hey arch...welcome back after so many days!
i`ve been studying from the textbooks and i`ve personally realized in reality what i myself had said earlier: it`s so damn vast!! i mean, the book just goes on and on endlessly for so many pages....i think i need some condensed notes to make life easier.
i`ve sent u a PM about the notes...if u want, i have some more friends who might also be interested, i`ll wait for your response and then decide. what abt the CFA institute ka books...are u interested in them? i guess we must focus our time and resources on just one set of notes...either stalla or schweiser or CFA inst...wat say?
anyways, do reply to my message whenever u can and we can get in touch.
hey arch...welcome back after so many days!
i`ve been studying from the textbooks and i`ve personally realized in reality what i myself had said earlier: it`s so damn vast!! i mean, the book just goes on and on endlessly for so many pages....i think i need some condensed notes to make life easier.
i`ve sent u a PM about the notes...if u want, i have some more friends who might also be interested, i`ll wait for your response and then decide. what abt the CFA institute ka books...are u interested in them? i guess we must focus our time and resources on just one set of notes...either stalla or schweiser or CFA inst...wat say?
anyways, do reply to my message whenever u can and we can get in touch.
hey dood...cud u temme whts this stalla and Scheweser thing is all bout? are these notes providers or something? pardon the ignorance

is there anyway i can get these notes cheap? i want to get a hang of the thing so as to decide if i can take the L1 in june or not
hey dood...cud u temme whts this stalla and Scheweser thing is all bout? are these notes providers or something? pardon the ignorance
is there anyway i can get these notes cheap? i want to get a hang of the thing so as to decide if i can take the L1 in june or not
stalla and schweiser are two major test prep companies that sell notes, books, and software that help u prepare for the CFA. you could either read everything from the textbooks prescribed by the CFA institute or u could buy these test prep material, where they condence all the material and teach u stuff from a very exam oriented approach. if you`re looking for extensive knowledge and understading of the subject, then u should probably go for the textbooks (i`ve made a list of recommended books in one of my earlier posts). if u wanna focus on exam oriented questions n learning then get hold of these prep material. the latest entrant in this scene is the CFA institute itself...it has released it`s own set of prep material...that one should be the big daddy of all notes i think!
these notes are pretty expensive...u can check out the prices at stall.com and shweiser.com. might cost u anything between 15-22K. the only way to cut costs is to either pool in money with other interested ppl and buy it together or xerox it from friends or buy it second hand from someone who`s done with their exams.
the latest entrant in this scene is the CFA institute itself...it has released it`s own set of prep material...that one should be the big daddy of all notes i think!
AFAIK wht cfainstitute has done is,it has merely compiled the chapters which are there in the recommended books.and it costs around 350$....so i dunt think its a very good idea to buy those.......
btw..howz ur prep coming along?
AFAIK wht cfainstitute has done is,it has merely compiled the chapters which are there in the recommended books.and it costs around 350$....so i dunt think its a very good idea to buy those.......
btw..howz ur prep coming along?
i`ve heard that somewhere myself. I dont know if they`ve simply put together all the chapters from different books or have added some value to it. the website says there are some "solutions" included in these books...maybe that`s their contribution. it`s a set of four books and the total number of pages is around 4000. compare that with schweiser, which has 7 books totalling to 1500 pages!! but the one thing u can be sure about is that the cfa material will be both authoritative and comprehensive. i mean, questions can only be from those books and u dont have to go anywhere else for answers. here`s what the ad says on the cfa website:
2006 Level I Program Curriculum: $395.00
Self-contained volumes that offer everything you need for your study program. Includes all required materials, learning outcome statements, and solutions. (CFA Institute)
they wouldn`t use words like "self contained" and "everything you need" and "includes all required material" unless they actually wanna say something....these are the ppl who give the highest weightage on "ethical standards" in the exam!!
abhi i dont know what to do! arch dude, do let me know asap about the sharing terms of your schweiser stuff. i`m starting to get a lil desparate...144 days to go!!
