Which b-school is better: IMT Ghaziabad or MDI Gurgaon?

Best B-School in NCR?

Best B-School in NCR?

MDI ..without a doubt.

Goes without saying. MDI

please do not insult MDI by comparing with a college not in its league,MDI vs nitie,MDI vs sjsom,MDI vs IIM KOZI,

these would sound better 🍻

Seems MDI wins this hands down. Thanks!!

Could somebody help me choose between the following? I would be very grateful. thanks

  • MDI Gurgaon - PGP HRM
  • SJMSOM - Master of management programme

0 voters

 I am a cat 2016  as well as a xat 2017 aspirant.I can see there so many courses such as pgdm, pgdm executive,pgdm dcp etc. in IMT ghaziabad.which course should be good for me?Can anyone give genuine details about the present placement status of IMT ghaziabad?How good IMT ghaziabad now a days? 

I have altogether 33 months of work experience.Should I apply for two years full time pgdm(equivalent to mba)?

please also compare IMT ghaziabad dual country program & Delhi School of Management,DTU.

  Which one is better: doing PGDM general from an average college or PGDM retail or anyother super-specialization course from a renowned college?  

IMT Ghaziabad or IIM nagpur which is better