Need some Opinions on CFA

hello all,

i badly need some sugestions about the pursuing CFA.. i have got admission in the MFC program of the department of finance of delhi univ.and i am keen on appearing for the dec. 2006 attempt. so the issue is of pursuing both the courses simultaneously..both the courses are good and require time and effort.. so please suggest whether its manageable or not?????

hi even i was thinking on the same lines.but some ppl pursuing cfa told that course structure is almost same and there would be no value addition. it would just be holding another certification for the the same course.
whats your take on it .do reply.

hi ruchika,
u r right in saying there may be no value addition in terms of knowledge but it would be a great value addition to ur resume.and at the time of campus placement also!!! will get an international charter which will surely help in the long term!! what say????

hi ruchika,
u r right in saying there may be no value addition in terms of knowledge but it would be a great value addition to ur resume.and at the time of campus placement also!!! will get an international charter which will surely help in the long term!! what say????

it would be of help.but what i feel that it is the knowledge which the company wants and not the certification. we would already be post graduates in finance which means a lot. why not look for a course which has value addition to knowledge as well as resume. what do u think. am looking for the same.
hi ruchika,
u r right in saying there may be no value addition in terms of knowledge but it would be a great value addition to ur resume.and at the time of campus placement also!!! will get an international charter which will surely help in the long term!! what say????

Well i m sorry but i dont agree with wat ruchika have said here that CFA is just a certificate addition to your resume. By doing AIMR-CFA which is a globally recognized qualification you will get much more than just a certificate. also being a globally known course ur chances of getting a foreign placements will shoot high definetely with a fat pay package. so i wold advice you to go with this course with firm determination, and All the best to you.
greatAnand Says
Well i m sorry but i dont agree with wat ruchika have said here that CFA is just a certificate addition to your resume. By doing AIMR-CFA which is a globally recognized qualification you will get much more than just a certificate. also being a globally known course ur chances of getting a foreign placements will shoot high definetely with a fat pay package. so i wold advice you to go with this course with firm determination, and All the best to you.

hey anand..i am not saying its not a good qualification. its great . even my brother is doing it. but doing it with mfc which has same course doesnt make sense to me. u do extra stuff to add on and not to repeat .
its just a suggestion .he can go with it if he wants.

neways is there any other certification or qualification which can be cleared along with doing something else . please tell me

further sugggestions are invited.

neways is there any other certification or qualification which can be cleared along with doing something else . please tell me
further sugggestions are invited.

if you`re comfortable with ICFAI university, then they seem to be having some interesting programs, such as investment banking, tax planning, etc thru distance learning. The idea is, in your masters, you'll get exposure to all fields of finance. if you streamline it further by doing specific courses such as IB, Taxation, Corporate finance, Corporate Law, etc, you will come out with a good combo. I'd personally prefer to club IB or stock market courses along with MFC.

Although i agree with your philosophy of doing something for knowledge and not just for the certification, i feel that the weight and reputation attached to CFA make it worthwhile, even if it means some amount of repetition. Think of it this way: you already know the subjects, now you just have to go write an exam (It's actually much much tougher than that ).

Hi Guys,
I am new here and I have also decided to go for Cfa from cfainstitute. I am a bsc graduate and right now i m working in a call centre in mumbai to collect funds for my cfa degree,since i m not financially sound at this moment.
Hey CTD can u please tell me whether I can get a job in any finance company,KPO etc. if I manage to clear Level 1 in dec 2006. I m not at all interested in this call centre job yaar BUT I m doing it bcoz circumstances r forcing me to do it.
That is y I m looking to clear Level 1 in dec 2006 and move to any cfa or finance related job no matter how much it pays. I hope atleast that job will pay me 7k pm. I will be happy with that since it would be of my field .
Hey CTD plz help me yaar and clear my doubt.

if you`re comfortable with ICFAI university, then they seem to be having some interesting programs, such as investment banking, tax planning, etc thru distance learning. The idea is, in your masters, you'll get exposure to all fields of finance. if you streamline it further by doing specific courses such as IB, Taxation, Corporate finance, Corporate Law, etc, you will come out with a good combo. I'd personally prefer to club IB or stock market courses along with MFC.

Although i agree with your philosophy of doing something for knowledge and not just for the certification, i feel that the weight and reputation attached to CFA make it worthwhile, even if it means some amount of repetition. Think of it this way: you already know the subjects, now you just have to go write an exam (It's actually much much tougher than that ).

i am looking for a qualification which is recognised all over u know about CFP. its pros and cons. its prospects.icfai is not recognised globally

if needed i may take cfa june exams after a few months of clg.

looking for more suggestions
i am looking for a qualification which is recognised all over u know about CFP. its pros and cons. its prospects.icfai is not recognised globally
if needed i may take cfa june exams after a few months of clg.
looking for more suggestions

well there are no two ways about it: if you`re looking for an internationally recognized program...there is no better option than CFA...even if it means repeating the same topics of MFC. In fact, if you're looking for international placements and you have both CFA and MFC, your CFA will be given more weightage than your MFC degree. Think of it this way: foreign firms don't know about MFC, it's a risk for them to hire an MFC. They know of CFA...most top executives in good firms are themselves CFAs, so you will be a more attractive candidate.

i dont know much about CFP, but i think there's some regional angle to it. i mean, CFP deals with some rules and regulatory procedures which differ from one place to the other and CPA from one place may not be acceptable in another place....something like that...i`m not sure. do some research on that angle before jumping into that.

Hello to CTD and other big guns of this thread. I'm a new reader of this thread. I'm Planning to give CFA a go in june Next year. What about your progress? How are your studies going?

