through IIM-A.
CAT Percentile 99.65
Calls... all
Xth 79%
XIIth 76%
B.Tech Final year from IIIT Allahabad, CGPI 9.05
My performance in Case study in A was pathetic (according to my friends in the group ! Though I thought that they were discussing nicely.. so didn't interrupt!)
Interview--- Do I need to tell how it went !:smile:
Though I am pretty sure that if A has 240 seats then I must have been the 240th candidate they selected.:smile:
And for my to-be-batchmates, .... canteen mein jo banda sab se jyaada milega, wo main hoonga ! .. aur haan.. last benchers (if any), can hope to find atleast 1 good friend (plz koi last bencher rehna wahaan.... I dont want to be the only one there!).

EvilGenius Says
Hey frnds...as u hv already hit sixes ...so can u plz be of a lill help for ppl who r in waiting lists of XL and FMS...if any of u has converts or WL in these two instis please take a couple of minutes out and post it there..it wud be of gr888 help...Thanks a lot !!

Mr. Evil, this post is just for u !:) I have a final call from XL...waise I have heard that in XL last year waiting 84 got cleared . FMS kaa to written bhi clear nahi kar paaya tha !!

Hi ppl,

My first post
Me too joining IIM A

X :88.4%
XII: 86.3%
CAT score : 99.53
V.A. : 94.10
Quant : 98.37
D.I. : 99.57

Good GD, Cool PI

B.E.(I.T.) VESIT, Mumbai University :71 %
2003 passout

Software experience for 18 months at MBT
Other IIM calls - CLIK
ALso converted NITIE and XLRI(BM) and IIM CKIL

Sorry for posting late..But I have become a member just a few days ago and visited the forums for the first time yesterday only...n the 1st post from my side is that I got through IIM-A.
CAT Percentile 99.65
Calls... all
Xth 79%
XIIth 76%
B.Tech Final year from IIIT Allahabad, CGPI 9.05
My performance in Case study in A was pathetic (according to my friends in the group ! Though I thought that they were discussing nicely.. so didn't interrupt!)
Interview--- Do I need to tell how it went !:smile:
Though I am pretty sure that if A has 240 seats then I must have been the 240th candidate they selected.:smile:
And for my to-be-batchmates, .... canteen mein jo banda sab se jyaada milega, wo main hoonga ! .. aur haan.. last benchers (if any), can hope to find atleast 1 good friend (plz koi last bencher rehna wahaan.... I dont want to be the only one there!).

Now for those of u who dont know him... This is Mr Kushagra better known as DHEELU in IIITA for his dheela-dhaala attitude... This guy went for a date @ 9 AM and attended MDI interview at 2 PM.... Was usually out dating the day before any big interview... Has ice-cool nerves... Never really found him doing anything worth while.... So IIMA beware

Have a rolicking time Dheelu!!! ATB

Is there anyone here who has scored just 70%+/-5% consistently in acads. and got through IIM A?

KushagraKumar Says
Mr. Evil, this post is just for u !:) I have a final call from XL...waise I have heard that in XL last year waiting 84 got cleared . FMS kaa to written bhi clear nahi kar paaya tha !!

You converted XL ... BM or PMIR ????
KushagraKumar Says
Mr. Evil, this post is just for u !:) I have a final call from XL...waise I have heard that in XL last year waiting 84 got cleared . FMS kaa to written bhi clear nahi kar paaya tha !!

hey wen did u had ur iim-b PI, i think i have seen u ther if u had on 23rd march IIC(delhi)
Aarav Says
Is there anyone here who has scored just 70%+/-5% consistently in acads. and got through IIM A?

c'est moi !

78 in 10th and 70 in 12th.........kind of redeemed it by scoring well in Univ exams......but all said and done abt acads, I believe a lot depends on how you come across to those three 'people' on the that day........the rest makes for good discussion board topics.
KushagraKumar Says
(plz koi last bencher rehna wahaan.... I dont want to be the only one there!).

Hey ... don't worry ... i will be there with you.

Thanks Mr. Dubey.. We'll be great friends if you don't make much noise while sleeping on the last benches.... Crishna, I converted BM in XL. And Nitin , my IIM-B interview was on 30th March, so may be you either met Lov Goel or Roopesh Maheshwari from my college on 23rd

And, thanks, Montoo(fragileninja) for the intro! . However, I'd like to say that I used to do a lot of worthy things, say..I used to stay awake during most of our mock GD sessions.... And yes, apart from XL's interview I never boozed on the night before any major interview.