Hi All, I have started this thread to get serious inputs about JIMS Rohini from seniors and fellow PUY’s. I am looking forward to join this institute because of two major reasons: 1. It has a decent fee structure : around 4.5 lakhs. 2. It …
Hi All,
I have started this thread to get serious inputs about JIMS Rohini from seniors and fellow PUY's. I am looking forward to join this institute because of two major reasons:
1. It has a decent fee structure : around 4.5 lakhs.
2. It is quite near to my home: Delhi Metro Connectivity.
What I am confused about is that I am getting mixed reactions from people whom I have talked to. Some (including some seniors) say this is good. Some have a negative opinion.
It would be a great help If you people can help me out in my decision.
Please Help!!!!
I, too, have the same query. Tomorrow i m going to visit jims rohini and will interact with the seniors and will share my experience.
if someone would like to express their views regarding this... most welcome... PLZ HELP US!!!!!
I, too, have the same query. Tomorrow i m going to visit jims rohini and will interact with the seniors and will share my experience.
if someone would like to express their views regarding this... most welcome... PLZ HELP US!!!!!
Thanks. I would be eagerly waiting for your next post.
hi everybody
plz smone share ur gd experience i m suppose appear in jims gd/pi on 28mar in bhnswr
Thanks in advance
Hey guys even i want to join JIMS. So far i have got good response about it but still want to check it from some seniors.
plz share your opinions about it here that will help everyone.
GD Π was easy . just brush up your grads and GK
hi everybody
plz smone share ur gd experience i m suppose appear in jims gd/pi on 28mar in bhnswr
Thanks in advance
hello to all. following is my gd/pi experience of jims,rohini.
it was a group of ten people.three evaluaters were there.there was chit system.like if whole of the group is not agreed with the first topic then they can pick an another chit but then they had to continue with the 2nd topic only. my gd topic was an abstract topic. it was- success is not about an individual.we were given 6-7 min after which we all started to discuss it.thank god the group was nice & people were cooperative it dint turned to a fish market.one thing which i liked was that after we were over with the gd the evaluator asked each of us to summarize the topic individually(this could be really helpful to those who r not able 2 speak during the gd).after that we were given ten min to write an essay on the same gd topic.
another topics given to other groups were-nice people finishes last,there was a topic on humans & machines also but i dint remember the topic name exactly
the interview panel was again of three person.my personal experience says dat if u r going for jims interview then try to brush up ur knowledge of graduation subjects. i was from commerce background.so they asked me abt crr ,present slr,ipo,diff b/w bonds &debentures;,preference shares etcccc
then the basic questions like why mba ,why they should select me were asked
then they suddenly turned to geographical side and asked questions like tell the areas where khumb mela takes place, wat is equator,wat are latitudes & longitudes ,wat's their location(i dnt know how but thank god i was able to answer each question correctly)
they also try to pull ur leg by asking some tricky questions

this was my whole experience.and well the good news is i had been selected in jims.

i got selected in jims.but confused regarding its placements.though its mandatory disclosure discloses dat its average salary for last year was Rs. 4.5 lakhs but still had little confusion regarding its placements bcoz somewhere on another thread i read that its placements is 3000-4000 pm.so pls help.waiting 4 ur responses.
hi everybody
plz smone share ur gd experience i m suppose appear in jims gd/pi on 28mar in bhnswr
Thanks in advance
First there would be a GD on some topic. Economic topics have max probability. Mine was " India or west which is a land of opportunities".
Then there would be an essay writing on the GD topic.
Then there's a PI. In PI they focus more on your graduation subjects and ask basic questions. Commerce grads are asked more. So beware!!!
I, being a mechanical engineer, was asked about differential, IC engine and all.
Just be fluent and confident. This is the trick.
All the best
pt13 Saysya if someone gets any authentic information about JIMS rohini,plz share it..
I have interacted with some seniors on orkut and They have a positive response for jims. About placements... Well they are counting the number of people placed on orkut and the count has gone beyond 80 for a batch of 120 students.
Check out their community on orkut!!!!
hello to all. following is my gd/pi experience of jims,rohini.
it was a group of ten people.three evaluaters were there.there was chit system.like if whole of the group is not agreed with the first topic then they can pick an another chit but then they had to continue with the 2nd topic only. my gd topic was an abstract topic. it was- success is not about an individual.we were given 6-7 min after which we all started to discuss it.thank god the group was nice & people were cooperative it dint turned to a fish market.one thing which i liked was that after we were over with the gd the evaluator asked each of us to summarize the topic individually(this could be really helpful to those who r not able 2 speak during the gd).after that we were given ten min to write an essay on the same gd topic.
another topics given to other groups were-nice people finishes last,there was a topic on humans & machines also but i dint remember the topic name exactly
the interview panel was again of three person.my personal experience says dat if u r going for jims interview then try to brush up ur knowledge of graduation subjects. i was from commerce background.so they asked me abt crr ,present slr,ipo,diff b/w bonds &debentures;,preference shares etcccc
then the basic questions like why mba ,why they should select me were asked
then they suddenly turned to geographical side and asked questions like tell the areas where khumb mela takes place, wat is equator,wat are latitudes & longitudes ,wat's their location(i dnt know how but thank god i was able to answer each question correctly)
they also try to pull ur leg by asking some tricky questions.and the only solution to dis is presence of mind.
this was my whole experience.and well the good news is i had been selected in jims.anyone else selected in jims rohini plz tell .i request others also to share ur gd/pi experience so dat it can benefit others
I have also been selected!!!! Are you going to join it??
hello all,
As i said i m going to discuss my experience with a few of the students of JIMS rohini.
