Sir i have attempted 40-43 questions ion 8dec morning slot with min of 70%accuracy(worst case) will i get call from UBS L what r my chances of final conversion i am from Defence category
amit0087 SaysSir i have attempted 40-43 questions ion 8dec morning slot with min of 70%accuracy(worst case) will i get call from UBS L what r my chances of final conversion i am from Defence category
I do not know what percentile will you get with this attempt , but assuming that if you get anything above than 80 percentile then chances of yours selection will be very bright.
And as you said you are from defence category and if you apply with defence category i think yours chances becomes almost sure shot

The Application form of the institute will come shortly (In around 16th of this month) .Please keep checking the website of the institute. The link of site is as follow.
Guys admission form is out
If there is any query regarding admission please feel free to ask..........
A frnd of mine is intrsted in UBS ludhiana. Can you pl let me know the CAT percentile cut off for UBS Ludhiana.
Hoping for a sincere reply and not a big number to depict the institue as a premier insti.
Also please let me know the fee structure
Thanks in anticipation
What is the fee structure and has the placement been 100%
Although its tough to predict cut offs in recent times to be honest, but if yours friend gets anything around 80 percentile i think he has very good chance to get admission in the institute.:thumbsup:
The placements has been good...
The average package is hovering around 5 lacs and very surely the placements will be hundred percent.
how can i obtain ubs ludhiana form.
iimmaterial Sayshow can i obtain ubs ludhiana form.
Check this link for the form and handbook of information...

hi seniors what is the total fee for 2 years , including hostel, laptop and everything.
Fees are around 3.08 lacs for 2 years which excludes laptop and hostel.....
its a self finance course and fees per annum is around 1.5 lacs.
krish2009 SaysThanks for the info.:clap:And what is the approx cost of laptop & hostel + mess for 2 years???When is the last date to buy the forms???:D
Well Laptop you have to buy on your own...and as student of Panjab University ,the University has provision of getting laptops for their students at subsidized rates.:clap:
Regarding Hostel ,the campus is comparatively new

regarding admission procedure you can log on to institute website
whats the last date for applying?
my adobe reader isnt working so help me out.
MOD can u plz tell out of the total seat how many seats are allotted to Punjab domicile students
how much %
whats the last date for applying?
my adobe reader isnt working so help me out.
Last date of application is 22 march.
MOD can u plz tell out of the total seat how many seats are allotted to Punjab domicile students
how much %
There is no quota based on Domicile in UBS L Panjab University .Infact this quota is not present in UBS Chandigarh too.For more information please give a look to the admission brochure.
Guys i am thinking 2 apply for dis college...............
can any body tell about d placements,infrasructure of the college?
plz repply