Hi guys,
I finished with my CFA Level 3 in June 2005. I studied from the text books & other CFA Inst material for all 3 levels & am looking to get off most of the books/material. Let me know if anyone is interested. Mail me - [email protected] . All the best to everyone!
hi guys.
to introduce myself to the forum.
I am a s/w engg working with MBT Mumbai for the past 1.5 yrs.
academic qualification : bca.
i now want to pursue my CFA.
Those of you in mumbai, who would like to share your study matterial etc please let me know.
iam ready to incurr the costs involved.
passionz , i am interested in buying ur matterial, and have already mailed u, please reply asap
hi Peeps
lemme introduce myself first
m final year engg student n wud be joining TCS in either Jun or July(?)
iv gone thru the whole thread since its begining n m interested in CFA
......m ready to chip in the money for the Stala/Schw.........but i stay in Indore....temme wat best can b dun.......:neutral:
Hey Guys I am also Interested in Pursuing CFA but I am bothered by the huge cost of books. Meanwhile I am an engineer frm delhi Got placed in HCL technologies. Nyone frm DELHI who is willing to share books and stuff is welcome. I Believe TOGETHER WE CAN AND TOGETHER WE WILL !!!
i got a pm ffrom u telling me that u have the latest matterial and that u r ready to share..
but after that didn't hear anything from u .
can u please get in touch asap. as i need the books soon.
Okay, the level 1 results for december 2005 are out...and nearly everyone i know has failed, including my hot-shot buddy from IIT. The passing rate for indians is as dismal as 36%. nice going...i`m all fired up for june! :(
Here, take a peak at the passing rates in different countries...china tops, no surprises!
United States: 34 percent of the 7,094 total exam candidates
Canada: 35 percent of the 1,690 total exam candidates
Europe: 35 percent of the 3,049 total exam candidates
Germany: 42 percent of the 391 total exam candidates
United Kingdom: 34 percent of the 1,653 total exam candidates
Asia Pacific: 31 percent of the 5,710 total exam candidates
India: 36 percent of the 1,288 total exam candidates
Mainland China: 54 percent of the 1,298 total exam candidates
Latin America: 35 percent of the 136 total exam candidates
Africa/Middle East: 23 percent of the 862 total exam candidates
Crash_test_dummy SaysOkay, the level 1 results for december 2005 are out...and nearly everyone i know has failed, including my hot-shot buddy from IIT. The passing rate for indians is as dismal as 36%. nice going...i`m all fired up for june! :(
now tht makes me reconsider my plans to go for june:(
rajeshnsitian Saysnow tht makes me reconsider my plans to go for june
well, even i`m a little shaky now...one attempt costs 20K!! This could be a test of our resolve maybe...will we be shaken and scared or will we get into top gear. honestly, i`m a lil shaky and scared as of now at least. after taking a look my newly-acquired Schweiser 2006 material and the massive textbooks...i`m feeling...umm....GIDDY! but i really really wanna finish cfa ASAP coz once we give level 1 in dec 2006, there`s no way we can prepare for level 2 within 6 months and give it in june 2007...and there is no december attempt for level 2....too much delay. i might as well take my chance and give it a shot this coming june.
when (if!) are you guys planning to register? anyone registered for june 06 already?
hey CTD n all,
m really interested in buying the stuff tho i m on a very shoe-string budget.....
temme when soon can i get the books from u dudes to get 'em photocopied
plz can u mail the financial terms at:
or just PM me
i m eagerly awaiting ur reply and desperate to take the exams head on
Any idea how is the courses of Stock Market, Derivatives, etc conducted by NCFM (NSE)..
Do they add value or are they for decorating one's resume ???
~ Gulshan
CTD and archbishop .....
I have PMed you
Do any of you know where from we can get the calculators for CFA?
Also, if anyone is interested in pooling in for CFA Level 1 study material from the CFA institute let me know
Hey CTD / Archbishop / Desporado / Rajesh
After much consideration and some careful planning I had planned for a CFA / MS Finance course from ICFAI and then a MBA ... to augment my 6+ years workex in the BPO space ( the domain BFI ie Banking Finance and Insurance) ...my intention was to look at another uppity upp in the BPO space itself ( avg CTC in the BFI domain @ a L3 manager level is appx INR12 Lacs and Masters in Finance is a fairly credible way of staking a claim to this domain quickly)
Dell, my employers, like most of the others in the BPO space has a policy of supporting the employees further education plans especially if the same can be undertaken while at work.. the payback model ensures that the employee is retained for the tenure of the course. I have kicked off the further education for the ICFAI MS Finance leading to CFA charter.
