Hi friends, All the pgites who have got NITIE calls …lets get united and not pay the fees before 31st of this month and mail them asking them to extend the last date…If all of us stop paying the fees , then they will definitely come down …
Hi friends,
All the pgites who have got NITIE calls .....lets get united and not pay the fees before 31st of this month and mail them asking them to extend the last date....If all of us stop paying the fees , then they will definitely come down and extend the date until the IIM results come...
Lets make it happen my friends.......
I sometimes wonder as to why B-schools are in a hurry to collect money from students?
But first of all change the contents of your post. Now, I don't think that everyone will aggry with you.
So instead of calling everyone, call only those who are having IIMs calls (or colleges that they think are better) and have already converted similar college till now. so that they are having some security.
I think even if all you people can come together, you would be making one hell of a difference. Because I don't think that even NITIE would be willing to come out with a second waiting list.
So I think that you guys may really make some difference.
best of luck ( I can't be with you bcoz nitie has already rejected me.)
i was already not paying nitie...coz the picture of the batch that would be formed was very hazy( to be frank i felt that with only 102+47=149 final calls nitie would definitely hav a final batch of 60-70 only)...and since i dint want a compro. so had made up my mind for MDI-pgpm...
if one such thing happens it would only do good coz after the results of IIMs are out, one will have a better idea as to what the batch will look like..and mayb guys like me can reconsider..
i was already not paying nitie...coz the picture of the batch that would be formed was very hazy( to be frank i felt that with only 102+47=149 final calls nitie would definitely hav a final batch of 60-70 only)...and since i dint want a compro. so had made up my mind for MDI-pgpm...
if one such thing happens it would only do good coz after the results of IIMs are out, one will have a better idea as to what the batch will look like..and mayb guys like me can reconsider..
Im also in a dilemma between mdi-pgpm and nitie-pgdim ...personally although i prefer nitie as it is nearer to me

So, all of us will shoot mails to NITIE individually asking them to postpone the date until the IIM results r out ...then we will have more options ......
Hi friends,
All the pgites who have got NITIE calls .....lets get united and not pay the fees before 31st of this month and mail them asking them to extend the last date....If all of us stop paying the fees , then they will definitely come down and extend the date until the IIM results come...
Lets make it happen my friends.......
and i bet they will throw all of you out..... anywayz people would be queuing to take admission into nitie... and if u make union before joinin college.. they can interpret what it wld be like to take u and create a mess for next two years...
to add more people in the waitlist would be almost comparable to the guyz who get initial final calls... so no problem for them takin people in wl as they have habbit of doin that.....
The bschool chooses how and when it will collect the fees. If you didn't agree to this why apply to it in the first place ? There is NO point in paying up after reading the brochure and then trying to make the instt. look bad! If you dont have the stomach to risk your admit, let it go.
to add more people in the waitlist would be almost comparable to the guyz who get initial final calls...
wow, and dont u think ppl above 98%ile in cat are more or less of the same mental level..xcept that some had a good day( the lucky ones wid iim calls) while others had a bad one( the unlucky ones!)....c'mon man! this logic doesnt work!!
I know lobbying against nitie is no solution but isnt the insti supposed to be considerate enuf to take into account the point of view of the aspirants!!

wow, and dont u think ppl above 98%ile in cat are more or less of the same mental level..xcept that some had a good day( the lucky ones wid iim calls) while others had a bad one( the unlucky ones!)....c'mon man! this logic doesnt work!!
I know lobbying against nitie is no solution but isnt the insti supposed to be considerate enuf to take into account the point of view of the aspirants!!
you are sayin the same thing wat i m sayin.. but they hav to eliminate in some way ... frankly i dont see much difference in mental level..where a diff of 0.33 marks could change ur number of calls...but practical situations they hav to eliminate in some way so fair enough..
and yeah its unfair by nitie if they return certain percentage of money back..... but u hav to take calculated risks and sometimes " EXPENSIVE ROUTE TO AVOID RISKS" at times.. and above all its ur career...
Never thought that I wud come across something like this on PG. Guys, can we think rationally? We somehow don't sound like a bunch of prospective MBA's, espescially with such brilliant ideas

When we decide to apply to a B-school, we should be ready to accept their decision in matters regarding fees, refund etc.... ppl want their place in NITIE to be secure, yet don't wanna shell some money- a classic case of having your cake and eating it too.
