Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratories, State of Maharashtra has published the recruitment notification related to DFSL Recruitment 2014 in order to fill up the 79 vacancies for Scientific Assistant , Junior Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory …
New notification for recruitment to same post has been uploaded. Is anybody here going to apply.
Is there any negative marking for this exam or not??
Question paper aahe ka konakade
Where we will get the admit card of exam?? Official DFSL site OR
Admit card out
What should we put in both the boxes for downloading admit card? I tried to put username and date of birth, but it is giving error
Which city you got as centre? Mine ahemadnagar
aaj kisika exam tha was the paper..
is there negative marking?
Jevdha fatafat exam ghetli aata tevdhyach fatafat result laava
29th la jyanchi exam jhali tyanchi re-exam aahe 12th la
29th la jyanchi exam jhali tyaqnchi re-exam aahe 12th la. Mahapariksha site var check Kara aani Navin hall ticket download kara.
Anyone given exam on 27 and 28? Please give review about what they r asking?
what will be expected cutoff for SA cyber crime...???
Answer keys r published.. What can be the expected cut off? CategorywiseCategorywiseout of 100
- gen:75,obc 70,other <65
- gen:70,obc:65,othr <60
0 voters
Is there any provision to challenge the answer key..
What is the expected cut off?
Getting around 146.. Category SBC.. IS THERE ANY CHANCE?
Please Share your score out of 200,so we can get idea about cut-off(S.A Cyber).
- 171-180
- More than 180
- 161-170
- 151-160
- 141-150
- Less than 141
0 voters