IIM Lucknow MBA | Fees, Placements, Results – PaGaLGuY


I tried submitting the form from 3 browsers still it would not submit. What do I do?

@sai_kamalesh8 Hi Sai, Can I mention intra college extracurricular activities or only inter college activties need to be mentioned?

In the special form for PGP-ABM , should we have to fill the work experience related to agricultre? IS it compulsury? COz it showing red mark and form is not submitting. Tried in 3 browsers already.  HELP!!!

@piyush119 @sai_kamalesh8 hi, There isnt any column in the form to feed my mobile number & Nationality details. So both of this columns are lying empty in the final submission page (under A. PERSONAL DATA, option no 6 and 8 ).

Pls suggest me what to do? 

Can we write social service in extra curricular activities? Or it necessarily has to be a competition?? Please help

Hello Admin Team,

1.what are the various things we can fill in extra-curricular activities can we mention social service, responsibility shouldered also in it. 

2. What should we fill in nature of work ,should it be a single phrase or in brief as there is no word limit

3. For CBSE board there is no division/class for results ,so can we fill NOT APPLICABLE.

Kindly reply

Where is the space to fill extra curricular... Is it for pgp or only in the special form?

Hi, I have submitted my form,but how do I download it?Do we need the form for the WAT-PI process in hard copy?

Hi, can the file size be between 1 and 1.5 MB. Nahi ho raha compress without becoming unreadable. Tried everything

I am currently employed. What should I write To Date Column?


What did you wrote in the section of work experience related to agricultre in the special form for ABM? should i leave it blank if there is none? or should I fill it 'NIL'? Because it isn't submitting without filling it up.


I saw some posts below but for my PGP-SM form I didn't find any extra-curicullar activity column.. Also, post submitting the form I got a dialogue box saying the form has been completed but when I again logged in to check the form is empty.. I tried multiple times but the form is still empty.. Please help, given it is the last day.. I am little worried now.. HELP!

i am trying to submit the form and nothing happeninfg and the auto logout period means I will have to fill the form all over again as there is no save button. ANybody else not able to submit ?

 I have a 3 years degree in vocal classicall singing and paticipated in events inmy college only. Does this count in extra currics ? ANy alums to guide here ? Also, what about CSR activities?

Do IIML conduct same Interview for those short listed for both PGP and PGP SM? or there are seperate Interviews?

what should we fill in the special form of PGP-SM?

Where to download the form? 

i am not able to submit the form. can anyone help me ?

I got a message saying that the deadline has been extended. True?

Can we edit the document after submission?