Why doesn't neone think of protesting against the IIM's and asking them to declare the results early ??? All this stuff of 'rebelling' against a premier b-school of the country just doesn't sound right.
and nope, i'm NOT a NITIE student... just a normal guy who's been through the grind for 3 yrs now and respects a MBA seat
pagalguy SaysThe bschool chooses how and when it will collect the fees. If you didn't agree to this why apply to it in the first place ? There is NO point in paying up after reading the brochure and then trying to make the instt. look bad! If you dont have the stomach to risk your admit, let it go.
But PG last year when MM Joshi tried to put forward the idea that B-schools are really bilking money from prospective candidates, at that time all the b-schools negated this statement saying that they charge fees only for the benefits provided to the student and blah blah.
But as soon as that guy is gone, instt like NITIE are taking over 50000 bucks just for securing a seat.
Now tell me one thing, if that guy is a poor fellow and after paying this amount at NITIE is selected in one the IIMs he is bound to lose that money for sure. And it won't be directly covered in his education loans as well (i hope i am right with this).
How could this bschools then claim that they are not asking for undue money from prospective candidates???

And hey ron, if IIMA asks for such an amount, then its fine. But no 2nd tier institute (mdi nitie spjain ...) should ask for these undue favours. They cannot afford to. And if they will try, then it will only darken their image and ultimately they will lose best candidates.
B'coz it remains a hard fact that not all who is not paying the fees at NITIE will be getting in IIMs.:x
Any comment???
First some facts:
1. NITIE's tution fee supports only 12% of its cost expended in imparting education. This is the lowest among all BSchools. Source: BW.
2. Most of education cost is subsidised through the consultancy NITIE imparts. It is among the top 4 earners through consultancy, including IIMs.
So lets stop berating the institute that it is milking you poor chaps and minting 50k from lot of you.
Then there is this line of thought where IIMA is legtimised to do this fee collection process but NITIE aint. Let''s be very clear about one thing. No one is above the system. Neither IIMA nor NITIE. Infact, this type of opinion shows a very lowly opinion about one's perception of how things actually work in the real world.
If I end up agreeing with some of the gentlemen on this forum, I would end with an opinion that an institiute would map its process and structure based on the rankings brought out by the magazines. So if one is higher, they are legitimate in their demand to demand fee early, and those lower down need to wait for the higher ones to declare their results before asking for their fee. Absolute rubbish.
As a chap mentioned on this forum, seems everyone wants to have the cake and eat it too. Am disappointed with the maturity level put on show here.
No one denies that loss of fee bcoz of lack of concurrency in declaration of results hurts but can we stop having a "frog-in-the-well" kind of thinking?
Strong words from my side bcoz am an alumus of NITIE and i know how the entire MBA fraternity in India works. And so lets stop this ridiculous claim making.
But PG last year when MM Joshi tried to put forward the idea that B-schools are really bilking money from prospective candidates, at that time all the b-schools negated this statement saying that they charge fees only for the benefits provided to the student and blah blah.
But as soon as that guy is gone, instt like NITIE are taking over 50000 bucks just for securing a seat.
Now tell me one thing, if that guy is a poor fellow and after paying this amount at NITIE is selected in one the IIMs he is bound to lose that money for sure. And it won't be directly covered in his education loans as well (i hope i am right with this).
How could this bschools then claim that they are not asking for undue money from prospective candidates???![]()
And hey ron, if IIMA asks for such an amount, then its fine. But no 2nd tier institute (mdi nitie spjain ...) should ask for these undue favours. They cannot afford to. And if they will try, then it will only darken their image and ultimately they will lose best candidates.
B'coz it remains a hard fact that not all who is not paying the fees at NITIE will be getting in IIMs.:x
Any comment???
First some facts:
1. NITIE's tution fee supports only 12% of its cost expended in imparting education. This is the lowest among all BSchools. Source: BW.
2. Most of education cost is subsidised through the consultancy NITIE imparts. It is among the top 4 earners through consultancy, including IIMs.
So lets stop berating the institute that it is milking you poor chaps and minting 50k from lot of you.
Then there is this line of thought where IIMA is legtimised to do this fee collection process but NITIE aint. Let''s be very clear about one thing. No one is above the system. Neither IIMA nor NITIE. Infact, this type of opinion shows a very lowly opinion about one's perception of how things actually work in the real world.
If I end up agreeing with some of the gentlemen on this forum, I would end with an opinion that an institiute would map its process and structure based on the rankings brought out by the magazines. So if one is higher, they are legitimate in their demand to demand fee early, and those lower down need to wait for the higher ones to declare their results before asking for their fee. Absolute rubbish.
