called hr,manipal: he said results will be out this week or next week. asked about interview date,he said no idea. last year when the interview was conducted any idea guys???
- this week
- next week
0 voters
I am from sc category attempted 120 question. Resoning 36(95% accuracy) quant 22(90% accuracy) english 35(80% accuracy) gernal awarness 27 (90% accuracy) expecting 95+. What are my chances?
Number of blind tukka g.k
- <5.i know every thing
- 10-15 kuch aata hi nhi
- 5-10 .kismat ki bazi
0 voters
Kitne reserve list ayenge?
- 1-toh banta hai
- 0-.sab join krega
- 2-ppl opted for ibps/rrb
- 3- mnipl koi join ni krta
0 voters
Sud i keep making polls?
- yes
- han
- plz do
0 voters
HR told that we should keep referring career page of bank.. yeh lo refer Karte raho.....
Can anyone please tell me provisional certificate enough to attend interview...I don't have cmm
Aj 17th march ayega result benchooooo
- haaaaa
- nhi be
0 voters
feb edition gk today?????
Koi h
Bhai log aaj 17 hai ayega kya ??? Pdf
Have you ever attempted a question that was never asked in exam?That is how I feel about love.
Interviewer-You are in"
Syndicate ka result kab take ayega???
I think they now have started exploiting banking aspirants .... Raising application fees from 600 to 700 , providing centers in different states, now some cheap center's started charging ₹10 for keeping our mobiles on center..... And now the baap of all DELAYING IN RESULTS .... Le LO BANKING ASPIRANTS KI...
IDBI,SYNDICATE....result after 1 April....
I have told early also .. result will be declared after indian bank interview and interview will be after indian bank joining .. classes will start from June .. so don't waste ur valuable time for waiting syndicate result and enjoy
Expected syn cut off???
Pahele kya ayega
- idbi
- syndi
- 1st april
0 voters