First, there r 2 JIMS in rohini, sec-5 and sec-3. Sec-5 is far much better than than sec-3 in terms of everything (according to students of both JIMS)
Sec-3 is for MBA and Sec-5 is for PGDM.
Interaction with students---
In sec-5, first we (my frnd and I) met 2 students who are in BBA final year. They had just given their interviews for MAHINDRA. And there were positive responses from them regarding JIMS. But they were not in a mood to disclose all he info. So we didnot ask them enough ques.
Then we met 3 students of PGDM and all of them gave us positie responses regarding Faculty, Placements, Infra etc... These seniors were very helpful and cheerful.
According to them, companies are coming mainly for marketing, then finance and then HR under general PGDM. Otherwise they have different courses like PGDM-IT for IT sector jobs etc... we dicussed over general PGDM only.
compnies are offering around 3 - 5 lacs currently.
overall a good discussion and we were satisfied.
Interaction with the receptionist--
fees - 4.5 lacs for 2 years, not providing laptops.
no hostel facility.
last year salary package, avg - 4.8 lacs and highest - 8.5 lacs (i think she was kidding) but who knows...
highest salary package offered so far this year is around 5 lacs..
AICTE approved courses.. but she said something regarding AIU as well.. but on aiu website i m unable to find it's name. I m unable to recall what she said. Sorry!
negative points---
not providing laptops
no hostel facility.
Hence it can be considered as a decent option but still m a bit confused. Last date is 25th march and i m going to fill the form atleast. If anyone would like to comment or add something.... most welcome!
hello all,
As i said i m going to discuss my experience with a few of the students of JIMS rohini................................................................................
Hence it can be considered as a decent option but still m a bit confused. Last date is 25th march and i m going to fill the form atleast. If anyone would like to comment or add something.... most welcome!
My take
The faculty looks average.very few Phd people.
The student profile is average.
i mailed them to tell me the precise detail of placement one week ago still no reply.
How many are placed ?
profile of d company?
they have just mentioned Highest n average on their site.they shud give a complete list of student.
i have also one doubt that is almost all avg. B-school is fully residential so that they can take classes as per their need.so y not JIMS????
puneetpaliwal SaysI have also been selected!!!! Are you going to join it??
i want to join it but had heard mix responses from people regarding its placements.so i request others & seniors of jims to pls provide us true information regarding its placements.waiting eagerly 4 ur responses.
heer2318 Saysi want to join it but had heard mix responses from people regarding its placements.so i request others & seniors of jims to pls provide us true information regarding its placements.waiting eagerly 4 ur responses.
I guess you may have read the post by nipun. This is the kind of response I am also getting and since it's the 18th batch for which we are selected therefore they must be having a strong alumni.
Jims has surely jumped up in my preferences but I'll wait still as I have BIMTECH, NPTI, NIT's in the pipeline also. What other options do you have???
My take
The faculty looks average.very few Phd people.
The student profile is average.
i mailed them to tell me the precise detail of placement one week ago still no reply.
How many are placed ?
profile of d company?
they have just mentioned Highest n average on their site.they shud give a complete list of student.
i have also one doubt that is almost all avg. B-school is fully residential so that they can take classes as per their need.so y not JIMS????
Well It's in the heart of delhi So infra and land costs too much. They would surely assist you to find an accommodation nearby as there are a lot of PGs in rohini. So don't worry.
By the way where are you from???
My take
The faculty looks average.very few Phd people.
The student profile is average.
i mailed them to tell me the precise detail of placement one week ago still no reply.
How many are placed ?
profile of d company?
they have just mentioned Highest n average on their site.they shud give a complete list of student.
i have also one doubt that is almost all avg. B-school is fully residential so that they can take classes as per their need.so y not JIMS????
thanks for sharing ur views!
but i think from MAT level colgs, we can't expect a lot.
regarding placements, i think no colg will give complete list of students.
and even i hv considered "no hostel facility" as a negative aspect of JIMS. May be becoz they are short of land or anything else.... coz i think every colg would like to provide hostel facility so that they could increase their fees.
regarding no. of placements, we were told (by 1st yr PGDM students) that it's quite difficult to tell the number but yes most of them have been placed and placements are still going on.
I think it would be very difficult for every colg to talk in numbers and even if they do how can we trust them.....
Well It's in the heart of delhi So infra and land costs too much. They would surely assist you to find an accommodation nearby as there are a lot of PGs in rohini. So don't worry.
By the way where are you from???
yes u r right.. and it is near RITHALA metro station. So good connectivity as well... People can up-down from their homes as well..
nipun kesari Saysyes u r right.. and it is near RITHALA metro station. So good connectivity as well... People can up-down from their homes as well..
Yup. Especially people like me whose home is quite near to inderlok metro station.:grin:
I guess you may have read the post by nipun. This is the kind of response I am also getting and since it's the 18th batch for which we are selected therefore they must be having a strong alumni.
Jims has surely jumped up in my preferences but I'll wait still as I have BIMTECH, NPTI, NIT's in the pipeline also. What other options do you have???
i had option of iilm cms greater noida,ndim,niilm cms,amity.but i m considered about roi.i dnt think its worth to spend more than 5 lakhs in colleges whose placements are 3.5-4.5 lakhs.i had heard dat niilm is gud its average placements are 5 lakhs.but again it has high fee structure .its fees is rs.7,60,000(excluding hostel charges).i m hoping to get some authentic information regarding placements of jims so dat i can take my final decision early.