How useful are the 3 books for jaiib written by N.S.Toor?
Hi. I am new to this group. Can anyone tell me how much time after registering as ordinary member in iifb, I can write jaiib?
Hi I have a query to ask I am selected as a clerk in Central Bank of India but my joining will be in Phase-2 so maybe after November or December so I can't sit for coming JAIIB but can I sit for DBF now? Can we convert DBF into JAIIB after my joining? Please someone educate me regarding this
Friends i am a beginner. how should i prepare for jaiib? and from where should i take study material?
Hello all....I am going for caiib in Dec 2017. Do let me know if any what'sapp group exists. Sbi po 2016 batch here.
if I gave only two paper in the first attempt of JAIIB and I passed in those two papers. then in next attempt my these two papers will be counted and I have to give one only left paper in the next attempt or I have to give all the three papers in the next attempt.
In my second block first attempt i have passed two paper ( Mar-2017 after paying the fee)but now i have to register for all the three paper and have to pay the fee again me out pls..
JAIIB latest edition books purchase karne ke liye link send karo plz
guys suggest something for accountancy paper........
Hi Friends! Has anyone received user id and password for e-lectures and videos of JAIIB on IIBF website
How to apply for CAIIB? Not understand the link. Pls tell how to apply
Friends please give ur suggestion: I m working in a private bank as Probationary officer for last 1 year.... they are following same payscale as like nationalised banks. I m in reserve list of ibps rrb clerk post last year...the result may b declared in December 2017. if I selected in reserve list of rrb bank clerk , Shall I quit my present job n join as clerk in rrb bank or shall I continue as officer in private bank? Which is better decision...please give ur suggestions friends
Anyone received CAIIB video lecture user id and password???
Im applied for DB&F,have Accounts paperon 19th Nov.on same date and time agri insurance administrativ officers confuse now..which exam should attempt..plz help me guys..
i'm trying to login for caiib video lectures,but login says password expired ,even after resetting the password.....plss help
Plz explain Ethernet and TOKEN ring
Can anyone post the link where IIBF has uploaded Mock tests for Jaiib?
guys i just started studying for caiib i would like some tips . Jaiib was not so difficult to clear but caiib the subject looks vast .. anyone has murugan short notes link or any other material ?? and how come i havent got any link for video for caiib .. for jaiib they sent me which was very usefull .
guys wassup for accounts???