IIM Lucknow MBA | Fees, Placements, Results – PaGaLGuY

Guys, if someone gets the last few dates does it mean they are less interested in the candidate or it's a random system they follow?

My dates are clashing with IIM A. Does that mean I can attend only one of the intervies?

22 feb, Noida campus, anyone ?

31st March... so happy after receiving a 'quick' call from IIM K...

How long does the WAT/PI process take? I have IIM K interview on the same date but afternoon slot.

In my IIM-Lucknow Personal Data form, for the Class X field, the fields like Year of Passing, Max Marks and Obtained Marks has not been printed. But the Percentage % has been printed. This is definitely a discrepancy because I have input all the fields (the percentage % field is auto-calculated ONLY after inputing the max marks and obtained marks fields). Also, these fields are compulsory fields. So, can this be rectified in any way before the WAT/PI process ?

At the time of filling work experience in the form, there was no specification as to till which date are we supposed to fill the no. of months, so I had filled till 17th Jan but now in the personal data form they have specified till 31st Jan. So, I unnecessarily lost out on one month of work ex. Can anything be done now?

Hi , I got a interview call from IIM-C and IIM-L On the same day on 22Feb in delhi and Noida respectively So ,Is it possible to reschedule the interview date...

 what documents will be required to be submitted, if i have work ex of my family business ? 

My IIM l interview is clashing with scmhrd. Does anyone know the email id of admissions team?

My IIM Lucknow and NMIMS dates are clashing.

Do they entertain request for Slot change? 

I have accidently filled work ex related acheivements in Extra Curricular activities,will it be a problem? How can i rectify this?

My IIML interview date is 3rd April. Is it normal? Coz I believe last year people got their admission info by April

Please fill the online mentorship form posted on the official Facebook page by 26th Jan 2018 8:00 a.m. morning.

You can enter interview date/location only if you have the details else skip it. 

All the pending requests in FB have been approved. 

is anyone else having trouble with downloading the call letter and personal data sheet?

 I have completed my graduation in 2015. I have provisional degree (From college) and not the actual degree (From University) because of some correction issue. Will they consider the provisional degree ?? 

Does the PGP and PGP-SM interview are taken at the same time or we have to give two different interviews ??

Hi Nidhi, I had filled the Lucknow form but the website says I did not complete the form. Please help me. 



Does anyone has CAT 2017-Admit card because I believe it was taken during the exam.

How is breakspace for gdpi preparation?