*Hello Puy’s ! * First of all I’d like to congratulate those students who have made into good MAT B-Schools. So coming to the point, this thread is not only meant for posting the details about the Institute by current students but also it crea…
First of all I'd like to congratulate those students who have made into good MAT B-Schools. So coming to the point, this thread is not only meant for posting the details about the Institute by current students but also it creates a link between current students of any particular Institute and the aspirants.This thread shall help the aspirants to ask relevant questions to concerned B- School Students.
Format of posting the details by the current students of any MAT B-School:-
College name:
Process for admission:
MAT cut off:
Your Converted score:
Some points to remember:-
- Any questions related to the B Schools shall be taken in the related B Schools threads.
- You must be a current student of any MAT based institute for the session 2010-12.
- The info you post must be precise and genuine.
Good MAT B-Schools:- Good MAT Business Schools
2009 Student Profiles:- Student Profiles
One stop solution for any queries in 'MAT, state-level CET and related discussions' section:- All Important Links In One Place
Special Thanks to shashank3012 for his kind support.
All the Best !

Let me take the opportunity to write first post of this thread
After the Catastrophe of CAT,I had no other option but to Go for Mat colleges. Now after a bit of research of good colleges,I found some of them worth it but have to say it is better to go for Cat colleges. Anyway let me without wasting time write the details of the college.
College name: SCMS-Cochin ( School of communication and management studies)
Approval: Accredited by AICTE
Course recognised as equivalent to MBA by AIU( Association of Indian universities)
Infra:Above average( Small but good!Classes,hostels,canteen are good)
Students:50% from Kerala and remaining from most of the states of INDIA.Quality of students seems to be good from what i have got to decipher after talking to them
Process for admission:GD and Personal Interview.
MAT cut off:75% above in MAT would fetch you a call but higher the score better the chances of making it through
Your Converted score: 678.5 with 90.28%
Placement:100% Placements according to the college. 95% placements according to the Alumni with whom i contacted.( Highest this year 6.5L,Placements are still going on)
Fee:6 to 6.5L for 2 years including Hostel and mess charges.
Overall: Good college. Important fact is that it is very strict and discipline has to be maintained. Faculty is good and major advantage is it is very popular in Kerala so it can help in local placements.
PS: MAT colleges is compromising the quality but if you are left with no other choices then please do a lot of research on college by talking to Alumni( They are the only real source)
PPS: Need any more info PM me,I will be at your Disposal
A special thanks to p@galguy for starting such a wonderful thread,but strange no one bothers to post their respective college info here....let me add some thing about NEW DELHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (NDIM)
The college runs PGDM and PGDM(Marketing) course along with 3 year part time PGDM courses.
The PGDM couse is duly approved by AICTE,accrediated by National Board of Accrediation and Declared equivalent to MBA by AICTE AND Association of Indian Universities.
The college is located in south delhi (Tuglakabad institutional area),Infrastructure is decent,a new building just opposite the old one had started operating,so now the infrastructure had improved a lot.
A mixed blend of students from all streams including engineers,science graduates,BComs etc. The college gives special emphasis on academic background, so most of the students are academically very strong.
Admission Process:
A group discussion followed by two/three round of interviews.
Mat cuttoff:
500+ composite score (To convert the call mat score doesn't matters much, a score of 80+percentile is enough)
Your Converted Score: 92 percentile, a decent academic record is a must to convert the call..
Like any other above average mat colleges,placements are decent enough.This year around 150 companies have offered placement opportunities as per the website, and students were offered summer internships with stipend.
Most of the students here opt for marketing, and placements for marketing stream is really good here.
The average has been 3.5 LPA.
Fee: 6.55 lacs excluding hostel.
Overall i feel NDIM is a good mat college to go for,especially if one wants to go for Marketing as a specialisation.It has an excellent pool of faculties and imparts a good quality of education.
Note: Before joining any Mat college do a thorough research from your side.
Shoot any further queries regarding NDIM at the following thread or visit it for further information..
hi guys
i am anuj i have written may 2010. i have applied for manipur university,assam university,mizoram university,tripura university. does anybody know wat is the last years cutoff percentile.
please help me guys.