about my prep: it isnt coming along good lately. i did start off well, as u can see in one of my earlier posts. after then i hit a speedbreaker...i`ve been busy with so much work at office and then i come home all tired and all i wanna do is eat and sleep...havnt touched a book for the last 2 days! i`ve completed study session 18, which is portfolio management, and by completed i mean i`ve read thru it and understood concepts...i dont really know how welll i`ve prepared so far.
i`ve just started on study session 12 from the same book, "equity analysis". have been reading the third chapter on organizational structure of world markets and creation of equity portfolios etc. havnt been waking up early enough in the mornings to study...this is really bad.
like i`ve said earlier, the difficult part doesn`t look like studying or understanding the stuff... the difficult part that i think here is to REMEMBER and retain everything. i`ve just been studying for 10 days and already i cant recall many concepts...i have 90% syllabus remaining and 5 months to go...how`m i ever gonna remember stuff!
btw,whats your profile?when u taking the test?enolled yet? got material?etc etc.

btw,whats your profile?when u taking the test?enolled yet? got material?etc etc.
my profile....working in a s/w firm....disillusioned by CAT...98 last year and this year 94...another one of those-"i couldnt clear CAT so GMAT is the way to go" fellas....average acads.....interest in fin....hope to improve my profile and learn by doing CFA...not yet enrolled...no material...still hoping for some cheap material so that i can evaluate if i can take the test in june or not...hv ya enrolled?
no peepz in bangalore interested in CFA?
Wud ve joined you peeps..Had CAT banged me! But it happened the other way :D
Have to wait for Dec 06 for level 1 it seems!
@ rajesh...lotsa yahoo grps for CFA..check'em...lotsa lotsa members in bangy
my profile....working in a s/w firm....disillusioned by CAT...98 last year and this year 94...another one of those-"i couldnt clear CAT so GMAT is the way to go" fellas....average acads.....interest in fin....hope to improve my profile and learn by doing CFA...not yet enrolled...no material...still hoping for some cheap material so that i can evaluate if i can take the test in june or not...hv ya enrolled?
no peepz in bangalore interested in CFA?
jai ho NSIT baba kee, by the way did you check out www.analystforum.com
Most of the books are common in L1,2,3
and yeah those books from CFAI arnt bad considering the fact that you can put in $400 per attempt instead of getting all books for $1500 in one go.
On top of that you are sheilded to the frequent version upgrades to those books, as you always get the material for that year only.
just my .02
my profile....working in a s/w firm....disillusioned by CAT...98 last year and this year 94...another one of those-"i couldnt clear CAT so GMAT is the way to go" fellas....average acads.....interest in fin....hope to improve my profile and learn by doing CFA...not yet enrolled...no material...still hoping for some cheap material so that i can evaluate if i can take the test in june or not...hv ya enrolled?
no peepz in bangalore interested in CFA?
hey we`re on the same page! i tried out cat a coupla times myself...never even got close to your scores though. i did gmat after that for almost the same reasons. i got interested in fianance after i was totally disillusioned with my engineering and didn`t see it taking me anywhere in life. i havent enrolled yet...i have got 2 books though...might buy some more. check out the link below...it gives you 20 sample pages from schweisers notes. they`ve picked out this sample randomly (and i think deliberately from some dificult topic just to freek u out!) from one of their books:
i`m a newbie into finance too...and i`ve just started. i`m finding it not-so-easy. still doing some of the relatively simpler chapters...i`ll get a better view when the biggies come up....derivatives, accounting etc. anyone from mumbai interested in studying collaboratively? i dont mean sitting together all day long, i just mean coordinating and sharing knowledge and learning expereince. hope to hear from u all soon.
