HI ANY BODY WANTS CFA BOOKS AND HAVE ANY QUERY REGARDING CFA U CAN mail me at [email protected] or call me at 09988077662.
hi i am new to this thread .planning to take cfa dec 2006
i am in my final yr graduating this june.(3 yr graduation). i wanna ask whether 15 yr education is enough for eligibility. i know this qury has already been asked but couldnt find a satisfactory answer.
when searchin cfa site i came across this:
Have a US bachelor's degree or comparable non-US degree. The degree requirement is self-reported. An applicant must receive a bachelor's degree no later than 31 December of the current examination year to qualify for entrance into the CFA Program.
Can you provide guidance to help me determine if my degree is comparable to a US bachelor's degree?
Generally, applicants must have reached a level of study that qualifies them for acceptance to university graduate programs (not necessarily in business or economics) in the countries where they earned their undergraduate degrees. If you need assistance to determine whether or not your degree is comparable to a US bachelor's degree, CFA Institute suggests that you contact your college or university to make an inquiry.
i am pursuing maths hons from delhi university. now is it comparable to US bacheolers degree.
pls help
hi i am new to this thread .planning to take cfa dec 2006
i am in my final yr graduating this june.(3 yr graduation). i wanna ask whether 15 yr education is enough for eligibility. i know this qury has already been asked but couldnt find a satisfactory answer.
when searchin cfa site i came across this:
Have a US bachelor's degree or comparable non-US degree. The degree requirement is self-reported. An applicant must receive a bachelor's degree no later than 31 December of the current examination year to qualify for entrance into the CFA Program.
Can you provide guidance to help me determine if my degree is comparable to a US bachelor's degree?
Generally, applicants must have reached a level of study that qualifies them for acceptance to university graduate programs (not necessarily in business or economics) in the countries where they earned their undergraduate degrees. If you need assistance to determine whether or not your degree is comparable to a US bachelor's degree, CFA Institute suggests that you contact your college or university to make an inquiry.
i am pursuing maths hons from delhi university. now is it comparable to US bacheolers degree.
pls help
yes, maths(h) is surely comparable to a us 4 yr degree from us.
what cfa institute tells is that u should be eligible for enrolling for a masters degree in your country as cfa is equivalent to a masters degree. so, u r eligible.
even i was a maths student of du and already enrolled for dec L1. so dont worry on that count.
hi i am new to this thread .planning to take cfa dec 2006
i am in my final yr graduating this june.(3 yr graduation). i wanna ask whether 15 yr education is enough for eligibility. i know this qury has already been asked but couldnt find a satisfactory answer.
i am pursuing maths hons from delhi university. now is it comparable to US bacheolers degree.
pls help
yes, it is a comparable degree, and if you`re graduating this june, then you can surely take up cfa this december.
can a second year graduation student enroll for CFA course?kindly reply soon.
ocean Sayscan a second year graduation student enroll for CFA course?kindly reply soon.
you can enroll as long as you are sure to graduate sometime BEFORE the exam. if you`re in second year, i dont think you`re gonna graduate before december 2006 or for that matter june 2007, are you? i guess december 2007 looks more apt for you. you can correspond with the people at cfa's india chapter and find out...they`re usually willing to help. Another thing, while registering for the exam, they dont ask you anywhere whether you`ve graduated or not. i dont think your degree is checked anywhere either. They might conduct a surprise check or something, but there`s no official provision for you to display or prove your graduation either while registering or at the time of the exam. So i have a slight feeling that even if you havnt graduated, you might be able to get away with it and take the exam! as written above, "the degree qualification is self reported"...meaning, they only know what you decide to tell them. Anyways, this is a dangerous thing to do and is definitely not recommended.
thanx alot phoenix and crashtestdummy. its really been a help.
i will be active member of this thread soon after my exams get over.
for now have my two exams left. so need to study
once again thanx a lot
hi CTD,
i have decided to take level 1 exam this december,do i have sufficient time to prepare? how can i obtain books for level 1? i want cheaper books,i.e; second hand or photo copy. is it possible ? and how much time should i devote to preparation?kindly advice.
Good luck to all PGs taking the exam next month!
Do let us know about the experience!
hi CTD,
i have decided to take level 1 exam this december,do i have sufficient time to prepare? how can i obtain books for level 1? i want cheaper books,i.e; second hand or photo copy. is it possible ? and how much time should i devote to preparation?kindly advice.
I am too preparing for the CFA L1 in Dec..
I have the following book's
Quant Methods for Investment Analysis-CFA Institute
Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Programme-CFA Institute
Fixed Income Analysis for the CFA Programme-CFA Institute
Economics:Private and Public Choice,Tenth Edition..
You can get them xeroxed if you want however these are already
xeroxed copies hence a further xerox may yield a very poor quality..