Hello Puy's!
This is not a query thread.Please don't spoil the meaning of this thread.Kindly read the first post of this thread before you post anything here.
For MAT MAY queries, please continue here:- MAT May Queries and Discussions
For Good MAT B-Schools:- Good MAT Business Schools
sorry to say this but the purpose of this thread is not served. people are posting there queries over and over. it has become yet another thread for mat based colleges' queries.
my status:
College name: Balaji Institute of management and HRD (BIMHRD PUNE)
Approval: Accredited by AICTE and HRD ministry.
Infra: 14 acres campus. with all the required necessaity. visit website for more. HRD MBA Pune, India PGDM in PM & HRD | MBA in Human Resource Development Pune India BIMHRD Pune
Process for admission:essay writing, role play, extempore, GD and PI
MAT cut off: college accepts MAT and CAT scores. no cut offs. minimum of 30 percentile is must though. and people below 60% in 10th or 12th or grad cant apply. mat scores are later converted to cat scores.
Your Converted score: 687 with 91.XX percentile.
Placement: avg ranges between 4-5.5 lakhs highest is 7.5 domestic and 14 is international.
Fee: approx 7 lakhs for two years including books to uniforms to hostel to mess.
Approval:AICTE approved
Infra: 15.5 acres with excellent facilities....for further details visit da following link..
MBA Pune MBA College Pune India MBA Management Schools AICTE Approved BIMM Pune
Process for admission: min 60% in Xth XIIth n GRADs+ CAT/MAT scores + essay writing + GD(role play somtimes)+ interview
MAT cut off: above 60 percentile is preferred...
Your Converted score: 94.9 %ile, CAT-75%ile
Placement: avg 4.5-5l
Fee:approx 7lakh including uniform,alumni forms etc for 2 years...
Overall: decent college with decent placements n exposure...extremely gud faculty n facilities.....
i got the 658 marks in my dec mat...... i really dont know which institute is best..i will also give feb mat...
can someone please tell me which institute is best with mah marks ?
please its urgent i am really very tensed that what should i do where should i take the addmission :help:
i got the 658 marks in my dec mat...... i really dont know which institute is best..i will also give feb mat...
can someone please tell me which institute is best with mah marks ?
please its urgent i am really very tensed that what should i do where should i take the addmission :help:
i got the 658 marks in my dec mat...... i really dont know which institute is best..i will also give feb mat...
can someone please tell me which institute is best with mah marks ?
please its urgent i am really very tensed that what should i do where should i take the addmission :help:
this thread is not for asking questions.

didn't you see the topic of thread.
use search option to find thread with name " good mat b schools"
in this thread no one will answer ur queries.
@mods please delete this and previous 2 posts.
I am violating the #2 of 'points to remember' as I am not a student of any MAT based B school but I did convert one of them and did a fair bit of research. Found it pretty decent and hence I will post my observations as it may prove helpful to someone else.
College Name: Indian School of Business and Finance (****, Delhi)
Approval: AICTE for the 2 year program. The 1 year hardcore finance course (PGDF) doesn't come under purview of AICTE.
Infrastructure: Decent
Students: The 1 year PGDF (which I applied for) mainly consists of people with substantial work experience in the financial industry. (Almost 90% people had work ex). In the previous batch, there were students with greater than 5 years work-ex in leading international banks.
Process for admission: PI after being shortlisted on basis of CAT/MAT/XAT scores. They also conduct their own exam. I would say that it was the most interesting interview I ever appeared for. The Dean, Mr. Abhilash Lal (an IIM-B alumni with 21 years industry experience) is easily one of the most learned/interesting men I ever came across. After screwing my case on academics, we discussed The Beatles, The Catcher in the Rye, Jodie Fosters, the connection between the three (for ardent quizzers) and a lot of other authors, musicians etc. Absolutely loved the interview though he made me feel like an ignorant to the point of embarrassment.
MAT cut off: Score of 500+ I presume
My Converted Score: 98+ in MAT and 92+ in CAT.