Hey guys was in a mega search for the notes these days. Finally got thru. I have the 2005 schweser notes also. but i thought it wud be a good idea to buy the new set itself. I guess a lot of guys are getting intrigued about this course.
i visited the stalla insti in andheri some days ago. they are offering coaching with CDs and stalla notes. But they don't provide the notes in isolation. it comes as a package. 22 hrs coqaching, flashcards, CDs and Mocks. But the shock is yet to come......... They charge some 36k for all this. just for 22*3=66 hrs of coaching.
I guess pooling in is the best option. If so many people are interested in this why not make a plan and meet at some place preferably on a weekend...
i guess it wud be a gud idea. interested ppl PM me.
Sent you a PM CTD. And not enrolled as yet.
jai ho NSIT baba kee, by the way did you check out www.analystforum.com
Most of the books are common in L1,2,3
and yeah those books from CFAI arnt bad considering the fact that you can put in $400 per attempt instead of getting all books for $1500 in one go.
On top of that you are sheilded to the frequent version upgrades to those books, as you always get the material for that year only.
just my .02
despo dood....i'm not willing to invest so much right away....i want to get the hang of it first....wht i'm looking for is the xerox of these stalla/scheweser notes...n btw i personally think tht there are cheaper options available...no need to shell out $1500
Hey guys was in a mega search for the notes these days. Finally got thru. I have the 2005 schweser notes also. but i thought it wud be a good idea to buy the new set itself. I guess a lot of guys are getting intrigued about this course.
i visited the stalla insti in andheri some days ago. they are offering coaching with CDs and stalla notes. But they don't provide the notes in isolation. it comes as a package. 22 hrs coqaching, flashcards, CDs and Mocks. But the shock is yet to come......... They charge some 36k for all this. just for 22*3=66 hrs of coaching.
I guess pooling in is the best option. If so many people are interested in this why not make a plan and meet at some place preferably on a weekend...
i guess it wud be a gud idea. interested ppl PM me.
Sent you a PM CTD. And not enrolled as yet.
hey arch! thanks for the PM...will soon get in touch. how did u manage to get both schweiser 2005 AND 2006! u have good connections i must say! the weekend pool is definitely a good idea, count me in. but i dont know how many more ppl would turn up...if u notice, many interested ppl in this thread are from the hyd/banglore etc. You can count me in...and perhaps one other friend of mine. i`m not sure if he`ll come, but there`s a 70% chance. actually that dude has given level 1 and is expecting to flunk, so he`ll wait until the results and then join us

i think once the schweiser 2006 is in our hands, we wont need to go around hunting for any other material, hopefully. and i`m sure it`ll have excellent re-sale value or future reference value, so it`s a good investment nonetheless. did u get an original or is it xeroxed?
the stalla thing looks shocking on the first looks, but is it that bad? i`m not justifying it, but thinking abt it: 36K is way less than the total cost if you purchase the stalla material and CDs and flash cards and mocks and coaching individually. u multiplied it by 3, is it 36k for all 3 levels combined or is it just for level 1? in any case, even if it is a good bargain, i dont think i can shell out 72k in one go (20k for the exam, 16 for the membership, and 36k for stalla). there`s a slim possibility that i might be able to get stalla notes xeroxed from somewhere...i`m not sure, i`m still trying.
i was considering the CFA institute ka books, but looked at the total page count: 3700!! that`s as good as reading from the textbooks...so i dropped the idea. how many pages does schweiser have? also, can we fix the weekend plans asap? i guess u in goregaon and me in andheri should make life much easier.
PS: does anyone have info whether clearing CFA level 1 and/or level 2 can get a person exemptions from some foundation courses during mba (india/abroad)?
rajeshnsitian Saysdespo dood....i'm not willing to invest so much right away....i want to get the hang of it first....wht i'm looking for is the xerox of these stalla/scheweser notes...n btw i personally think tht there are cheaper options available...no need to shell out $1500
Saaaarr try to get my point!!
notes are good for ppl having a back grnd in fin.
if you have time then better get the $400 pack for Level-1, even that can be photo copied and you can share the cost with someone if 4 ppl share it it comes to 5k... good enuf.
