Stratagem 2.0

Continuing the discussion from [Official] SCMHRD Admissions 2023-25:

After an unparalleled success last year, the Admissions & PR Team is back with another season of the much awaited competition, Stratagem 2.0 :sparkles::memo::man_technologist:

This competition is designed especially for those who want an insight into Business Analytics and Infrastructure Development and Management, the two unique specialized courses offered at SCMHRD. :books::bar_chart::building_construction:

So what are you waiting for? Pull up your socks and get ready to fight the ultimate battle of the wits and win exciting prizes. :sparkles::gift::heart_eyes:

Stay tuned for further information.

#scmhrdxp #apr #symbiosis #stratagem

:loudspeaker: Want to know more about the niche fields of Business Analytics and Infrastructure Development and Management ?The wait is over because Stratagem is now live! Stratagem is a one of its kind national level infrastructure and analytics competition aimed to increase awareness among aspirants about the two niche courses at SCMHRD- MBA in Business Analytics and MBA in Infrastructure Development and Management. :chart_with_upwards_trend::building_construction: The competition comprises of three rounds with the first round being a SNAP mini mock that can aid one’s SNAP preparation! The clock is ticking to avail exciting opportunities to attend webinars from industry experts and appealing prizes which are up for grab! :trophy::100: #SCMHRDxP #Stratagem #analytics #infrastructure #symbiosis #apr