As a chap mentioned on this forum, seems everyone wants to have the cake and eat it too. Am disappointed with the maturity level put on show here.
No one denies that loss of fee bcoz of lack of concurrency in declaration of results hurts but can we stop having a "frog-in-the-well" kind of thinking?
Strong words from my side bcoz am an alumus of NITIE and i know how the entire MBA fraternity in India works. And so lets stop this ridiculous claim making.
Man! You talked hard and you talked a lot.
And without any more words, I accept that NITIE is NOBLE.
BUT, still the fact remains that it is charging money.
Does it really matter if it is charging from some and then using on others.
Don't you think it will be more appreciated that it is charging 50000 more from people who are ready to join it and who will be really reaping the benefits all through their life after getting out of a place like NITIE?????????
Instead of taking money from X and giving benefits to Y and Z, i think it will be better if it increases its fees by 20000 and ask for money after one has really decided about which inst to join and which to let go.
Any more facts from your side???
First some facts:
1. NITIE's tution fee supports only 12% of its cost expended in imparting education. This is the lowest among all BSchools. Source: BW.
2. Most of education cost is subsidised through the consultancy NITIE imparts. It is among the top 4 earners through consultancy, including IIMs.
So lets stop berating the institute that it is milking you poor chaps and minting 50k from lot of you.
Then there is this line of thought where IIMA is legtimised to do this fee collection process but NITIE aint. Let''s be very clear about one thing. No one is above the system. Neither IIMA nor NITIE. Infact, this type of opinion shows a very lowly opinion about one's perception of how things actually work in the real world.
If I end up agreeing with some of the gentlemen on this forum, I would end with an opinion that an institiute would map its process and structure based on the rankings brought out by the magazines. So if one is higher, they are legitimate in their demand to demand fee early, and those lower down need to wait for the higher ones to declare their results before asking for their fee. Absolute rubbish.
As a chap mentioned on this forum, seems everyone wants to have the cake and eat it too. Am disappointed with the maturity level put on show here.
No one denies that loss of fee bcoz of lack of concurrency in declaration of results hurts but can we stop having a "frog-in-the-well" kind of thinking?
Strong words from my side bcoz am an alumus of NITIE and i know how the entire MBA fraternity in India works. And so lets stop this ridiculous claim making.
Sorry my friend,
Just by using heavy words, one cannot conceal the fact. These MBA institutes are big money making rackets. That is the reason why they are declaring the results earlier than IIMs and asking students to pay the fees or forfeit their seat.
It may be OK for rich ppl but not poor chaps like me.....
As for me, I dont have 136500 to pay right now. I am planning to take a loan from a bank after i know exactly which institute to join. As u know , i cannot take loan twice in the name of 2 institutes.
So, what these ppl are doing is denying poor ppl like me a seat as i cannot afford to pay that much hefty amount twice. Also, i cannot leave IIMA or for that matter IIMC for monetary aspects.....
Also somebody pointed that everything is written in the brochure. Sorry, it is not written in te brochure and before CAT nobody can expect this to happen.
This type of earning money is really BAD MANAGEMENT...
First some facts:
1. NITIE's tution fee supports only 12% of its cost expended in imparting education. This is the lowest among all BSchools. Source: BW.
2. Most of education cost is subsidised through the consultancy NITIE imparts. It is among the top 4 earners through consultancy, including IIMs.
So lets stop berating the institute that it is milking you poor chaps and minting 50k from lot of you.
Even if NITIE,s tution fee supports only 12% of its cost how does it effect the situation.why is it asking for 136000 at one go and refunding just 50% why cant it ask for less money now and ask for rest later on after a month or so.
If you ended up thinking NITIE is NOBLE, it is your opinion. coz i certainly didnt set out to create the perception.
And seeing that you are out to make a point that you have proposed process better than one being used, I really cant argue since that would involve a root cause analysis of why is NITIE doing it the way it is doing it.
The sole point I wanted to put forward was that let us not give one institute the right to do it this way but put down another one for doing it. And I believe I have not been able to make you see that point.
Facts were there to quell the point that these 50k are make or break for NITIE or they are going to make some other student's life comfy at NITIE. Again one seems to have missed the reason for the facts.
The fact is that being a UNDP-ILO-Indian government institute, it has far more credibilty than a private institute when it comes to evaluating the reasons for its processes.
Now get the point, eh?
Man! You talked hard and you talked a lot.
And without any more words, I accept that NITIE is NOBLE.
BUT, still the fact remains that it is charging money.
Does it really matter if it is charging from some and then using on others.
