IIMA results out!

Hello there, folks of PaGaLGuY!

I've made it through A! (and K, though that is immaterial!)
CAT: 99.57th %ile
IIT Madras BTech EE (final yr), CGPA 9.58/10
10th: 92.4%
12th: 95.4%
GD: Decent.. I usually don't talk much, but I think I made a few valid points. Moreover, wrote a good summary...
PI: Dunno wat to say- went off OK, answered all questions nicely, sprinkled some humor into the whole thing :)
Excellent resume (methinks)

Anybody here with details reg academic calendar and also, by when do we need to tell these folks whether we'll be coming or not?

Congrats to all those who made it, and for those who didn't, I sincerely hope you make it the next time you write!

one_step_to_insanity Says
Upto 23 .. am not kidding .. Hang on!

I feel its more like 2-3 and not 23.
one_step_to_insanity Says
Upto 23 .. am not kidding .. Hang on!

Dont mind my asking..cud u please tell me the source also for this info..
Becoz this is by far the highest anyone has told me

I know a guy personally who was 14th on the list at A and got through - so its definitely aint 2-3 last year!.....but i dunno if this holds true for this year too !

Good luck to ya WL ppl!

Congrats to all those who have made it....live2read wat's u'r WL?

hey, great to see so many success stories here on PG!

Congratulations to everyone who got through!!
The future beckons for those who didnt!!
Fingers crossed for those who are on the edge!!:smile: :smile:

hmm,...a few of the usual suspects yet to post, I see...

I know a guy personally who was 14th on the list at A and got through - so its definitely aint 2-3 last year!.....but i dunno if this holds true for this year too !

Good luck to ya WL ppl!

I pretty much doubt that cos we have a resident PGite Prabhu_2030 who had a waitlist of 8 and well the waitlist didnt clear.....ofcourse this year the scenario might be different....:)

Rest of the junta who cracked IIM A congrats!!!!

Hi ppl....sorry for posting so late...but yes am through IIMA....with a meagre meagre percentile of 99.05 (good sectional balance)....

good acads thruout....ok GD....good PI...in fact i think the interview was the clincher....all techy stuff that i think i handled well...
anyways gud luck for the other calls....
cya folks at vastrapur...

Hi ppl....sorry for posting so late...but yes am through IIMA....with a meagre meagre percentile of 99.05 (good sectional balance)....

good acads thruout....ok GD....good PI...in fact i think the interview was the clincher....all techy stuff that i think i handled well...
anyways gud luck for the other calls....
cya folks at vastrapur...

yeah seems percentile really doesnt play a big role in iim-a interview.... pi matters most as even i feel had a really good interview..

Me thru too...

Profile :

X : 91.4% (ICSE)
XII : 92.0% (ISCE)
B.Tech.(IT) : CGPI = 9.73/10 from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad.

GD : decent
PI : good if not excellent. (refer to http://www.pagalguy.com/cat/showthread.php?t=6847&page;=3&highlight;=IIMA+Experience)


PS : Gratz to greats of PG (TD, Rahul Mamman n others)

congratulations all final call getters

pagalguy Says
Supervish is heading for bschool

Yup, he's heading to a WIMWI

Me not thru..
cat perc: 99.78
acads : gr8
GD: average
PI : good ( not excellent)

got thru K though..
Congrats to the guys who made it..

WAY TO GO guys!!!!


kailash_soni13 Says
yeah seems percentile really doesnt play a big role in iim-a interview.... pi matters most as even i feel had a really good interview..

yeah, i totally agree....even i had a really good i'view...cud not answer e'thing but maintained my cool throughout....


very excited...had a terrible gd..and avg pi...i actually told them that mohinder amarnath is anglo indian...anglo indians settle in goa...for got capital of himachal pradesh..having visited it!!

anyways it dont matter now!!
will slog this mnth out for univ. exams
then party hard!!

cat percentile:99.73
first two yrs college:58.81(eco)

nature :talkative..very...showed in the pi..spoke just too much..maybr they liked it!!

congratulations everyone who got thru
and commiserations to others who wpoked hard!

I'm thru too
my profile -
X - 88.4
XII - 92.33

Final yr student in NIT Trichy in EEE
CGPA - 7.97

Cat percentile - 99.8 (decent distribution in the sections)

GD - the best I have ever had
PI - thought that it was bad (But now i obviously feel otherwise). but it went on for a long time.

Congo to all the ppl who did make it....

Congrats to all those who made!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the rest, hang in there, it just gets better... 😉 😉 :smile: :smile:

hiiiiiii guys..............
cant believe m goin to IIMA ( got thru k as well )

congrats to all who got thru 😃

n best of luck for those awaiting other results 😃

my profile:
cat % - 99.5
moderate GD n above average PI

i think they r stressin more on profile this time instead of cat %

Congrats Aakaash !
I knew u wud be thr !!!! ................

Me nt thru , , well almst same profile .. wasnt it ??

Made it..
cannot believe it..
in astate of total shock.

here's my profile and stuff...
cat 99.61 ...eng 99.85 ...di 77.75 ...i dint think id recover from this disaster
only a lone iima call ...
dint well in rest of the tests..jmet 9 ..xat 99.58 ...clrd iift,fms..
not a gr8 interview season... dint clear spjain 1st round..
no fms..no xl.. iift wl ... cleared iitb...
so had already made up my mind for a life at iit bombay ..
my A case study went well.. i performed really well... interview was BAD .... so had lost hope completely..
btw i dont hv a gr8 academic record too ...74% ...
thanking my stars now...
party time..