HI every body any body having any query regarding cfa and interested in any level i or ii books can call me at 09988077662,VINEET. BYE

Hi everyone,

I am Sid from mumbai... planning to take up the CFA course from AIMR.... I finished my graduation last year.. sO i don't think there would be much of a problem regarding my eligibility for appearing the exam....
I am relatively new to this CFA course.. & don't know much about it.. so thought of taking ur valueable suggestions b4 getting registered.
I haven't registered yet for the December 2006 exam... coz i came across some threads in here dat it's difficult to clear it in 6 months... & den 2 clear the 2nd level again is 6 odd months is a tough job...
I have AMPLE time to study .... as i m not working anywhr at the moment... but then to be very honest I am not used to studyin continously for 2-3 hours a day .. as crash-dummy said... but i think i will try to mange it somehow.... so do u think i should register it for the december 2006 exam... & give it a shot for the 2nd level too in june 2007.. instead of wasting my time till 2008 ... ??
& One more thing.... BOOKS are again a problem.. for me... i checked on the site.. they r too expensive... if i can get them xeroxed or... a some cheap study material... dat will be of gr88 help...



I am awaiting my final year BSc. Results.Had appeared for CAT and XAT last year. Got call from SPJain but could not convert.Will take another shot at cat and xat this year. My aim is to do MBA in Finance.however considering the already low probability of clearing CAT and additional uncertainty bcoz of reservations I feel it is necesary to have a back-up qualification and considering that CFA supplements my plans of doing MBA in Finance, I am planning to attempt CFA in Dec06 . I have gone through the thread on pagalguy and some of the posts on analystforum and analystnotes too. The info I got through analyst notes is that clearing CFA exams(all 3 levels) alone cant get you a job. MBA is essential. Posts on seconded this. So, could someone please clear this issue. Also, is CFA (USA) widely accepted in India?. What is difference Between CFA,CPA and CS?
Isildur Says
I am awaiting my final year BSc. Results.Had appeared for CAT and XAT last year. Got call from SPJain but could not convert.Will take another shot at cat and xat this year. My aim is to do MBA in Finance.however considering the already low probability of clearing CAT and additional uncertainty bcoz of reservations I feel it is necesary to have a back-up qualification and considering that CFA supplements my plans of doing MBA in Finance, I am planning to attempt CFA in Dec06 . I have gone through the thread on pagalguy and some of the posts on analystforum and analystnotes too. The info I got through analyst notes is that clearing CFA exams(all 3 levels) alone cant get you a job. MBA is essential. Posts on seconded this. So, could someone please clear this issue. Also, is CFA (USA) widely accepted in India?. What is difference Between CFA,CPA and CS?

huh,i'm shocked with your statements. If clearing the 3 levels of CFA does not get you a job then why would anyone do CFA. I am not planning to do mba and only planning to clear CFA and get a job through that. Are you sure that this is true???? Guys please clarify on this issue.
Crash_test_dummy Says
Update: Tried studying Financial Statement Analysis this sunday...bombed bigtime!`s way beyond what i thought. Seriously tough for a non finance guy. Schwesers just assumes you know everything and sums up mighty concepts in 5-6 lines, and Needles and Powers talk in a different language altogether. Im seriously screwed. How`re you guys studying for FSA? Any tips and strategies? Haalp!

HEy crash test dummy, can you please tell me if you know where to acquire CFA level 1 Schweser notes from anywhere in india , as soon as possible.. Enrolled for the Dec exam and cant get my hands on the material. Will really appreciate your help.
you could mail me directly on [email protected]

Hey Anand

Even I am planning for Dec L1 06. I am from delhi
Let me hows your prep upto and where could you get the stuff from

And hey CTD whats your update man!! I remember taking info from you a couple of months ago before I went into hibernation.
Incase you aretaking the L1 this june all the best man its round the corner i guess!!


This is definately shocking what isildur said... CFA (frm US) is quiet an expensive course.. i guess... Doing that & not getting a satisfyin job would make things pretty difficult for us... i think this issue shuld get clarified pretty soon... as thr is a lot of hard work v have to put in clearin these exams... I guess the CFA course wuldn't be as good as doing MBA from a top 10 B-schools...datz wot they wanted to convey in analystforum .. may be u interpreted it differently...
Anyways.. I am asking it again.. ?? Does anyone here giving the level 1 exam this Dec 2006 & have bought the books... or does anyone have da study material... ?? Pls contact.. me .. i will willing to share it... I stay in Mumbai... my id is [email protected]...


HEy crash test dummy, can you please tell me if you know where to acquire CFA level 1 Schweser notes from anywhere in india , as soon as possible.. Enrolled for the Dec exam and cant get my hands on the material. Will really appreciate your help.
you could mail me directly on [email protected]

hi there...wanted to mail you directly, but thought i'd share the info with everyone here.

The only way to acquire original brand new material is to order it from the schwesers website by credit card...that's quite expensive. The set of 7 books will cost you around 25K. There will be a shipping delay of a coupla weeks...check the "shipping period" on the website. The most common way of getting the notes is to xerox them from a friend, or find someone who has the material and make him your friend Yours truly made friends with "archbishop" here and passed the legacy to "AnandV" a few weeks back. Not everyone will be willing to share...and almost no one will share it for free...gotta pitch in with some cost sharing.

BTW, my exam center for Sunday is "Thakur College of Engineering" in Kandivili. Honestly, i expected the venue to be a little more high-end than that! I've taken a coupla other tests there and the place seriously sucks! Anyways, who else is coming there...would love to catch up woth some pagals, if possible!

Hello guys,

Is anyone willing to share prep matl for CFA L1 in Bangalore.

PM me.
