Clearing the doubts of this exam
Join the group for discussion on NIRRH assistant exam held on 26th July 2019
How many candidate gave this exam
Whats the score?
Kindly post your marks got in NIRRH assistant exam
Kindly post ur marks in NIRRH assistant exam held on 26th July 2019
- 50 to 60
- 70 to 80
- 40 to 50
- 60 to 70
0 voters
There are many mistakes in the answer key also and no option is given to claim for wrong answer key
Expected cutoff
When the result will be released. Any idea
Ldc ka list aaya
Koi hai kya is group se
Anyone else got shortlisted for skill test of assistant
Anyone knows about result? when they are going to display?
Anybody got letter from nirrh?