IIBF-JAIIB & CAIIB Info for existing & future Bankers

Friends..... I m working as PO in a private bank for 6 months.... I m in reserve list of ibps rrb clerk... if I get in reserve list....shall I join as clerk in ibps rrb or shall I continue as officer in private bank....which is best...please provide ur suggestions

friends i am a beginner. how should i prepare for jaiib? and from where should i take study material?

Any one hv hindi material or any site for jaiib?

Guys CAIIB kon kon de raha h abki bar? Share strategies to crack the exam in one go.. Which module to study first or link to some beneficial video lecture for CAIIB.

I forgot to see marks obtained by me in Paper 1. What is the procedure to know the score?

Will join soon as PO in PSB...which exams are helpful in increment/promotion etc etc.. Any kind of help will be deeply appreciated..🙏🙏

There is pass class , first class n distinction in JAIIB.... Is pay rise affected by the class we pass ?????? @doesntmatter034

Clerk me joining k baad nov k lea jaiib p focus kroon ya other po exams k lea which will be better please sugest

When can we apply for CAIIB this year ?

Also how many days it takes for iibf to send us the jaiib certificate

I Am currently working in a bank but mistakenly applied for dbf instead Of jaiib and cleared it today... Will this be converted into jaiib. Kindly Help 

Jaiib done 52 ,66,61..some respite..

Those who cleared JAIIB today, can they apply for increment with the score print out or need to wait till certifficate for applying????? 

Wrote all papers of jaiib in 2nd attempt and scored 56,54,49 . Whether I have cleared jaiib??

Haii.. Can anyone mention me the names of books to crack jaiib and caiib exams?

Does anybody have NS TOOR Video Tutorial for CAIIB .

guys..any last minute tips for caiib july 2017?

Friends, Any one have CAIIB material(ABM,BFM) plase upload here.....................

Any W8s App group for jaiib?

Can anyone please suggest the names  good online mock tests for jaiib(like practicemock,oliveboard).

Guys  ny  one   cleared   international  banking  elective  of  caiib in    the  last  exam ? If  so  kindly  suggest  some mcq ,  topics  for  theory  and  problems ?