Hello Puys
, Firstly, Welcome and thank you for your interest in one of the most sought after college under CMAT exam. Through this thread we hope to solve all your queries regarding admissions and various other aspects r…
Hello Puys 😃😃,
Firstly, Welcome and thank you for your interest in one of the most sought after college under CMAT exam. Through this thread we hope to solve all your queries regarding admissions and various other aspects related to SIMREE.
Now, for a brief introduction about SIMSREE, We are a 30-year old Government Institution under Govt. of Maharashtra. We are located in the economical capital of India and in the heart of all that economic activity at Churchgate i.e. South Mumbai. We sit on top of Sydenham College of Commerce, which is the first Commerce College in Asia named after the then governor of Bombay Lord Sydenham.
SIMSREE is an institute that is completely student driven. The institute enables student development not just through academics but through over all personality development by involving students in various committees and forums.
We offer two courses under Full time Post Graduation stream which are MMS(offered by University of Mumbai) and PGDBM(autonomous course offered by SIMSREE).
Feel free to ask any questions(that are within the norms of Pagalguy).
P.S.:- Please go through http://www.simsree.org and http://simsreeblog.blogspot.in/ for more information.
Placement report can be found on: http://www.simsree.org/node/78
P.P.S.:- Please Go through the FAQs once. You may find your answer as well as some additional information in those.
1. How to apply for SIMSREE?
Admission to SIMSREE is through the Centralised Allotment (CAP round) for both MMS and PGDBM Courses. You are required to give MH-MBACET for 85% Maharashtra Candidates and CMAT/CAT/JMET/XAT/ATMA etc. Post that you are required to fill in a centralized allotment form with your preferences for various colleges. The details and dates for the same will be available on ..:: Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai ::..
Process for Admissions:
1. Appear for MH-MBACET (Maharashtra students) or CMAT/CAT/JMET/XAT/ATMA etc, (All India students).
2. A common application to be filled for all the colleges under DTE i.e. all colleges in Maharashtra. The dates for the sale of this application should be updated on the DTE website. This form would have the login credentials to the DTE website. All the further process information will be available on the website.
3. Once you get the final Score card which includes your Written exam, you are required to fill a CAP (Centralized allotment Process) form with your preferences for colleges (Since there is a single process for all the colleges under Maharashtra Government & Universities).
4. There are 3 CAP rounds by DTE. In the first two (2) rounds by Centralized Allotment the eligible candidates will fill separate Online Option forms for respective rounds. Third round of CAP shall be conducted by way of counseling only for the eligible Maharashtra State candidates.
5. All candidates who have secured an allotment out of First Three Options in CAP I will not be eligible for subsequent CAP rounds irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the admission or not. All candidates who have secured an allotment out of any one of the options in CAP II will not be eligible for subsequent round.
6. There will be a 4th CAP round but it will be a institute level round and institute has the autonomy to decide the criteria to fill the vacant seats after the first three rounds.
Note: The information given is on the basis of how the process is supposed to happen for admissions this year. If there is any change in the same this year, we will update as soon as we are aware of it.
2. I don't have Maharashtra domicile can I apply?
Students outside Maharashtra can apply for the all India seats. Last year there were 18 All India seats for MMS and 6 All India seats for PGDBM courses
3. What is MMS? I have heard about PGDBM is it the same?
MMS i.e. (Masters in Management studies) is the Management degree offered by University of Mumbai. PGDBM (Post Graduate diploma in Business management) is an autonomous course offered at SIMSREE and it is offered by The Government of Maharashtra. The selection process, curriculum and the placement process for both are the same.
4. Which Scores are considered at SIMSREE?
The admissions at SIMSREE for both MMS and PGDBM, happens through the CAP. This year MH-MBACET has made a comeback. So, as of now 85% of Maharashtra seats will be filled through CET and 15% All India seats through above mentioned exams.
5. What were the cut-offs last year?
Category Rank
HU -166
OHU -133
AI -109
Category Rank
Maharashtra students -257
AI -135
6. What is the seat distribution at SIMSREE?
MMS HU – General 38, Reserved 46 (includes PH candidates) OHU – General 9, Reserved 9 (No reservation for PH candidates) AI – 18 (no Reservations) PGDBM Maharashtra state candidates – General 25, Reserved 29 (includes PH candidates) AI – 6 (no Reservations)
7. The batch strength is of 180 students, while the placement report is for 110. Why the discrepancy?
The seats have been increased from 120 to 180 just last year i.e. from batch 2012-14. The placement report is for 120 students. And the others not included have either taken up an off campus job or opted for entrepreneurship.
8. What are the tuition and hostel fees per year?
The tuition fee is Rs.69000/- out of which Rs.2000/- is refundable. And the hostel fee is around Rs.8000 per year.
9. Do we need to fill a separate form for PGDBM?
No, the admission for PGDBM at SIMSREE will be through CAP rounds only.
1. How to apply for SIMSREE?
Admission to SIMSREE is through the Centralised Allotment (CAP round) for both MMS and PGDBM Courses. You are required to give CMAT/CAT, post which there will be a common GDPI round. Post that you are required to fill in a centralized allotment form with your preferences for various colleges. The details and dates for the same will be available on ..:: Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai ::..
Process for Admissions:
1. Appear for CMAT (Maharashtra students) or CMAT/CAT* (All India students).
2. A common application to be filled for all the colleges under DTE i.e. all colleges in Maharashtra. The dates for the sale of this application should be updated on the DTE website. This form would have the login credentials to the DTE website. Using this login credential, you need to apply for the common GDPI process. All the further process information will be available on the website.