The ICFAI MS Finance Leading to a CFA Charter official booklet mentions CIIA Qualification from the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts Switzerland by clearing the 2 papers which are scheduled on after payment of the reg fees. (appx Rs 1000 + $600)
Now, any heads up on the CIIA qualification..... from the pvs posts I conclude that the ICFAI beat has been termed second rung.
Please post.
Hey CTD / Archbishop / Desporado / Rajesh
Now, any heads up on the CIIA qualification..... from the pvs posts I conclude that the ICFAI beat has been termed second rung.
Please post.
In simple, plain, and rude words...i`d say DO NOT go for the ICFAI-CFA...it`s a fake. the CFA charter from the cfa institute in USA is the only authentic CFA designation and ICFAI is merely trying to replicate it at lower costs and of course at lower standards. ICFAI was given the affiliation by the cfa institute, but that was later withdrawn...but icfai continues to use the CFA course as it`s own. there are quite a few legal cases pending against icfai in this regard. if your employer is an MNC, then they would probably themselves not allow you to take the icfai cfa. go for the real one, it`ll hold much more value internationally and at your work place, especially coz it`s an mnc.
for a more heated discussion of this icfai-ciia-cfa mess, check out the thread called "ciia diploma from icfai" started by routhmanz on this forum. you`ll find some companions there who you could team up with.
I have been going through John Hull's Derivatives ,Options and Futures.
I have found it a gud read.Can anyone relate this book with the stuff one will have to study to clear level 1 and level 2 .....the concepts involved.Is it the same level although the book is primarily on derivatives and options and the CFA course encompasses a lot more areas.
I have been going through John Hull's Derivatives ,Options and Futures.
I have found it a gud read.Can anyone relate this book with the stuff one will have to study to clear level 1 and level 2 .....the concepts involved.Is it the same level although the book is primarily on derivatives and options and the CFA course encompasses a lot more areas.
you can study any topic from anywhere as long as you cover the LOS (learning objective statements). basically, they tell you what you are expected to know, and recommend a book where you can learn it from. now as long as you learn that concept from wherever, makes no difference. go thru the LOS document and then decide whether your book does cover the concepts that cfa requies you to know.
well actually i am not preparing for level 1 rite now...mebbe will think about it in the future...just wanted to know whether the course is on the same level of difficulty..u know the concepts involved...
hi guys.
i am also thinking of doing CFA. Am ready to pull in money to buy the CFA books.
If you guys have already bought the books, Can I still share your books?
I am ready to incurr the necessary expenses.
i stay at Mulund / mumbai.
Hii Pradeep
Me too planning for CFA but yet unsure abt.Hyd or the US one.Also i am a commerce grad. with 75% at graduation.What about you?when do you intend to begin?ANd by the way me too from Mulund.ANy idea how the difficulty level is?i heard that only CAs are able to clear it soon.Any idea?
Hi All PGites,
This is my first posting in PG.
A little intro - an engineeeer(donna from which angle) ,working for a coding factory(MNC) in chennai for past 2 years.Little Financial Market knowledge because of the kind of project.
Have couple of NCFM certifications.
I am also planning to take CFA .......aaaammmm ..june 06 or Dec 06 ,not decided.
Though i havent registered , i have the ambitious plan of taking the exam in june.
It would be great if CTD and other senior juntas who have done a lot of ground work in this regard can clear my doubts.
1. After going through the CFA site(bahut baar ..) and reading pg postings ,i would like to prepare from CFA inti materals .Even though they are very costly ,i think its worth and also its affordable if 3-4 people can pool the money.I think these books can be great reference books for future also if we are planning for MBA finance .
On CFA website it is given that there is a concession for CFA candidates(donna how much).
If i register for CFA now it will take approx. 3-4 weeks for this to get completed/confirmation. Now after registration if i buy books online(on discount rates) it will again take 2-3 weeks for the books to reach me.This means i can only start the preparation in march 1-2 week.
Now the real question is 3 month preparation enough for CFA level 1.
2. I can save about a month if i can get the indian version of these CFA insti books.
where can i get these?
3. Are these indian version books exactly the same as CFA insti books?
4. How much will the calculator cost?Are they available in india at a lower cost?
It would be great if gyani PGites can enlighten me because i dont want to take a decision in haste and flunk in june.
divyacr SaysIs there anyone in chennai preparing for CFA ? We could discuss and help each other and share the work load and knowledge to facilitate us in clearing CFA level 1 .
Hi divyacr,
Mee too also targeting CFA .But i have not made up my mind when i 'll take up the exam june or Dec.
How abt you ,have you registered ?
How about forming a group and pool money for the study materials?
We can also meet on weekends and share our knowledge and help each other.
From which study material are you preparing?
I think we need to act fast if we target for june exam.