i have scored 88 %le in cat....
can somebody elucidate about placements without bein diplomatic
To ALL UBS ludhiana Aspirants.
These attachments are the press releases regarding UBS ludhiana Placements..I hope these attachments will satisfy all queries regarding placements.
The placements has been good...
The average package is hovering around 5 lacs and very surely the placements will be hundred percent.
i have scored 88 %le in cat....
can somebody elucidate about placements without bein diplomatic
Please give a look to previous post all the queries regarding placements were answered.Placement process is still going on.

This is the placement news of first batch published in press(At the height of of recession).The placement of present batch is going on and is obviously going to better than previous batch.
Cool_vijay SaysPlease give a look to previous post all the queries regarding placements were answered.Placement process is still going on.:
Hi Vijay.....this is Manmeet....
My profile goes like this:
10th: 77.8% , cbse
12th:92.4% , cbse...commerce
bba: 80%....average of 1st 4 sem
CAT score: 76.87%ile..
please give me an honest feedback regarding my selection to ubs,ludhiana.. as i'm really disappointed with my cat score...please reply its urgent.. 😞
Hi Vijay.....this is Manmeet....
My profile goes like this:
10th: 77.8% , cbse
12th:92.4% , cbse...commerce
bba: 80%....average of 1st 4 sem
CAT score: 76.87%ile..
please give me an honest feedback regarding my selection to ubs,ludhiana.. as i'm really disappointed with my cat score...please reply its urgent.. :(
Yours Acads are really impressive.I will suggest you to apply for the College.I am telling you there is very good Chance of selection because of good acads.
The institute has recently delinked its admission process from parent institute UBS Chandigarh, now this thing creates opportunity because earlier people going for UBS Chandigarh were by default applying for UBS Ludhiana .This not going to happen this time.Cut-offs might be lower.
Do apply that i can say to you,The form only cost Rs 1650.

Regarding queries about Infrastructure ,The Campus is really good .
Faculty is really decent and the institute is Located in the heart of Ludhiana City.
seniors I got just 69.09 percentile..is there any chance at this score..really disappointing. quant percentile is 99.24 ..and something wrong has been in di on their part.. just 5 percentile!! Va- 54 percentile..
my acads are X- 90% , XII- 77%, B.Tech (ECE)- 80% with decent extra curriculars..
what are my chances ??
Hi Vijay.....this is Manmeet....
My profile goes like this:
10th: 77.8% , cbse
12th:92.4% , cbse...commerce
bba: 80%....average of 1st 4 sem
CAT score: 76.87%ile..
please give me an honest feedback regarding my selection to ubs,ludhiana.. as i'm really disappointed with my cat score...please reply its urgent.. :(
I Can assure you that for sure you will get interview call,The institute is going to call candidates 8 times of total seats.Emphasis to CAT score in selection process is 85%(Its Score and not percentile a guy getting 2% more score than you might be getting 85 percentile).GD is 7.5 and PI is & 7.5 .Do not get bogged down by score ,with acads like you Chances are extremely bright.:-o.
seniors I got just 69.09 percentile..is there any chance at this score..really disappointing. quant percentile is 99.24 ..and something wrong has been in di on their part.. just 5 percentile!! Va- 54 percentile..
my acads are X- 90% , XII- 77%, B.Tech (ECE)- 80% with decent extra curriculars..
what are my chances ??
Well again

Cool_vijay SaysI Can assure you that for sure you will get interview call,The institute is going to call candidates 8 times of total seats.Emphasis to CAT score in selection process is 85%(Its Score and not percentile a guy getting 2% more score than you might be getting 85 percentile).GD is 7.5 and PI is & 7.5 .Do not get bogged down by score ,with acads like you Chances are extremely bright.:-o.
thank u so much for the quick reply, also the placement link that you've provided is not opening ...so please give a few inputs on that ...had applied to ubs, chandigarh so i know about the delinking but don't have a score worth it...will apply to Ludhiana now...hope 2 receive all honest feedback from u abt the college... thanks in advance..

10th- 68%
12th- 67% (1 year gap after 10th *jaundice* )
Grad- 55% (still in final yr,BBA, Lucknow University)
Played Nationals in Badminton
Played Nationals in swimming
Won open state snooker championship
Won district level triathlon competition
Nd many more in d area of sports but my Extra curricular activities r mostly in tht area only
Now i also have my CAT 09 score. Manged to secure 89.4%ile overall.
Can i expect a GD/PI call?
And wat are my chances of converting it considering my below average acads?
Plz Help
Dr deepak kapur, fellow (iima) and professor of strategic management at the university business school, chandigarh has been appointed as the new director of ubs, ludhiana by the vice-chancellor of panjab university, chandigarh.
Dr deepak kapur has earlier worked as faculty in such reputed institutes as imt-ghaziabad, xlri-jamshedpur etc.
10th- 68%
12th- 67% (1 year gap after 10th *jaundice* )
Grad- 55% (still in final yr,BBA, Lucknow University)
Played Nationals in Badminton
Played Nationals in swimming
Won open state snooker championship
Won district level triathlon competition
Nd many more in d area of sports but my Extra curricular activities r mostly in tht area only
Now i also have my CAT 09 score. Manged to secure 89.4%ile overall.
Can i expect a GD/PI call?
And wat are my chances of converting it considering my below average acads?
Plz Help
Rohit ,yours acads are not that bad...so do not feel bogged down.Yours CAT score is quite good and to be very honest there are very less chances that with this score you will not be able to convert the call

Lamba Saysthank u so much for the quick reply, also the placement link that you've provided is not opening ...so please give a few inputs on that ...had applied to ubs, chandigarh so i know about the delinking but don't have a score worth it...will apply to Ludhiana now...hope 2 receive all honest feedback from u abt the college... thanks in advance..
The placement press release ,stated that first batch of student beat the recession with average package of 4-4.5 lacs even in times of recession.

The placement of current batch is supposed to be better as job market has improved:biggrin:.Students are getting the packages around 5 lacs and process is still going on.
bro i have secured 88%le in cat
i dun have a great profile
gap year after it
wat r the chances?
bro i have secured 88%le in cat
i dun have a great profile
gap year after it
wat r the chances?
Sachin ,Yours profile is quite decent:lookround:.I see nothing wrong and yours Chances of selection are really very good.

The placement press release ,stated that first batch of student beat the recession with average package of 4-4.5 lacs even in times of recession.
The placement of current batch is supposed to be better as job market has improved:biggrin:.Students are getting the packages around 5 lacs and process is still going on.
therez one more thing i wanted to ask you, I personally have an inclination towards marketing and planning to pursue my mba in same, i want to know whether ubs, ludhiana follows the same procedure as Chandigarh where students study their resp specializations from day1....if yes how many seats r there 4 marketing in the college..?? :lookround:
or r we alloted specializations based on our performance in GD/PI...??

how is the college for finance people and what are the package and profile for finance people.and what are my chances with cat score of 93 percentile.
In the instructions there is no mention about the draft, on whose favour the draft needs to be prepared....will it be same as ubs Chandigarh....but payable at Ludhiana..??? plz reply soon...