IIMA results out!

hi people,

made it to iima...feels good to be able to say this...lookin forward to a good time .

profile : cat %ile - 99.2
12th - 92%
10th - 91%
graduation - economics

good luck to everyone for the other results. 😃

Thanks Mr. Dubey.. We'll be great friends if you don't make much noise while sleeping on the last benches.... Crishna, I converted BM in XL. And Nitin , my IIM-B interview was on 30th March, so may be you either met Lov Goel or Roopesh Maheshwari from my college on 23rd

And, thanks, Montoo(fragileninja) for the intro! . However, I'd like to say that I used to do a lot of worthy things, say..I used to stay awake during most of our mock GD sessions.... And yes, apart from XL's interview I never boozed on the night before any major interview.

Hey kushagra,
Count me in your group. I am a habitual last bencher provided I attend the classes in my college. I also dont make much noise while sleeping But somewhere I read that our seats are fixed apriori. Is that really the case? Seniors, where are you?
Hey kushagra,
Count me in your group. I am a habitual last bencher provided I attend the classes in my college. I also dont make much noise while sleeping But somewhere I read that our seats are fixed apriori. Is that really the case? Seniors, where are you?

Yah, true, seats are fixed a-priori, so you sleep rivetted to your desk .
Will be great to meet you folks out there.

rajatb Says
I dont think so ,i personally know a couple of guys in my coll having poor acads and making it(freshers),supervish on this forum is a fresher having 50ish % in engg and he too has made it whereas 2 ppl both having a CPI 0f 9+ and CAT %ile of 99.9x did not(One of these guys has got a fellowship from MIT but IIMA turned him sdown ;))

Just goes on to show that one can never deduce the IIMA weightage matrix... What seems like a perfect candidature for others can be rejected by A... There have been a few examples here on PG itself.

Yah, true, seats are fixed a-priori, so you sleep rivetted to your desk .
Will be great to meet you folks out there.


Thats too bad.. I hate sleeping at the same place everyday.. God..!! pre-fixed seats... too bad ... Ok, we'll bring a revolution in IIM-A and change this tradition or rule. Who else is with me ??
KushagraKumar Says
Thats too bad.. I hate sleeping at the same place everyday.. God..!! pre-fixed seats... too bad ... Ok, we'll bring a revolution in IIM-A and change this tradition or rule. Who else is with me ??

beautifulll...wat does a habitual attendance defaulter like me do??? ...with seats allotted apriori, its gonna be tuff...im with u...totally.


hi guys...........
just as a reminder i am AAKASH ( chartered accountant ) going to IIM A.:)

just out of curiosity wanted to know ppl goin to IIMA who are either :

  1. Chartered accountants OR
  2. from commerce/eco stream OR
it will be really gr8 if u guys reply.

Guys ... i want to know whether you all have already sent the acceptance mail.

If yes, have you got an acknowledgement ?
If no, when will you send it ?

Guys ... i want to know whether you all have already sent the acceptance mail.

If yes, have you got an acknowledgement ?
If no, when will you send it ?

hi mr. dubey
i hv sent my acceptance mail....
just wrote thnks, cat reg no. name n surity about joinin A.

NO hvnt received acknowledgement etc....

Hi Knotty... Nice to hear that you are with me although for totally different reasons. I was kinda hoping for a better response from IIM-A junta....but anyway..1 and 1 make 11.

@ tdubey . doesn't look like they're acknowledging the confirmation.

also guys- registered post likely to arrive next week.


(C website not opening. aargh)

People selected or waitlisted but not joining XLRI (BM or PMIR), please take part in polling here http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/poll-for-xlri-25007956.
This would really be of great help for others.
!..Thanks n Cheers..!

KushagraKumar Says
Hi Knotty... Nice to hear that you are with me although for totally different reasons. I was kinda hoping for a better response from IIM-A junta....but anyway..1 and 1 make 11.

Kushagra make it 21 I am with you Why not make an online petition and ask everyone from our batch to sign it. 😃
Kushagra make it 21 I am with you Why not make an online petition and ask everyone from our batch to sign it. 😃

Hey, 31 is better

Guys, have any of you received the documents by posts? Any ACK to the email we sent?


People Plz poll on the following thread...if u've also converted XLRI


It'd be a great help.

a gentle reminder to the A converters and class of 2005; do PM me as i am trying to arrange a sort of informal meet for coffee..


Ohh my God, How can you be against such a nice rule? Imagine by the second year you'd be so habitual to walking to the same seat that you could come to the class half asleep!!

I have been sitting on the 2nd row 2nd seat (whenever I went to class) ever since I was in the 4th standard. Just love that seat!
I am ready to Buy that seat in case its not alloted to me:grab:


KushagraKumar Says
Thats too bad.. I hate sleeping at the same place everyday.. God..!! pre-fixed seats... too bad ... Ok, we'll bring a revolution in IIM-A and change this tradition or rule. Who else is with me ??
Kushagra make it 21 I am with you Why not make an online petition and ask everyone from our batch to sign it. 😃

good good...the group keeps growin...and akash, im an eco grad from delhi...i hope the delhi people can meet sumtime soon.


hi guys......
we guys from delhi r planning a meet for our wud_be_batchmates.
i request all the gys/gals from delhi n around to add to that.

the list as of now includes:

aakash ( thats moi )
3-4 frns of prassanna
1 frn of rohan
2 frns of mine

plz pm me for details n add further suggestions

hi guys......
we guys from delhi r planning a meet for our wud_be_batchmates.
i request all the gys/gals from delhi n around to add to that.

the list as of now includes:

aakash ( thats moi )
3-4 frns of prassanna
1 frn of rohan
2 frns of mine

plz pm me for details n add further suggestions


please add me to the list..i may be able to get another friend.
