Just a Query , is the last date for WAT-PI form today till 23:59 or tommorow 23:59 ?
Not getting any option to download the form post submitting. Pl help?
Help me guys. I am not able to submit the form(Special Form). After filling the form there is option to submit. But when I click it theres no response. Also at the Date under declaration there is no way to enter date.
Help me out guys!!
Hello seniors, I have a query regarding what to be mentioned for 'nature of work' in work experience details. I have worked in sales so what should I mention there?
Please help. Thanks.
for Work Exp Certificate, 1st and last salary slip will be sufficient for now? (as i am currently employed in the same company)
What are you guys filling in nature of work?
Full description of the job or just one word to descibe your job such as Managerial/Trainee etc?
@IIML_VG Hi Vivek, My university issues a certificate with all the semester/year grades along with the CGPA/SGPA in it. Is it ok if I just upload this or do I have to make a pdf of all the marksheets and then upload that?
What to enter in Division in IIM Lucknow in graduation details form?
Hello ,can anyone please confirm the last day to submit the form ,is it till 11:59 PM 17-01-2017
After final submit... Is there option to download the form?
for pgp is there only one form the basic details or there is any profile form after the basic form?
Hi,will there be a seperate WAT-PI for pgp -sm and regular pgp course?
I can't see my mobile number in form? Is it same for everyone?
Everytime I try to submit the form I get invalid access...Data is not getting saved...I have fill it again... please help...
@IIML_VG The size allowed is only 1 MB for grad marksheets. It's affecting readability severely upon compression. What do I do ? Can I upload consolidated marksheet instead ?
Do we get any E-Mail confirmation after submission of the online form and as there is no option to download the filled form, is there any way to retreive the submitted form?
Thanks in advance.
In the application form, I have to fill the correspondence address but the same gets updates as my 'address (with pin)' on the second page. Is the 'address (with pin)' supposed to be my permanent address? My correspondence and permanent address are different but i don't see any option to edit that.
Please address my query as soon as possible as today is the last date to submit the form.
unable to upload workex certificate the file shows 404 error if we view the attached file.Anyone facing this error?
Till what date do we have to mention work experience? Till the date we mentioned in Cat form or till today..
How to submit the special form?