Hello there Fellow Aspirants,I guess this is the right time for us to get started with our preparation (or shall I say kick start our prep). The exam notification would probably come around in June and the exam would be scheduled in August… I …
Hello there Fellow Aspirants,
Puys, My Economics based General Awareness is really weak. I gave the exam last year but couldn't clear the phase-1 exam. I scored 121 and the cut-off was 126. My G.K. score was just 24/80. Please guide me on how to study for this section and let's make this thread really active. 😃
Since many ppl have problem in GA. SO I will start with GA -
you can follow - any one of (Pratiyogita darpan,CSAT chronicle,Economy at a glance), one one newspaper(The HINDU,Indian Express, ET), www.pib.nic.in , www.gktoday.in . make short notes for revision.
Hi fellow aspirants, in the final selection does marks of Phase I matter? or is it just a qualifying round?
what is required qualification for group b??
Recently rbi has announced its grade b officer results (m i right?) ... will it conduct exam just after 4 months?? Can we be sure that this august it will conduct again?.. Or does rbi conduct exam every year.??? I am Planning to give it this yr thts y curious... thank you.
If I am NOT wrong: if notification comes mid June or simply June, the exam has to be in August last week?
Or it could go till September?
Hi Puys,

Some material for General Awareness.. Had this in stock. Would be uploading more soon !
Let's we all start with ''post one question a day''; be it from anything.
Don't let this thread go dead.
At final Cabinet meeting, PM stops $400-mn FDI deal.
Even as the Bharatiya Janata Party has demanded that the government refrain from crucial decisions and appointments at the fag end of its term, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh “struck off” a $400-million foreign investment proposal from KKR, a Manhattan-headquartered specialist in leveraged takeovers of managements, at the final Cabinet meet on Thursday.
KKR was formerly known as Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, whose leveraged buyout of a U.S. tobacco and food conglomerate, RJR Nabisco, in the 1980s inspired the film Barbarians at the Gate. “… the Prime Minister might have had the firm's reputation at the back of his mind,” the source said.
Directions (Qs. 1-5) study the following table and answer the questions given below it.
Production of sugar by six major production units of India in Million Tonnes :
Month A B C D E F
April 310 180 169 137 140 120
May 318 179 177 162 140 122
June 320 160 188 173 135 130
July 326 167 187 180 146 130
Aug 327 150 185 178 145 128
1. In which month the unit B has a contribution of approximately 15% in the total sugar production?
a) August b) June c) July d) April
2. Which of the following units shows continuous increase in production of sugar over months?
a) A b) B c) C d) D
3. In the case of Unit E, in which of the following pairs of months the production of sugar was equal?
a) April & June b) June & July c) July & August d) April & May
4. In the month of June, how many units have a share of more than 25% of the total production of sugar?
a) one b) Three c) Two d) Four
Those who have cleared phase 1 exam please discuss your strategy for every section .
Link for last year's General Awareness Questions. Okay for reference !
I have attached herein a text file consisting of question I gathered from various websites... Take a look ! Hope it's helpful 😃
If anyone has memory based paper of phase 1, then pls upload. I could not find it
2013 GK questions. One question is from LR also.
the question is will there be grade b officer's exam this year ? as the grade b exam doesn't happen each year like other PO exams..
The major aim of devaluation is to?
C.Encourage both exports and imports