IIM Lucknow MBA | Fees, Placements, Results – PaGaLGuY

Any idea of tentative interview dates in Hyderabad?

Can anybody tell me is there's a procedure to change your WAT/PI interview city ?

I know this is too late to ask but I got shortlisted only for ABM. X/XII/Grad : 93.23/88.50/65.75

CAT 94.12 VARC 78 DILR 96 QA 94

(NC-OBC candidate)

What would be the reason of not getting shortlisted for PGP course?

Is the deadline really extended to 19th 1:00 P.M ? Cna someone please share a screenshot of the message they recieved ?

What is usually conversion ratio for IIML?

Has anyone recieved calls for all the three profiles (PGP, PGP-ABM, PGP-SM) ???

Is there any special form for ABM apart from personal data form....? Also how can we download the already filled personal data form....?Please provide link of both.....thanks

i may have made a mistake while writing my salary in IIML form,now I can't see the form. if there is a mistake, can that be corrected now or during gdpi when I show them the salary slip?

Seniors/admission team @lucknow

I am so so sorry, I could not submit my application. I had filled everything on the portal for PGP but had not pressed Submit button. Can something be done about this? I am distressed. Can some one help?

How do I know If my application form is submitted?

Hi admins, what are the cities in which interviews will be scheduled?

Has anybody been able to download the wat pi form for iim lucknow?

Looking for whatsapp grps running for iim L Please share the contact to connect. TIA

Hi. Will there be a further screening of candidates for shortlisting into Stage II of WAT/PI or all the candidates who submitted the form are considered to be shortlosted for stage II?

 We, at Team Ignicion, would like to congratulate all of you for making it to the next round of IIM Lucknow. We reiterate that CAT is only the 1st step in a long journey. We would like to aid in you in this process. We are rolling out the mentorship program. You will receive a link in the admission letter as well. The first round of interviews will begin from February 2nd week.  Please fill the mentorship EOI posted on Facebook group - "IIM Lucknow CAT 2017 WAT-PI shortlist" so that a mentor is assigned to you for guidance

Dear All,

We, at Team Ignicion, request you to enroll yourself for our mentorship program.


1) Please send a request to join the Facebook Group of Call getters --> https://www.facebook.com/groups/1631292236928452/

2) Send a screenshot of your call letter to [email protected].

3) Fill up the EOI for mentorship process posted in the group.

Mentors will be current students of IIM Lucknow who have, as recent as last year, undergone the process and understand the nuances of it.

Hi what are tentative dates for watpi at Bangalore

Does anyone have any opinion on breakspace online GDPI course? Any review will be very helpful.

Please fill the online mentorship form posted on the official Facebook page by 25th Jan 2018 end of day. You can enter interview date/location only if you have the details else skip it.

Guys, any official notification of interview dates out yet ? For L