Syndicate bank manipal PGDBF 2017-2018

NAaaaa ayega aaj v

Guys iska result indian bank ke interview ke baad hi aayega and interview bom and Indian ke final joining ke baad hoga and after ibps po result .. it will be beneficial for bank and you too ... and last year ke classes abhi over nhi hue hai to syndicate ke paas bhut time hai... Haa idbi ka result isse pehle aa skta hai.

I think Results will be after April 1st

The more d delay The more benefited we get

  • agree bencho
  • disagree mothaaafukkkaa

0 voters

If interested call  0820-2571181 and  connect to HR department ,ask whether it will be out today .

Yesterday they said it may come this week

I am wishing for the result to be out after April 1st. Do u guys also wishing for the same?

  • NO
  • YES

0 voters

What is the ratio for SBI po mains 1:10 or 1:20?

Strictly sticking to their very own culture of "DELAYING" .. Syndicate "faithfully delays" .. 

I called HR. He said that result is going to be declared on or before 17th march.

countdown started..Get ready guys...


Expected marks??

  • 115-120
  • 120>
  • 90-95
  • 95-100
  • 100-105
  • 105-110
  • 110-115

0 voters

Hey guys now after the news is out regarding marks...what you all think about the date of Interview..It will be before 1 April or after..

Cutoff 85 gen

GEN cutoff 104-108,OBC 100-104,SC/ST 95-98  confirm ,how many are IN now?? 

  • YES I AM

0 voters


  • 90-100
  • 131-140
  • 121-130
  • 111-120
  • 101-110

0 voters

Result kb aa rha h???

The guy said result on or before 17th is fake i guess

Most Speculated Words- " Your​ attempts" Most weird Word- " Accuracy" Most Mysterious Word- " Cut off" Most Anxious line- " List of successful candidates provisionally selected for PI on the basis of online exam"

I called hr he said 15 days more...

Hmmm...just now called to this no.08202571186 and asked to connect to HR..he had connected...and the HR may come this week itself or next just have a patience guys...nd here i dont find option to share screenshot so am not sharing....