IIBF-JAIIB & CAIIB Info for existing & future Bankers

When will the JAIIB Result be declared ?


Since many of you asked to share the strategy to clear JAIIB, I'll post here the way I prepared for it. 

JAIIB is very easy to clear, to be honest, and being a banker, you'd all be able to clear it, however, the Accounts paper mught be a bit difficult for most of the bankers, as most of us are from Engineering background. Having said that, it can be passed, without much efforst, if done strategically. :) 

There are three papers in JAIIB - Principal and Practices of Banking; Accounting and Finance for Banker; and Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking. 

I'll keep this post section wise, so that it can be easy to comprehend. 

1. Principle and Practices of Banking -

Source: Book by IIBF (McMillan)

Being bankers, most of you would be able to relate yourself with this subject, however, there can be few things that you'd not have heard of or read about. 

This paper can be prepared in 7-10 days, depending on personal level. But, I've known people passing the paper even after just doing it for 2 day. Exceptions, I must say. Personally, it took be 4-5 days, or about 15-16 hours to prepare it. 

Now, how to go about this - it has four modules.

 Start from Module C and then go on to Module D. I'm saying this because these are easy Modules, and can be prepared in just 2 days. These pertain to Computer, Technology and Marketing. Mind you, you don not have to read everything. 

Once you start reading the book, you will start guessing important things accordingly. Firstly, read the "Let Us Sum Up" section of each chapter given at the end, and then go to actually start reading the chapter. This will help you in getting the idea of the chapter without taking a lot of time. After completion of the chapter, please read the Q&As given there, they're really important, and sometimes, questions are asked directly from there. 

After completing Module C and D, read Module A, and then B. The process to read is similar to what I explained above, but you might find things that are unheard of, if you're not able to comprehend, move on. Don't worry about not compeleting the syllabus, you need to score just 45 or 50 out of 100.

There are few chapters that are important, and a lot of questions are asked from these. I'll mention some important topics - 

Banking Regulation, Factoring, Forfaiting and Off balance Sheet items, Risk Management, BASEL, Banker Customer Relation, banker's Special Relation, Banking Ombudsman, Chapter on Working Capital Assesment, MSME, SHGs, Assigment, lein etc, NPA.

2. Accounting and Finance for Bankers- 

Source:  Book by IIBF (McMillan)

This is a nightmare for a lot of people, including me, however, once I opened the book, I got to know the chapters from which I can score well. Here as well, there are four Modules. 

Please follow the below mention path if you want to prepare this paper, without taking  lot of tension - 

Module D >> Module C >> Module B >> Module A.

Please do not start  by taking up Module A. This Module is full of numericals, and non-Commerce students will surely face its wrath. 

This paper can be prepared in 10-12 days, I did it in 5 days, 17-19 hours. However, I left a lot of chapters, and just read their "Let Us Sum Up" part, to be honest, that itself helped me a lot. SO, if you're not able to understand some chapters, just go through the "Let Us Sum Up" part, and it'd do its work for you in the exam, to some extent. 

Module D is very easy, as it is full of theory, there are no concepts there. Just read on, nothing else. Then go to Module C. Here, and in Module B, there are a lot of concepts. Please read these Modules with honesty and you'll pass the paper, with the help of Module D and no negative marking. ;)

I did just Module D and half of Module B and C. I scored 52, which I'm happy about. 

As of Module A is concerned, please do it only if you've time, do not waste your limited time on this Module. Yet, I'll mention some important topics for numericals - Annuity, YTM, Current Yield on Bond, Depreciation (easy, should be done), questions on Foreign exchange. 

If you look at it, it isn't a big deal to clear this paper as well, juts follow a set strategy, and you'll clear the paper. 

3. Legal and Regulatory Aspect of Banking

Source:  Book by IIBF (McMillan)

This is the easiest of the lot, and can be done in 7 days. It took me 3 days to prepare, 12-14 hours in total. 

Follow this path: Module D >> Module C >> Module B >> Module A. 

Chapters in Module D are really small, 2-3 pages, and can be done in 3 hours, easily. If you don't want to read completely, just read the Summary part, however, if you want to score well, please read complete chapters. There is  nothing much to stratgise for this paper, as it is full of theory, and no concept. 

One thing to note is, that it has a lot of Sections, and Laws etc, please don't remember all the sections and sub sections, as it can be boring, and also, you cannot keep everything in your mind. However, if you're good with numbers and laws, learn them, it will help you, in the exam, as well as in future. Maximum 2-4 questions can come from these. 

Overall, this paper is easy to score, and can help you in increasing the overall score out of 300. 

My marks -

Paper 1: 59

Paper 2: 52

Paper 3: 70

Overall: 181/300


1. Don't go for any PDF, please stick to the book. You'll find it a lot easier to understand with book in the hand. 

2. There is no need for any mock test, in my opinion, however, if you want, there are a number of mock tests available online. One is provided by IIBF as well. I've heard that a few questions are repeated from those mocks by IIBF. 

3. Please attempt all the questions, there is no negative marking. Please attempt 100/100.

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Ps.  Commerce graduate. 

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