JAIIB - MAY 2017

For serious aspirants who want to carve a career out of Banking and excel in it .

@TheYearOfMonkey @devikachopra17 @dpayan @sriramrengun and many more PUYS (would later tag you as well) If you all have started preparing for JAIIB or are planning to start preparing,kindly join this group ...would be beneficial for all .TIA

I want to prepare for it plz tell me what is the procedure?

friends, iam unable to download the amit card.kindly tell me every one are facing the same issue ?

Plz tell me the process for registreing 

This article may help you in cracking JAIIB/CAIIB in first attempt...worth reading  https://www.myonlineprep.com/how-to-crack-jaiib-caiib-exam/     

Junior Associate of Indian  Institute of Banker (JAIIB) & Chartered Associate of Indian  Institute of Banker (CAIIB) are a flagship Course of Indian Institute of  Banking and Finance commonly known as IIBF,  an Institute for professional excellence in the field of banking and  finance. JAIIB/CAIIB Exam is conducted twice in a year. The course is  based on various acts, latest circular and current practices followed by  banks. JAIIB aims at providing maximum level of basic knowledge in  banking and financial systems, banking technology, customer relations,  basic accountancy and legal aspects necessary for carrying out day to  day banking operations whereas CAIIB aims at providing advanced  knowledge necessary for better decision making covering risk, financial  and general bank management. Cracking these exams without preparation  is tough task and it is fact that bankers do not get enough time to  prepare for such exam that too serving duty for 10 hrs. Hence most of  the candidates appear in such examinations with last minute preparation  with fire fighting situation. However with a proper planning of study on  routine basis such exam can easily be cracked. Since exam are going to be held in the  month of May & June, you should start preparation from now onwards,  First of all make a routine to study at least one hour daily. Pick up a  book from your area of interest first and start reading. After 2-3 days  start reading other books and then make a routine to read all books on  every alternate day. Try to create questions yourself from  the topic you just finished, think how can you set question from this  topic and what can be various ways of setting question from the topic.  Now go to check your progress part which is generally available in end  of the chapter, match your question with the question given on the book  (do it mentally). This activity will help you to remember the topic and  related questions & answers for a longer time. Your target to finish trio books should be before one week of actual schedule JAIIB/CAIIB exam, in the last week, revise only that book whose exam is going to be held on coming Sunday. In this period try to give mock test  as many as you can. Please avoid yourself to appear in managed mock  test or available in internet without an authenticated sources, it will  mislead you in the last moment. Last but not the least, on examination  day, please read instruction carefully and try to solve easy question  first, do not get stuck in complicated question or question having lot  of literature in initial period, skip such question and keep solving all  easy questions where you are 100% confident. After finishing such  question come back to those questions which you have skipped. Try to  solve one by one. Please do not leave any question un-attempted as there  is not negative mark in these exams.


Anybody appearing for JAIIB June 2017, Any group for it.

how to apply guyzz help 

Jiib last date for online 

How to apply for jaiib exam....

One  more thing ....Can I give caiib exam just after jaiib exam in the same July 


Is there alot difference b/w jaiib 2nd edition books ad 3rd edition.. If we will prepare from 2nd edition book.. Will it be a problem..??

Ho to calculate Yield to maturity please help

what are the important topics to study for accounts paper other than 

solving problems ?