BTW, yahoo groups is the best place to look for stall and scheweser on sharing basis
notes are good for ppl having a back grnd in fin.
if you have time then better get the $400 pack for Level-1, even that can be photo copied and you can share the cost with someone if 4 ppl share it it comes to 5k... good enuf.
BTW, yahoo groups is the best place to look for stall and scheweser on sharing basis
okie...temme, for a non fin engineer,is it feasible to prepare till jun if i start now?
Late to enter in here but can a person with a Operations/Production background pursue a CFA course.
As far as the info on the site goes it mentions that people with fin work ex are preferred. Could some one elaborate on this.
@crash_test_dummy do have a fin background?
hey there! well CFA, according to the cfa institute, focusses on "investment profesionals with working knowledge of finance and experience in the investment industry." the syllabus partially confirms this point: it`s very vast and goes hardcore into finance. it surely focusses on ppl with fin background, but that doesn`t mean others cant crack it. i think with some substantial efforts over 4-5 months, at least level 1 can be passed, i have no idea abt level 2 and 3.
no, i dont have a finance background...just some interest in finance that`s all. i`m myself an engineer in comp sci. and although i have doubts whether i can make it thru or not, i`m gonna give it a shot anyways, coz it`s worth it: even if i dont clear it i`ll go for mba with good finance knowledge beforehand, which will boost my performance then, or i`ll pass and get better jobs after mba.both ways it`s beneficial..so are u in or are u out?

See Mr.Srategy, the CFA course doesn't require any kind of work ex or specialisation. For gettin in, all you need to have is a graduation degree or an equivalent in your own country.
Read carefully..... you need a four year work ex in finance for getting the CHARTER. You can do that with or after your Three levels. Don't worry about that.
And despo..........
If i am eligible to comment about it, i think that the notes are much more beneficial to a non-finance grad than a finance one since the notes explore the basics also. we finance grads have exposure to basics and the CFA books are prepared keeping in mind a finance guy since its the most specialised course in finance. get it guys?
And anyways 99% of the CFA junta studies from the notes either stalla or schweser since most are working and are short of time.
The study notes turned out to be much more comprehensive that i had envisaged. The pages run upto 16 to 1800. Guys we dont have time to go thru pages and pages for simple concepts. There are something called as Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) for each chapter. This is the most important thing in each chapter. and you know, as you said, it is very difficult to remember the concepts for a lesser mortal like me. Well its 36k for one level. So 72k in total.
Guys please decide whether you want to so it. Then go thru the books and decide whether you want to go for June and Dec.
hi guys.
i am also thinking of doing CFA. Am ready to pull in money to buy the CFA books.
If you guys have already bought the books, Can I still share your books?
I am ready to incurr the necessary expenses.
i stay at Mulund / mumbai.
rajeshnsitian| Saysokie...temme, for a non fin engineer,is it feasible to prepare till jun if i start now?
Yeah its definatly possible, the recomended study time is 250 hrs which should be easy in 5 months
Just check your comfort with FSA as it carries the max weightage and is probably the most difficult for an engg. You can also get some commerce guy to give you a tut that way you save a lot of time.
|archbishop SaysIf i am eligible to comment about it, i think that the notes are much more beneficial to a non-finance grad than a finance one since the notes explore the basics also.
yeah you definatly not qualified (eligible if you call it that) as you are not an engg. , So buzzov.
Yeah its definatly possible, the recomended study time is 250 hrs which should be easy in 5 months
Just check your comfort with FSA as it carries the max weightage and is probably the most difficult for a engg. You can also get some gommerce guy to give you a tut that way you save a lot of time.
yeah you definatly not qualified (eligible if you call it that) as you are not an engg. , So buzzo.
Is there anyone in chennai preparing for CFA ? We could discuss and help each other and share the work load and knowledge to facilitate us in clearing CFA level 1 .