Don't you think it will be more appreciated that it is charging 50000 more from people who are ready to join it and who will be really reaping the benefits all through their life after getting out of a place like NITIE?????????
Instead of taking money from X and giving benefits to Y and Z, i think it will be better if it increases its fees by 20000 and ask for money after one has really decided about which inst to join and which to let go.
Any more facts from your side???
The fact is that being a UNDP-ILO-Indian government institute, it has far more credibilty than a private institute when it comes to evaluating the reasons for its processes.
Now get the point, eh?
I got most of your points except this one. You know dear, that when it comes to credibility and following processes, the govt instts are following most casual approach. I have graduated from one.
Take our NITIE for example.
No. of seats alloted by govt. - 120
No. of folks studying presently - 99 or 104. take any.
The reason that NITIE people gives for this is that its better to take few b'coz we have got infra and facilities suited for these many students only. (better facilities and better infra for betterment of students)
Then why can't they tell our own govt regarding this.
I would agree that private instt are doing even worse (scmhrd etc), but nitie doesn't belong to that league. it belongs with mdi, xl, fms, etc.
mdi is charging just 20000 and out of which 10000 is refundable.
So as kush mentioned, decrease the amount and everyone will get happy.
Dude every instt wanna make money so that they can improve infra, but 50 grands is asking a lot.
And hey ron, if IIMA asks for such an amount, then its fine. But no 2nd tier institute (mdi nitie spjain ...) should ask for these undue favours. They cannot afford to. And if they will try, then it will only darken their image and ultimately they will lose best candidates.
B'coz it remains a hard fact that not all who is not paying the fees at NITIE will be getting in IIMs.:x
Any comment???
So basically its all about ' how dare a Tier 2 institute do this ?' kinda attitude. Guys,let's grow up... just because its NITIE n not an IIM, its got to do whatever we say ? Just because its a so-called Tier 2 insti, we b-school aspirants will run the show ?
Dude, NITIE has never threatened you or anything of that sort... it's simple, either you pay up and risk losing money or take a gamble and hold on. The point is, even if NITIE is doing all this to make some quick bucks, big deal ! Don't all of us pay 1100 bucks a year to appear for CAT ??? Does it cost that much to arrange an exam for a student ???
I'm not saying that the IIM's are wrong or NITIE is right.... all i'm saying is that let's just stop cribbing and move on...castigating NITIE that too on a public forum is just not done.
We are among the lucky few who have the opportunity to choose between b-schools.... and let's give each of them due respect. If you don't agree to NITIE's method, just don't pay.
Because of such attitudes,we have ppl having many calls making blasphemous stmts during some of the 'Tier 2' insti interviews and thereby screwing it up for everyone else.
Just because its a so-called Tier 2 insti, we b-school aspirants will run the show ?
Dude, NITIE has never threatened you or anything of that sort... it's simple, either you pay up and risk losing money or take a gamble and hold on. The point is, even if NITIE is doing all this to make some quick bucks, big deal ! Don't all of us pay 1100 bucks a year to appear for CAT ??? Does it cost that much to arrange an exam for a student ???
I'm not saying that the IIM's are wrong or NITIE is right.... all i'm saying is that let's just stop cribbing and move on...castigating NITIE that too on a public forum is just not done.
We are among the lucky few who have the opportunity to choose between b-schools.... and let's give each of them due respect. If you don't agree to NITIE's method, just don't pay.
Because of such attitudes,we have ppl having many calls making blasphemous stmts during some of the 'Tier 2' insti interviews and thereby screwing it up for everyone else.
OK dokey ron. This will be my last post on this thread b'coz I have already said a lot. Firstly you say that we should not run the show. We want to run the show and thats why you are going to mdi. You know most of us are proactive and thats why we can get in such good bshools and we should never try to forget this strength of ours.
Secondly, in jungle as well as in corporate word there is a rule that only king can rule. if you have read the marketing warfare, then you will find that there are some strategies defined for the leader, some for followers and some for the small ones. So why shouldn't it apply to b schools as well.
If they won't, then they would loose good guys like subbu.
And lastly you are completely missing the point of this thread. No one is trying for NITIE bashing. Hell! all of us are aware what it is and even if we try to tarnish its repo we won't be able to do that.
But repo will be tarnished if it continue to lose bright guys and is itself bent on doing this.
One last question from you ron. Assume that you had a final call from NITIE as well and you were very interested in joining it. But you are at the same time having IIM ABC calls as well. Now wouldn't you frown on your situation?
Bye bye