XIMB : Solution Centre '09

My scores

Verbal 98.56
Quants 94.28
LR 78.73

OA 97.93

Do I have any chance of XIMB call?

Too close to call..but i think u might get a call...ATB
Hey, I have the following percentiles in XAT

What are my chances for getting a call from XIMB? Does the VA percentile put me in a dangerous situation considering that you need a 90%ile+ in all sections?

Kindly reply.

You are most certainly in. Start ur GD/PI prep.ATB
i Have

QA- 92.xx

LR -87.xx

Va -- 69.xx

Oa --89.3%ile

Any chances fr XImb,ORISSA domicile???
18 months workex in wipro Technologies, bangalore

Anoder thing this year i have heard lot of Oriya guys in 87-92 range lots
from yesterday...not heard 1 even in 95+ excepting 1 here in pg who has 94+

Kindly reply??Is dere any probabaility of cutoff falling to 86-87 on relative performance of oriya guys or its not so..
fr 2007-09 batch i personally know people who got call at 86+ and had converted too..
And have also heard from 08 and 07 passout that the oa cutoff for workex are lower than freshers??

Kindly reply

your chances are bleak...last yr's cut-off was arnd 93% for domicile students...its unlikely tt it wil go down this yr..the oa cut-off is not lower for work-ex guys..dunno wer u got tt frm...ther is weightage in interviews to work-ex tho....

Hello XIMB Seniors,

Sorry for posting again.....

I have got the following scores in XAT:

VA - 65.2%ile
QA - 91.5 %ile
AR - 99.97 % ile
OA - 98.24 %

Work ex - 33 months

Could you please tell if there is any chance of XIMB considering work ex also for GDPI shortlisting....do u see any chances of me getting a call?

Please reply....

Verbal Ability99.530
Quantitative Ability87.020
Reasoning & Decision making ability99.770
Total Percentile 99.860

will i get a call from XIMB?

Hello seniors,

My XAT score :

VA : 83.83%ile
QA : 89.41%ile
LR : 98.22%ile

Overall : 96.87%ile

My profile:

Xth : 80%
XIIth : 75 %
B.com : 65 %
CFA : 70 % (completed alongwid graduation dis yr )
Work ex :8 mons

What are my chances for XIMB call ??

Hi seniors,
My scores for XAT are:
VA/LA - 99.85
QA - 87.02
LR/DM - 98.22
OA- 99.81

XL has reacted in the expected fashion by not throwing a call (I applied only to BM), would XIMB also follow the suit, or there are chances for me getting a call.....????

My acads:
X - 72.8
XII- 73.8
BE - 74.69

Work-ex: 18 months in IT

Also do the XAT scores carry any weightage in the final selection process???

i have the following percentile
quant 71
i know i have very low score in quant but still do i have any chance of getting a call from XIMB

Hello ,

Overall -91.55

Verbal- 97.68
Quant - 68.17:sad:
Reasoning - 74.5 :sad:

Orissa domicile with 28+ months experience & decent enough acads
what are my chances of getting gd/pi call??
by what date will that b announced?

Please reply...

Thanks in advance

guys i may sound silly here but when and how do you check that you have got a call from XIMB

hi seniors,
this is my score :

Verbal - 89.84
Quant - 92.95
Reasoning - 95.69
Overall - 97.2

No calls from XLRI.. 😞 what chances do i have for XIMB ? Please respond..

hi all,
i have
oa : 85.36
va : 65.21
qa : 84.58
lr : 87.42

I only applied to ximb...orissa domicile....have an experience of 4 months in IT sector.
90%+ career throughout.

I dont stand any chance,do i?

am sry..but dont think u wil get a call...but dont wry...better things will be waiting for u..ATB
Hi, My score is

Wat r chances of getting a call from ximb seeing past trends?

Outside chances...very slim tho...hope u get it...
My Scores

VA: 98.77
QA 98.59
Reasoning: 58.17 :death::death::death::death::death::death::banghead:

OA: 97.67

Ne chances??

Hi seniors,

How are the odds with me? I have a work ex of 16 months with Infy.

Please respond
My Scores

VA: 98.77
QA 98.59
Reasoning: 58.17 :death::death::death::death::death::death::banghead:

OA: 97.67

Ne chances??

Am sry but ur reasoning score has sabotaged ur chances of a call
I have 2.5 years of work ex in a US based IT firm...btech from a reputed engineering clg...

XAT 94.46
QA - 82.93
VA- 97.12
LR- 78.73

Do i have ne chance of getting an interview call from XIMB??

Overall score is ur undoing...am sry but dont think u wil get a call...
Hello XIMB Seniors,

Sorry for posting again.....

I have got the following scores in XAT:

VA - 65.2%ile
QA - 91.5 %ile
AR - 99.97 % ile
OA - 98.24 %

Work ex - 33 months

Could you please tell if there is any chance of XIMB considering work ex also for GDPI shortlisting....do u see any chances of me getting a call?

Please reply....

Am sry but ur low VA score has jeopardised chances of a call...
Verbal Ability99.530
Quantitative Ability87.020
Reasoning & Decision making ability99.770
Total Percentile 99.860

will i get a call from XIMB?

Yup...u wil get a call....commence preparations for GD/PI...
Hello seniors,

My XAT score :

VA : 83.83%ile
QA : 89.41%ile
LR : 98.22%ile

Overall : 96.87%ile

My profile:

Xth : 80%
XIIth : 75 %
B.com : 65 %
CFA : 70 % (completed alongwid graduation dis yr )
Work ex :8 mons

What are my chances for XIMB call ??

Close call....ther s a slim chance...ATB...
Hi seniors,
My scores for XAT are:
VA/LA - 99.85
QA - 87.02
LR/DM - 98.22
OA- 99.81

XL has reacted in the expected fashion by not throwing a call (I applied only to BM), would XIMB also follow the suit, or there are chances for me getting a call.....????

My acads:
X - 72.8
XII- 73.8
BE - 74.69

Work-ex: 18 months in IT

Also do the XAT scores carry any weightage in the final selection process???

I wil def put my money on u getting a call....XAT does have weightage in the final selection too....but not too much....ATB