Need some Opinions on CFA

how useful are these audios and videos??

i've used it sucessfully and have downloaded all the videos..and audios....
mituag Says
how useful are these audios and videos??

they are good boss..... esp the videos are like classes..... and the audios are more or less the same concepts in the videos
gautam1313 Says
hi there fellas, me also giving the CFA level I in june 2007, about myself, me doing MBA from NIRMA University Ahmedabad and am a qualified MS(Finance) from ICFAI University Hyderabad, so do expect to enjoy an initial advantage at least in this particular course!!any queries pls feel free to ask!!

Can a graduate appear for the CFA level 1???


Guyz i thank both of u.. for sharing such a valuable info on this thread..

And keep those things coming and do share ur experiences while preparing for CFA on the thread


Hi all,

Nice thread.guys, i hv appeared for level 1 in december & currently waiting for my results.Anyone who has appeared 4 level 1 this Dec.Also, I am llokinf for level 2 Notes.I could only find video links for level 1 notes however can anyone provide me with level 2 video & audio links.It would be of great help.

All the best to level 1 candidates for their results.


Unfortunately is down...So i guess we have lost all those links on that page unless some one saved that page....
If someone has that page plz post links here for CFA level 1 junta...

Syllabus for level 1 Jun 07 has changed a bit compared to Level 1Dec 06
so please catch hold of latest notes..u can however cover syllabus which has not changed from old schweser notes( till someone puts up links for 07 for free download )

BTW dec 06 Level 1 results are expected on 17th Jan....will keep u all posted
I am trying to catch hold of level 2 notes from some xerorx shop in mumbai ( my friend knows the exact place) ..As far as i know there are no soft copies avalable for free download...

Unfortunately is down...So i guess we have lost all those links on that page unless some one saved that page....
If someone has that page plz post links here for CFA level 1 junta...

Syllabus for level 1 Jun 07 has changed a bit compared to Level 1Dec 06
so please catch hold of latest notes..u can however cover syllabus which has not changed from old schweser notes( till someone puts up links for 07 for free download )

BTW dec 06 Level 1 results are expected on 17th Jan....will keep u all posted
I am trying to catch hold of level 2 notes from some xerorx shop in mumbai ( my friend knows the exact place) ..As far as i know there are no soft copies avalable for free download...

i have a saved copy of tht financialdreamz page of google what links should i put up.and how to do sugest me and..i will put those links here......
there is an active group for cfa l1 june 2007 in google groups..... in some of the older posts, you can get many details abt cfa resources...
Hi all,

Nice thread.guys, i hv appeared for level 1 in december & currently waiting for my results.Anyone who has appeared 4 level 1 this Dec.Also, I am llokinf for level 2 Notes.I could only find video links for level 1 notes however can anyone provide me with level 2 video & audio links.It would be of great help.

All the best to level 1 candidates for their results.


boss search in google groups.... i'm sure you will get the videos and audios...but you need to be patient in doing the search.......

The US based CFA institue (CFAI)-with horders of indian students on its roll has been denied the "Chartered Financial Analyst" trademark by the Trade Mark Registry in the UK.
Whats more,CFAI's trademark applications are still pending in many other nations including Hong Kong,Australia and India.
All in all, CFAI is a private organasation which does not have any government approval in the USA, it is neither a universtiy, nor accredited by any well know accreditation body in the USA.

source: Times of India, eduction times, 8th jan 2007

Please dont bash me. I am copying the words from the paper. Here is the link with 15 pages of legal case: CFA US trademark denied in UK

Hey tgvrrr

I guess u can paste all those links here for benefit of CFA level 1 junta to be even more safe u can paste it on some blog /free web page...

If u can pm me the links I can do it for u


This will hurt CFA AIMR big time. London is a very important global financial centre and the recent case decided against AIMR means CFA will not be allowed as a designation in UK. 😞

Here are the links:

The Financial Express > CM > AIMR members denied chartered financial analyst status in UK
The Hindu Business Line : US body refused registration of `CFA' trademark in UK

This will hurt CFA AIMR big time. London is a very important global financial centre and the recent case decided against AIMR means CFA will not be allowed as a designation in UK. 😞

Here are the links:

The Financial Express > CM > AIMR members denied chartered financial analyst status in UK
The Hindu Business Line : US body refused registration of `CFA' trademark in UK

first of all imust appreciate your love towards indianism.... and let me tell you ......this isnt sarcasm...honestly.....i've read some of your posts other threads... and you always stood for the indian version of cfa(the icfai one).... and as you said manytimes (in your continuous war against another puy!!! i cant recollect his name!!1)..... there isn't any difference by a change in the way you call of icfai willnot lose its credibility drastically if its called M.S finance. .. and many of my friends are pursuing it...

hopefully, the same applies to a.i.m.r CFA..... it will not lose its recognition and value even if there is trouble with its trademark in london...... and most possibly , all throughout the world, the CFA designation will not have any effect ..... hopefully......: :
(on the lighter side.... it doesnt look good if i support you.... as i've applied for this aimr CFA )

@ inzomniac...
shall i send you the page as a mail attachment....? i'm not very comfortable with getting the links out of the page... i will zip the page.... and will send them to can upload the links here...what say????

hey friends, my buddy got me the BA II plus calci instead of the BA II plus professional...will it be more than sufficient for the cfa exams, and is it is very difficult to operate??don't want to face problems on exam day...

Hey Guys,

This thread has been simply great, i just read it from the start and gathered a ton of information.. (although i might have missed some part, coz 19 pages is really a lot to read!)

Anyways, i am thinking about registering for the June exam, and have about 6 months to prepare.. (acc. to the posts earlier, i gather its enough provided i work hard).

Also, i just wanted to ask what the difference would be between a person who has passed all three levels (1,2,3) and has not fulfilled the 4-year workex(so basically doesn't have a charter) and the one who has a charter. Is it easy for the one without a charter to get a job in India or not ?

Do post your opinions.. 😃

gautam1313 Says
hey friends, my buddy got me the BA II plus calci instead of the BA II plus professional...will it be more than sufficient for the cfa exams, and is it is very difficult to operate??don't want to face problems on exam day...

Does the CFA Institute allow the BA II plus calci?? I don't think so.Please check up on the website .During the examination the Invigilators are very particular about checking the calci's ...
rajatb Says
Does the CFA Institute allow the BA II plus calci?? I don't think so.Please check up on the website .During the examination the Invigilators are very particular about checking the calci's ...


I used BA 2 plus calci during DEC 06 lvl 1.SO I guess its used
check here in case of doubt
Calculator Policy


The BA 2 plus (prof) calci has extra features which are rarely used for the exam eg.It can calculate future NPV for unequal CFs ...Those kinda of problems rarely cum in exam..So its not going to give u an edge...
U can buy it if u have lots of money....bcos it may give u a psychological edge....
As far as I know BA 2 plus cost arnd INR 1600 and the pro costs INR 3000

PS:Hewlett Packard 12C is painful as I heard from ppl...So if u are in two minds go for BA 2 plus ...even schweser recoomends BA 2 plus
spiderman82 Says
have u got the notes,,,,??

Yeah mate, I got the latest schweiser notes from Lakshmi Photocopiers (the one opposite to Mithibhai/NM).
What about you? Do you have anything other than Schweiser? are you getting the CFA institute's notes from somewhere or what?


