Verbal Ability 81.52 Quantitative Ability 82.93 reasoning & Decision making ability 95.99 Total Percentile 93.61 wht are my chances?? There doesn't seem any chances as per last year's cutoffs, and I can't see any reason falling dis year! So, practically no chance!
Hi Seniors My scores Verbal Ability88.010 Quantitative Ability 98.43 Reasoning & Decision making ability 90.72 Total Percentile 97.670 wat r chances??? What i feel is, there would be Green Signal for you!! Start preparing for Gd-Pi! ATB
Verbal Ability - 73.330% Quantitative Ability - 99.230% Reasoning & Decision making ability - 83.460% Total Percentile - 95.230% Do i have any chance to get call from XIMB?
Hi, Congrats to all who scored well and expecting calls from XIMB. Here is my score QA-81.XX LR-93.XX OA-89.222 I am orissa domicile. Can i expect a call?? Regards Rajesh Chances are very bleak, hope lady luck shines on you!
Congo to all Puys who have got good scores!! My Xat result: VA:83.XX QA:76.XX :sad: LR:91.XX OA:90.38 :sad::sad: Orissa domicile. Any idea abt my chances? Just praying!! If we could have a poll for the %iles obtained by applicants, it would give us a clearer picture. It would help many poor souls like me!!! Sectionals won't be a problem for you, overall might be, but still don't rule yourself out!
hello seniors, my xat score is VA-86.22%le QA-92.08%le RES-87.42%le OA-93.89%le DO I STAND ANY CHANCE AT XIMB, PLEASE REPLY Sorry to say, but it can't see any chance !!
My freinds scores are: Verbal Ability 97.68 quant 85.51 Reasoning 85.78 Overall 96.69 What are the chances seniors??
my xat score is VA-75.9%le QA-94.2%le RES-97.69%le OA-96.53%le any chance for ximb Your's also can be borderline case! Very high chances of VA creating trouble for you.
January 19, 2009, 7:16pm
my xat 09 scores quant 92.08 va 82 ar 88 oa 93 (wrk exp. 2.5 yrs ) though it seems impossible (considering above posts) still " Do I stand a chance for XIMB"
Plzz tell me whether there are any chances on these scores: Quant: 78.57 Reasoning: 80.13 Verbal: 99.06 OA:96.32
Verbal Ability: 69.320 Quantitative Ability: 89.410 Reasoning & Decision making ability: 97.410 Total Percentile: 93.890 Any Chance for XIMB??? Nah..seems no chance at this score! Sorry
QA:99 VA:87.XX DI::86.XX OA::96.71 chances of being lucky seniors??please help
My percentiles: va- 78.720 (expected score: 8.5) qa- 92.950 (expected score: 8.5) lr - 95.690 (expected score: 14.0) Aggregate %ile: 95.230. (expected total: 31) Any chances of XIMB? What were the last year cutoffs for the same? Puys? Gong by the last year's trend, it's doesn't look realistic!
Overall it was somewhere arnd 96.2
(L S)
January 19, 2009, 7:23pm
Gettin 97.2 %ile overall wid lr- 97.2 qa -94.2 va-83.8 Ne chances of ximb ??
I got a score of 99.44 OA with VA-99.81 QA-96.89 and LR-78.73 Seniors, any chance of a call from XIMB ? And btw when is the list expected ? Going by the official disclosures of the last year's cutoffs, don't rule yourself out! U definitely have very possible chance of getting it!! All the best!
Sorry for posting again.....but seniors please reply Verbal Ability 97.68 quant 85.51 Reasoning 85.78 Overall 96.69 What are the chances seniors??
Gettin 97.2 %ile overall wid lr- 97.2 qa -94.2 va-83.8 Ne chances of ximb ?? Mouthful!! U shd be thru! All the best!
VA- 79.38 QA-87.02 LR-97.69 OA-95.45 any chances for me seniors???
January 19, 2009, 7:37pm
Hello seniors, First of all i like to thank u guys for being awake at such odd hours and answering to our queries. my xat score VA-97.68 QA-79.6 :sad: Reasoning - 98 OA-98.64 I have 2 years of work ex in Software comp. pls let know my chances in XIM B and also do XIM consider workex in giving call and can u pls thro some light when usually XIM comes out with GD/PI list Thanks
Sorry for posting again.....but seniors please reply Verbal Ability 97.68 quant 85.51 Reasoning 85.78 Overall 96.69 What are the chances seniors?? Good chances dude!!
Plz see last OA cutoff were 96.21, so puys having any concern with overall hovering around 96, give urself a chance! All the best!