PM me for details..
hi CTD,
i have decided to take level 1 exam this december,do i have sufficient time to prepare? how can i obtain books for level 1? i want cheaper books,i.e; second hand or photo copy. is it possible ? and how much time should i devote to preparation?kindly advice.
hi there! i`m sorry i didnt reply to your querry earlier, but this time i`ll be nice

i think if you start preparing VERY seriously right NOW, you will be able to complete by december 2006. but please remember, by "preparation" i dont mean glance thru your books once in a while. i mean, 6 months of very dedicated, sincere and regular preparation....at least 2 hours a day on weekdays and at least 3-4 hours on weekends...non stop for six months. This rigorous study schedule for six months roughly translates to one year of relaxed studies. So you decide, if you think you can manage the above schedule, then go ahead. if you think you`d like to take your time and study in a relaxed manner, then consider taking the level 1 in june 2007.
let me tell you from personal experience, it looks rather easy to talk about studying 2-3 hours per day in the beginning, and for the first few days or weeks you might even end up following this schedule out of initial enthusiasm, but for passing, you need to sustain this schedule for 6 months, which is a very difficult thing to do even for a sincere and dedicated person. sometimes there are work issues, sometimes there are family issues, sometimes you just dont feel like studying, etc etc and the study load just keeps piling up until it seems unmanagable at one point. Dont mean to discourage you, but these are some things you need to consider before deciding on a date. overall, if you can sustain a good pace for the next six months and work hard consistently, then i think december 2006 is managable.
lemme also tell you...it is NOT gonna be easy to complete level 2 in six months. Even if you clear level 1 in december in first attempt, clearing level 2 in june 2007 may be extremely difficult (there is no december exam for level 2!)...so if you feel you need one full year for level 2, u`ll have to take level 2 in june 2008. So by taking level 1 in december 2006, you`ll be giving 6 months to level 1 and 18 months to level 2....too much imbalance. Giving level 1 in june 2007 and level 2 in june 2008 means you`ll be giving one year to each level...which seems better! Think practically and make a decision.
Going by the above point, i think if i dont clear level 1 next month, i`ll not take level 1 again in december...and take it again in june 2007. what do you guys think about this logic?
thanks CTD for advice. if you don't clear level1 in june you won't appear next time ,why? what would you do then?kindly let me know.
ocean Saysthanks CTD for advice. if you don't clear level1 in june you won't appear next time ,why? what would you do then?kindly let me know.
i mentioned my logic there. if i dont clear level 1 next month, then i will appear for level 1 in december 2006 and (if i clear the level 1 then) that will leave me with just 6 months for level 2 preparation in june 2007. i think it`s extremely difficult to prepare for level 2 in just 6 months...i`m not able to prepare for level 1 in 6 months...level 2 toh door ki baat hai!! so if level 2 has to happen in june 2008, then what`s the hurry...will give level 1 in june 2007 instead of december 2006...leisurely.
ppl, am i thinking right here? inputs please.
hi..im new here....im completing my BE in May/June 2007....i want to pursue CFA and have decided to go for the US one offered by the CFA institute...i think the best time for me to appear for L1 is Dec2007...im trying to get into a good b-school and do my MBA(Finance) alongside....my query is should i go for an IT job if i donot get into a good bschool and my cfa side-by-side or should i sit at home n prepare.....is it possible to complete all three levels working in an IT company.....wat about the job openings....im really interested only in overseas opening
dear CTD,
i agree with you.you're right.
Anyone here who is taking the June 4 exam at Le Meridian , Bangalore?
is there any study grupi for CFA L1 in bangalore for Dec 2006 xams
hi guys,
This Question may seem to be stupid at this stage of the forum, but still I need some suggestions from you people.
I am IT guy with 0 finance Exp. As I come from an Engg. background with fair amount of quant skills will it be realistic for me Aim for CFA dec'06 taking into account the fact that I work full time ( i can put around 2 hrs of sincere effort per day).
Also i have collected a lot of material from the Net but I am wondering as from where shud i start.
Can someone give me advise as to where i shud start my study from. Making up my basics in Fin and other pre requsities for CFA..
Hi Guys,
I am new here and I have also decided to go for Cfa from cfainstitute. I am a bsc graduate and right now i m working in a call centre in mumbai to collect funds for my cfa degree since i m not fifnancially sound at this moment.
Hey CTD can u please tell me whether I can get a job any finance company,KPO etc. if I manage to clear Level 1 in dec 2006. I m not at all interested in this call centre job yaar BUT I m doing it bcoz circumstances r forcing me to do it.
That is y I m looking to clear Level 1 in dec 2006 and move to any cfa or finance related job no matter how much it pays. I hope atleast that job will pay me 7k pm. I will be happy with that since it would be of my field .
Hey CTD plz help me yaar and clear my doubt.
hello all,
i badly need some sugestions about the pursuing CFA.. i have got admission in the MFC program of the department of finance of delhi univ.and i am keen on appearing for the dec. 2006 attempt. so the issue is of pursuing both the courses simultaneously..both the courses are good and require time and effort.. so please suggest whether its manageable or not?????