Placement: For the 1 year PGDF course average package was 3.7 lacs and highest was 7+. Two girls were going through the last rounds of placement with a company that was paying 13 lacs. They were not finalized till then but cleared first 5 rounds and 1 round was remaining. The major companies included Evalueserve, KPMG, Deutsche Bank, Angel Broking, Bank Of America, HSBC, JM Financial,Client Associates, way2wealth, Gerson Lehrman Group etc. Interesting array of companies.
Fee: 2.7 lacs for 1 year PGDF.
Overall: Few pointers.
1) An average return of 3.7 lacs per annum for a 1 year course where you invest 2.7 lacs would be quite a decent ROI.
2) Course structure devised according to the CFA (level 1 & 2) and CFP (Level 1) course. Would be helpful for those preparing for CFA or CFP. Instead of taking tuitions, you could go for this course. The logic being, even if you fail to clear CFA (one of the toughest professional courses worldwide), you'd atleast have the PGDF degree, more market value than a student of a coaching class and a somewhat decent job.
3) They facilitate valuable financial certifications from institutes like SEBI etc. which increase your market value and add on to your CV.
I would have joined this college and enrolled for CFA simultaneously had I not got through a better CAT college. For people who want to get into hardcore finance and sure of it from day one would find a good option in ****. Infact I found it to be the most sensible option under MAT. And I am thorough with my research.
They also have a tie up with London School Of Economics and an affiliation with University Of London for their undergraduate courses.
is this true?
sorry.. no offenses mean't but i find something fishy about the veracity of this post.
sir i got admission in isbm pune viman nagar campuse.but i m confuseed is it gud or not .i have mat 71.25 with 605 score can u suggest me some gud college and is isbm is gud or not pls some one tell i am totally confused what to do
hello puys..i want to know where all should i apply as in i have scored 97.9 percentile in feb mat..and my score is 739.5..
pls pls suggest me..n reply me as soon as possible..
mohitagarwal789 Sayssir i got admission in isbm pune viman nagar campuse.but i m confuseed is it gud or not .i have mat 71.25 with 605 score can u suggest me some gud college and is isbm is gud or not pls some one tell i am totally confused what to do
hello puys..i want to know where all should i apply as in i have scored 97.9 percentile in feb mat..and my score is 739.5..
pls pls suggest me..n reply me as soon as possible..
Hi Mohit & Shipra!
This is not a query thread.Please read title of the thread before posting.Kindly post your query in this thread: Good MAT Business Schools
MATFebruary 2011

mohitagarwal789 Sayssir i got admission in isbm pune viman nagar campuse.but i m confuseed is it gud or not .i have mat 71.25 with 605 score can u suggest me some gud college and is isbm is gud or not pls some one tell i am totally confused what to do
hello puys..i want to know where all should i apply as in i have scored 97.9 percentile in feb mat..and my score is 739.5..
pls pls suggest me..n reply me as soon as possible..
There is more thread available for your query it is not correct to do discussion any where so all of you need to maintain the importance of thread as well as forum.
College name: IRM-jaipur (Institute Of Rural Management)
Approval: Approved by AICTE
Infra: Decent infra with efficient library.
Students: 180----120(B.M.) 60(R.M.)
Process for admission: MAT SCORE , after being shortlisted for 2nd round , one has to clear the GD & PI round and then the composite merit list is prepared.
MAT cut off: (650+)
Your Converted score:748
Placement: Avg package somewhere round (3.5 lacs) . last years highest package was 6.5 lacs + perk ... This year the highest has been 5.2 lacs with the process still going on ..
Fee:4.5lacs(2 yrs)
Overall: The highlight of the college is its placement and the sectoral (RM) program that it offers . Apart from this fee structure is very modest and so ROI can be considered to be very decent .
alliance bangalore
itm mumbai
i have scopred 98.88 on dec mat.i have only 50 percent fr my graduation.i got through iilm cms,imis.is christ,icfai (other than hyderbad) good fr me? i have not taken any other entrance test
dipasmita Saysi have scopred 98.88 on dec mat.i have only 50 percent fr my graduation.i got through iilm cms,imis.is christ,icfai (other than hyderbad) good fr me? i have not taken any other entrance test
if u hav converted the christ call..then dont worry..
go for it !!!