Automobiles after MBA


I think i am on the perfect thread which i've been waiting for a long time. . I know this is an old post and i hope the starter of this thread have achieved what he was up to. Even i am thinking of this for a pretty long time. I would also like to change my career path like this into automobile sector after a masters. Can anyone of you add your valuable thoughts about the list of courses which i should i go through to achieve this goal.

Jijo C J

hi i m also an automobile enthusiast and interested in pursuing career in automobiles after mba in operations. so plz tell me wat r designations available in automobiles???

I'm replyin to an year old thread !! glad to reopen the discussion. I am also an automobile freak and I have a special attraction towards BMWs. I really wanted to know if there is any entrepreneurial opportunity in india involving automobiles. btw, I am a computer science graduate 😞 How tedious is it to get into BMW as a marketing manager or something of that kind after an MBA??

Hello to all my motor-manic brothers and sisters! I am so glad to find this community today.
I hope it is still active.
It is very necessary for people like us to stay connected and share our learnings, because I know that it’s still an unorthodox territory yet a prominent community of people who have done engineering in computer science or related field, maybe after that pursued MBA and have the dream of somehow landing a job in automobile industry.
Well +1!

I also want to learn from you all and contribute in making this journey possible and helping all of us achieve our dreams! But I see that the last post is of 12 yrs ago, if this is still active, reply to this post and also please tell me what happended with your careers? Anyone cracked the code? If anyone made it to automobile sector after doing MBA and from computer science/IT backgroud please tell me how?