Nearly getting 138 NTB category Is there any chances
getting around 152 sbc women
any chance ?
chala apan group banau
Candidate ans kashe mahit pdnar.?
any idea about merit list..?
Please share the marks guys.. Tentative cut off for all? How many students had appeared for the exam approximately? Any idea
Tcp/ip varachya que che ans 5 ahe ans key madhe but it shld be 4
How to challege ans key?
Any body Knows procedure to challenge answer key
Normalization should be done if not we should mail them...but normalization will be max of 5 marks.. As technical section was quite difficult of 12 the may.. Window for challenging answer keys r not opened yet and last date is 21 that's very unprofessional
Guys please post the questions in which you have doubt,.Let's discuss it so that we know which questions are wrong.
अवयव चे अनेकवचनी अवयवे होते का अवयव होते ॽ
Dfsl scientific assistance cha result kevha aahe..And mla 100 out of 85 yetil ..Kahi chance aahe ka
Cut of kay asel obc female ..Mla 100 out of 80 to 85 miltil..Obc female ...Kahi chance asel ka..Plz rply
Cut of kay jail obc dfsl s.a.
expected cut off please all category
Gen cutoff
AnY1 appeared for DMA exam for engineers some centers exam r postponed .is it true..they will reconduct again morning session and afternoon
Hi ...guys
Any letest information for dfsl result