3. Once you get the final Score card which includes your Written exam, GDPI, academics and Work Experience scores; (The percentage of each has been shared in a previous post) you are required to fill a CAP (Centralized allotment Process) form with your preferences for colleges (Since there is a single process for all the colleges under Mumbai University).
4. There are 3 CAP rounds by DTE. In the first two (2) rounds by Centralized Allotment the eligible candidates will fill separate Online Option forms for respective rounds. Third round of CAP shall be conducted by way of counseling only for the eligible Maharashtra State candidates.
5. All candidates who have secured an allotment out of First Three Options in CAP I will not be eligible for subsequent CAP rounds irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the admission or not. All candidates who have secured an allotment out of any one of the options in CAP II will not be eligible for subsequent round.
6. There will be a 4th CAP round but it will be a institute level round and institute has the autonomy to decide the criteria to fill the vacant seats after the first three rounds.
Note: The information given is on the basis of how the process is supposed to happen for CMAT this year. If there is any change in the same this year, we will update as soon as we are aware of it.
2. I don't have Maharashtra domicile can I apply?
Students outside Maharashtra can apply for the all India seats. Last year there were 18 All India seats for MMS and 6 All India seats for PGDBM courses
3. What is MMS? I have heard about PGDBM is it the same?
MMS i.e. (Masters in Management studies) is the Management degree offered by University of Mumbai. PGDBM (Post Graduate diploma in Business management) is an autonomous course offered at SIMSREE and it is offered by The Government of Maharashtra. The selection process, curriculum and the placement process for both are the same.
4. Which Scores are considered at SIMSREE?
The admissions at SIMSREE for both MMS and PGDBM, happens through the CAP. Since CMAT has replaced CET, CMAT scores will be considered instead of CET scores. As far as CAT and other scores are considered, it will be a decision that rests with the DTE. So, wait for DTE to come up with final notifications.
5. What were the cut-offs last year?
Category Rank
HU -166
OHU -133
AI -109
Category Rank
Maharashtra students -257
AI -135
6. What is the seat distribution at SIMSREE?
MMS HU – General 38, Reserved 46 (includes PH candidates) OHU – General 9, Reserved 9 (No reservation for PH candidates) AI – 18 (no Reservations) PGDBM Maharashtra state candidates – General 25, Reserved 29 (includes PH candidates) AI – 6 (no Reservations)
7. The batch strength is of 180 students, while the placement report is for 110. Why the discrepancy?
The seats have been increased from 120 to 180 just last year i.e. from batch 2012-14. The placement report is for 120 students. And the others not included have either taken up an off campus job or opted for entrepreneurship.
8. What are the tuition and hostel fees per year?
The tuition fee is Rs.69000/- out of which Rs.2000/- is refundable. And the hostel fee is around Rs.8000 per year.
9. Do we need to fill a separate form for PGDBM?
No, the admission for PGDBM at SIMSREE will be through CAP rounds only.
10. What is the weightage of academics and work experience in the overall score?
The expected distribution of marks is as follows,
CMAT - 400
GD - 34
PI - 34
10th - max 4 (greater than 75% -4 marks; between 75% and 60% - 2 marks , less than 60% - 0 marks)
12th or equivalent – max 4 (greater than 75% -4 marks; between 75% and 60% - marks , less than 60% - 0 marks)
Work Experience – Max 4 (greater than 3 years – 4 marks; 1 – 3 years – 2 marks; less than 1 year – 0 marks)
For Sept CMAT takers...
30 years and going strong...
As admission to SIMSREE is through DTE process and now CET is back so DTE wil conider CET.........SO can any plzz confirm that admission to SIMSREE now will be through CET??
hey guys.. need ur help regarding this... as simsree's admission process is as per DTE, i heard that the results are out only by june... as an aspirant, i have applied to a few other cols as well.. but i am REALLY keen abt simsree... but a few b skuls start by then... my only fear is that i dont want to let go of all gud options incase i dont get through SIMSREE as i am an OMS candidate and its kinda tough fr me... PLZZ HELP ME ON HOW TO GO ABT THIS!!!!!
This is the official notification from DTE regarding Admission Process:
The notification is in Marathi, so might be difficult to understand for some aspirants. In that case, please note the following points:
1. The admission for the year of 2014-15 will be based on CET (MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2014 ) conducted by Govt. of Maharashtra.
2. 85% of the seats will be filled based on CET. 15% will be through All India Quota. Under this, scores of following exams will be considered: CAT, MAT, XAT, ATMA, CMAT
3. Further details will be displayed later on.
guys i have a doubt...i am a pharmacist...n am working as a registered pharmacist at my own shop...so will my work exp count????i have been geting mixed responses...so plz help
how much to score to get in here.. i hv cmat sep score 234 ,rank 1433 is there any chance .. i m from delhi ,
Keep Visiting for what's happening at SIMSREE..😁
At times DTE accepts the score of ATMA and/or MAT. So is there any point in giving ATMA and MAT this year for SIMSREE (anticipating that in case it may accept those scores) ?
As mentioned in the intro post, that Once you receive the final score card including written exam GDPI, Workex, Who provides this final score card ??
The Process
CMAT --> GDPI --> DTE --> CAP ?
CMAT --> DTE --> CAP -- GDPI ??
CMAT --> DTE --> GDPI --> CAP ?
I am not a Maharashtra graduate so this DTE and CAP Thing are really confusing.
You mentioned the cutoff
AI - 109 for MMS
AI - 135 for PGDM
Is it CMAT score ??? if yes is it CMAT sep or CMAT feb or CMAT may2013
I haven't taken CMAT september, am i eligible ?
I scored 194 in the Sept attempt of CMAT-2013 with AIR-5181.
Do I stand a chance in PGDM (Finance) ?