Hey all, I am a mad-man who wants to get into the automobile industry after doing an MBA from a premier institute (even though I have been warned that it doesn’t pay well, there’s stagnation, etc etc - still need to consider all those things …
Hey all,
I am a mad-man who wants to get into the automobile industry after doing an MBA from a premier institute (even though I have been warned that it doesn't pay well, there's stagnation, etc etc - still need to consider all those things from a practical angle)
I've been searching up and down the forums at PG for people who share a similar interest, or others who've already taken the plunge. Alas, the lack of any success has compelled me to start a thread of my own. (Apologies PG, I know it costs space, and I know that you're pumping in close to four lakhs an annum, but I am sure you can bear with me 😉 )
I am trained in software (sigh), have nothing to do academically with the auto world, but I am crazily passionate about what I want to do, and if I might add, well read about whats happening with the auto industry. I harbour dreams of making electronic/electric cars affordable, because I think its something achievable, something the auto majors don't try enough at, because of the nexus with the oil companies and the OPEC. Yes, its a nasty world out there. I also believe that India's a huge market for hybrid (electric/petrol) technologies, as well as other electronic gadgetry which is not yet affordable. I want to be able to tap that market sometime, somehow!
People who share this vision (well, almost a vision), or are equally fanatic about cars, and dream of making a career out of them, please do share your views.
People who already are on the path that I am talking about, please post with advice, suggestions, anything. They'd be invaluable in the long run.
Thanks :D

me too an auto freak..!!! I am joining NIT, Trichy for it's MBA course 2005-07
can't express how excited I am to find someone like me..
keep posting
I entered this thread thinking it is to discuss "What Car do you want to buy after you finish your MBA? ", anywayz, this is an interesting topic. I believe Fuel Cell Technology and Hydrogen as a fuel will become hugely popular in the future.
I am trained in software (sigh), have nothing to do academically with the auto world, but I am crazily passionate about what I want to do, and if I might add, well read about whats happening with the auto industry. I harbour dreams of making electronic/electric cars affordable, because I think its something achievable, something the auto majors don't try enough at, because of the nexus with the oil companies and the OPEC. Yes, its a nasty world out there. I also believe that India's a huge market for hybrid (electric/petrol) technologies, as well as other electronic gadgetry which is not yet affordable. I want to be able to tap that market sometime, somehow!
If you can dream it, you can do it!

