IIMA results out!

Hey, me not through either. Wonder what went wrong.

CAT percentile: 99.99
10th : 91.0 (CBSE)
12th : 91.2 (CBSE)
B.Tech IIT Kharagpur, Electrical Engineering : 8.42

This is possibly the height of brutality.
Donno why i have started feelin good bout my rejections.
Called up seniors at IIMC and also the pgp office, they said to check the website on 11th. hope this is info is correct. enuf of these rumours. getting hajjar impaitient.


For me, IIm-cal site is not opening......does that signify anything?????

Me thu at A.. (and K) so far.

percentile 99.83 overall.
GD was good.. PI was mediocre.
9 month work ex so far, after BE.

wasn't expecting A to work out..but hey, who's complaining!


Sorry to gatecrash this thread. Does anybody know about the results of "pendyal"...apna very own PG'ite...the 100%iler.Didn't see his post anywhere...though he surely must have made it.


I got through (at A). Yippee...
Wasn't expecting it though.

X : 91%
XII : 85%
5-yr. integrated m.tech (IIITM-Gwlr) : 7.5 (CGPA)
CAT : 99.61
Moderate GD/ Good PI

Congrats to the guys with converts; and best of luck to the rest for the other calls.

me thru A and K

99.57 percentile and three odd years of work ex

congratulations to everybody who made it...


Made it!

Congrats to all who did...!!!

3 cheers to PG.com


Congrats pal......Always feels nice to see old timers get thro'

Congrats to all the others too

arnavsinha Says
But weren't some B interviews scheduled for the 6th and 7th as well. At least there were a few on the 5th. So I am not so sure they are going to declare their results any time soon. Not that I would mind it.

yup interview ttill 7th of this month, 1 of my friend has his tommorow at calcutta, perhaps thats the last date , so v can expect b results by 11th or 12th

Congrats to all those who got thro' A.

I didnt get A. :huh: (99.95 and still couldnt make it. )
Got K.
Waiting for the rest of the results.

Me got through A .
Wasn't expecting it though after a moderate GD/PI.

BTech(CSE) : 78
CAT : 99.68
work ex: 1.5 years

Congrats to the guys with converts; and best of luck to the rest for the other calls.

sorry for taking so long to post my results....but the net down here is very slow and i didnt want to post anything before seeing it for myself.

got thru to A (and K as well)
congrats to all who did....


sorry for taking so long to post my results....but the net down here is very slow and i didnt want to post anything before seeing it for myself.

got thru to A (and K as well)
congrats to all who did....


Congrats Pendyal......Great Going



TRY OPENING THE IIM CAL WEBSITE- AND go to gd/pi calls- they show some other link
that means the results are being uploaded now
should be out today

TRY OPENING THE IIM CAL WEBSITE- AND go to gd/pi calls- they show some other link
that means the results are being uploaded now
should be out today

Could you please stop giving these fancy deductions....Result of these being people start hammering the server and which results in 'em folks takin down the server... !!!


congratulations to people who have proved and excelled themselves. The lucky ones who wud be spending their next two years in GOD`s OWN CAMPUS @ IIM-Kozhikode can join the yahoo group created for them


interact n have fun ,


ps:last yr i remember there was a debate on the rationale of a seperate grp when the forum exists..i dont know how tht debate ended but i wud like to tell mods tht i frequented both the forum and the group and each have their own importance. so kindly allow us to post the link for the group.

hiiiiiii guys..............
cant believe m goin to IIMA ( got thru k as well )

congrats to all who got thru 😃

n best of luck for those awaiting other results 😃

my profile:
cat % - 99.5
moderate GD n above average PI

i think they r stressin more on profile this time instead of cat %







Got through !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All,

Mes in a lil trouble..WL 10..dont know what to hope for...
Any ideas till what no has WL been cleared in the last few yrs??

Upto 23 .. am not kidding .. Hang on!