-Dhirubai Ambani
Don't worry about what others say, follow your passion and you will be successful.
Yahoo..!!! A like minded crazy one..!!!![]()
me too an auto freak..!!! I am joining NIT, Trichy for it's MBA course 2005-07
can't express how excited I am to find someone like me..
keep posting
Whoa buddy!
I can't express how happy I am to have finally found a like minded maniac - let me stop expressing my happiness before this starts looking like a matrimonial web-site forum :biggrin:
Tell me more!!
Well guess i 2 am interested in the automobile industry.But in a deviant manner.I am interested in designing.So hoping to be one of the new breed of people who want innovation rather than brand names.Though more than cars its bikes that i personally think there is more scope for.
sandman_sd SaysWell guess i 2 am interested in the automobile industry.But in a deviant manner.I am interested in designing.So hoping to be one of the new breed of people who want innovation rather than brand names.Though more than cars its bikes that i personally think there is more scope for.
cxount me in with u guys...!!
cars and bikes r what i live for(and will eventually die for). they r the best things man could have made by sheer grit and determination...!!
I was always the car guy until some of my friends introduced me to bikes 3 years back(uptil then i couldn't even ride a bike..!!). And after that my affiar with bikes started...!!
Though Ihave a couple of cars at home, I used to ride along my friend's bikes whenever possible...!!
Me too interested in designing cars. In fact, I think u can do more designing on cars then on bikes..!! C'mon, they have more surface area nad u can really play around a lot...!!
Not that teh bikes are limited though..!!
Anyways, I have already designed a car(it was a Matiz) and by the end of it, i had made it sit 4 inches above the ground. It had an esteem's engine inside it and the top would come off at the touch of a button. Extra wide tyres for the easy handling and power steering to boot...!! What more could u ask for.!! And the blue neon lights underneath the chassis(a la Fats and the Furious) and the bold 3D stickers, made me run away with the first prize...!!
WQell, After MBA, i m thinking of going in for designing as a career. Any ideas on how one can go abt doing it..?? i have heard there are a coupla designing schools in italy, but does anyone have concrete idea abt it..??
cool man! u can count me in. me a mechanical engg by profession (but sigh getting into a s/w co). i have given a seminar on modern hybrid car design.if u wanna see my report , i can post it ...
neway guys i think tis a cool thing to discuss sth else than s/w and related stuff.got hecked with so much sitting in front of system. so lets put some creativeness in...
hey guys have u seen the new Ford's Escape(works on atkinsons cycle)...pretty cool.some one interested, i can post the pictures too...:)
btw who is the worlds largest car manufacturer?(im asking u,me thinks tis japan)
btw who is the worlds largest car manufacturer?(im asking u,me thinks tis japan)
Largest automobile producer is North America, or rather United States, because Canada and Mexico contribute an inisignificant amount.
Here are statistics for Japan :
Automobile Production Data for Calendar Year 2004 Japan (January December)
The production total for calendar year 2004 (January December) stood at 10,511,518 units. Compared with the 10,286,018 total recorded in the previous year, this is an increase of 225,500 units or 2.2%. It is also an increase on the same period of the previous year for three consecutive years.
Check out N.America on the other hand.
Good exercise in Data Interpretation :D
CurrentYear Ago 12 Month12 MonthY-YTotalsTotals% NA Car Production 6,238,784 6,480,162 -3.7%NA Truck Production 9,248,043 9,400,093 -1.6%Total NA Production 15,486,827 15,880,255 -2.5%
Safe to assume that the US is some way ahead.
Anyways, I have already designed a car(it was a Matiz) and by the end of it, i had made it sit 4 inches above the ground. It had an esteem's engine inside it and the top would come off at the touch of a button. Extra wide tyres for the easy handling and power steering to boot...!! What more could u ask for.!! And the blue neon lights underneath the chassis(a la Fats and the Furious) and the bold 3D stickers, made me run away with the first prize...!!
WQell, After MBA, i m thinking of going in for designing as a career. Any ideas on how one can go abt doing it..?? i have heard there are a coupla designing schools in italy, but does anyone have concrete idea abt it..??
What did you do to counter the body-roll after raising the ride-height by 4 inches? And what did you do to counter the ruined aerodynamics?
And how exactly did you fit in a 1300cc engine into an engine bay meant for an 800cc engine? And how did the suspension take the load? And what size of tyres did you fit? And if you did want to improve handling (for which you'd need flat profile tyres), why did you raise the ride height in the first place? Looks like a contradictory scenario :whatthat:
Sigh..Questions, questions!
And the biggest of them all..where did the PRIZE come from? Which competition were you blowing away? Forgive me if my questions put you in a tight spot, but I'd like to know more

dashingdude Sayscool man! u can count me in. me a mechanical engg by profession (but sigh getting into a s/w co). i have given a seminar on modern hybrid car design.if u wanna see my report , i can post it...
Hey mann,
Arn't you lucky you're a Mech Engineer. Look at me, Software Engineer, and just dreaming! :huh:
I'd really like to see that report. You can either upload it here or PM me. I'd be grateful. Hybrid engines are the way forward. Lexus thinks so too :D
hi buddies,
Great to see a thread didecated to people interested in automobile sector.
i am a mech engg currently working with an automobile mnc for past approx 20 mths.
but apna case thoda diff he. i now want to pursue mba and move up on the management ladder. nothing negative abt automobiles, infact it was the love for auto that lead me to mech engg and then this job.
par kya kare ye dil maange more......because without a propoer Post Grad ur growth options are restricted and limited.
what say guys
Well well well..
looks like i hv got some really good company here
Am a car freak... and have been one since time immemorial!!
swear by the 4X4s and the muscle cars.. all time fav being the 1967 Shelby GT500
But by profession, me a marketing chap, in IT industry.
But i live by cars (am a member at team-bhp ).
Guess u guys should register at the above mentioned forum (some of u may already have).
Good goin guys!!!
P.S.: Anubhav, next meet i want a detailed report on the matiz of urs.
all time fav being the 1967 Shelby GT500
Aah i see someone has real good taste.Now that is what i call a beauty.A car i hope to own someday.Words are 2 little for a classic like tat.
LAKSHYA u seemed toi have some modded some car.Though u have me stumped on the detailing.Could u post some pics so we could see this baby
hi buddies,
Great to see a thread didecated to people interested in automobile sector.
i am a mech engg currently working with an automobile mnc for past approx 20 mths.
what say guys
hey panecea,
so man for which mnc were u working for exactly?me too interested in getting into an automobile co(irregardless of pay,cos me thinks tis the career profile and ur basic interests tht have to match besides the pay packet) and were u a part of the design team or a part of the marketing team? i'd like to get few more details dude.me thinking of joining an automobi co...

Largest automobile producer is North America, or rather United States, because Canada and Mexico contribute an inisignificant amount.
Here are statistics for Japan :
Safe to assume that the US is some way ahead.
Phew Jayesh!
Took some time 4 me to get past those figures

probably some quizzing (i have questions ,but no answers

Phew Jayesh!
Took some time 4 me to get past those figures(cos not all figures r erotic!).thanks for the data man...neway me looking 4 car manufacturers list frm top countries.im posting the list frm japan..some one cud help me(group) out wid lists frm germany,usa ...
probably some quizzing (i have questions ,but no answers!) might sound more interesting.
hi buddies
me too a mechy from PEC ,CHD.
joining IIT Kanpur and a diehard auto industry freak!!!!!!
some of the players from germany are:
Volkswagen, skoda, Audi, Seat, Lamborghini, Bentley
these all belong to the same group VW
(list is undoubtely incomplete, so plz sb complete it)
>>>>just read in todays newspaper::( a bit of digression from the topic)
VW crossed the 100 million mark today.
the previous members in the club are
toyota, chevrolet and ford
catch u later guys
as the link ll be on my daily check outs now onwards

hi buddies
me too a mechy from PEC ,CHD.
joining IIT Kanpur and a diehard auto industry freak!!!!!!
some of the players from germany are:
Volkswagen, skoda, Audi, Seat, Lamborghini, Bentley
these all belong to the same group VW
(list is undoubtely incomplete, so plz sb complete it)
>>>>just read in todays newspaper::( a bit of digression from the topic)
VW crossed the 100 million mark today.
the previous members in the club are
toyota, chevrolet and ford
catch u later guys
as the link ll be on my daily check outs now onwards
Most auto companies have cross-holdings, that is they hold shares of each other's companies. Which is why the global auto industry is a big hotch-potch.
Globalization's major consequence is that auto companies are no longer local in nature. So even though, VW is german and holds stakes in Seat (Spain), Lamborghini (Italy), Bentley (UK), its still a major GLOBAL force.
What it also results in is something called "Badge Engineering", wherein essentially the same car is sold under different brand names for different markets. So what is the Chevrolet Optra in India is the Suzuki Forenza in the US, and the same car is the GM Nubira somewhere else. More so in the case of Suzuki. The Esteem in India was the Swift in the UK and US. The Alto in India and the Alto in Japan are world's apart (more than literally) and the car we know as the Alto in India is known as something else in Japan. phew!!
There then, its passe to look at auto majors as local forces in the new world. They're all global, with a huge global presence, if not by way of manufacturing plants and assembly lines, then by way of cross-holdings in other auto companies.
hi buddies,
Great to see a thread didecated to people interested in automobile sector.
i am a mech engg currently working with an automobile mnc for past approx 20 mths.
but apna case thoda diff he. i now want to pursue mba and move up on the management ladder. nothing negative abt automobiles, infact it was the love for auto that lead me to mech engg and then this job.
par kya kare ye dil maange more......because without a propoer Post Grad ur growth options are restricted and limited.
what say guys
Tell us some more about your current job. Which company, what profile?
Everyone on this thread is a little (no, quite) different 😁 So you have lots of company.
And yes, post grad is definitely a very good idea, because with a bachelors degree, there's only so high one can go.
But the most important thing right now is for you to give all of us some gyaan. You seem to be the most "in touch" with the auto industry on a real basis.
Tell us more!
Is IT background a disadvantage for getting into a auto co after mba