HI ALL ** THIS THREAD IS BEING STARTED FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE SECTION ISSUES OF SOCIAL CONCERN OF IRMA ( Institute of Rural Management, Anand ). ** ** *All the puys, who subscribe for this thread, are requested to post at least 5…
All the puys, who subscribe for this thread, are requested to post at least 5 useful materials on this topic every day, as the D - DAY for IRMA is at hand.

All the puys, who subscribe for this thread, are requested to post at least 5 useful materials on this topic every day, as the D - DAY for IRMA is at hand.
Let's begin with the following....
India is the second largest producer of food grains in the world, yet
over 300 million people in without two square meals a day. According
to the global hunger index (GHI) 2008, India ranks 66th in a list of
88 countries. With over 200 million people unsure about accessing
their daily bread, 50 percent of our children undernourished and
stunted, and about 68 out of 1000 dying before the age of one year,
food security is undoubtedly a major concern and top priority of the
government today. In fact, it has been so for successive governments
of independent India. Over the various five years plan periods we have
been working towards increasing agriculture agricultural production on
one hand, and developing an efficient mechanism for reaching food to
every needy person in the most inaccessible of conditions, on the
Our farmers have done exceedingly well in increasing agricultural
production over the years. We have come a long way from conditions of
recurrent food scarcity to a condition where our granaries with FCI
are well stocked. Yet with our growing population, the threat of
climate change and adverse monsoon conditions every now and then, one
wonders whether our present performance level is something to be
satisfied about. We still compare very poorly with the world's highest
productivity- just about 15- 20%. Which means there is a lot of scope
for improvement. And considering that we will have almost twice as
many mouths to feed by the year 2050.
Besides raising agricultural production, the other vital aspect which
is perhaps of graver concern to India, is reaching done regularly and
at affordable prices to the common man. Our public distribution
system, the largest such network in the world, has evolved over the
years, and targets those below poverty line. We have also had in place
schemes like Antyodaya Anna Yojna, Annapurna and now NREGA, to address
the problems of poverty and hunger
While these schemes have certainly brought food to the homes of
millions, they have their own limitations as is obvious from India's
position in the world hunger index.
The proposed National Food Security Act (NFSA) may be an important
step towards eradicating hunger and reducing malnutrition in the
country. While presenting the Union Budget 2009-10 the finance
minister mr. Pranab Mukherjee had announce that the work on this has
begun in right earnest. Implementation of this Act will ensure that
every BPL case holder gets 25 kg of either rice or wheat at Rs.3 a kg
every month.
Poor productivity, inefficient and cost-ineffective distribution
poverty vagaries of nature and the impending threat of climate change,
the challenges to food security are many. Efforts are being made to
face the same. The government, the community, non-government
organisations are all pooling in their resources. Success should not
evade us for long.

Hey... thanks for starting this thread ...D-day is very close... hope thru this thread we can share useful information...
jai is KURUKSHETRA. available in soft copy??? how did you get this article???
hey seniors or who given the exam last year please post useful inputs ..........
headlock2 Saysjai is KURUKSHETRA. available in soft copy??? how did you get this article???
Dear headlock2, i could not find Kurukshetra yet on net i.e. its soft copy is probably not available. What i did is that ,since i had its current issue, i typed the entire article. It took time but labour always gives sweet fruit.
And thanks puys for such an immense response to this thread..........
Keep sharing whatever material you have.......... and at least five every day and at most has no limit...........

my post #1
since 1990 each yr human development report has published the human development index,which looks beyond gdp to a broader definition of well being
living a long and healthy life
being educated
decent started of kiving
it provides a broaden prism for viewing human progress and complex relationsahip bw income and well being
my post#2
hdi=.619 ,128 rank out 0f177
life expectancy of birth yr=63.7(125 rank)
adult literacy rate 61% (114 rank)
combined primary,secondary,tertiary gross enrolment ratio =63.8%
internet user =17 per 1000
cellular subscribers =25 per 1000
% of population unbder $2 per day =79.9
the above given figures are all under hdi
my p[ost # 3
wto fact file
location geneva
established 1 january 1995
created by uruguay round of negotiations (1986 -94)
member 152 ,ukraine the latest
head pascal lammy
secretariat staff 635
thnks for info.. anyways
Hi! Puys
Let have some questions:
1. PIN code started in India in the year.
a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1968
d. 1972
2. You would associate the establishment of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) with.
a. Subramaniam Bharti
b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Gobind Vallabh Pant
3. Who presides the Lok Sabha?
a. Prime Minister
b. President
c. Vice President
d. Speaker
4. Who discovered Aspirin?
a. Alexander Fleming
b. Felix Hoffmann
c. Robert Koch
d. Joseph Lister
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the sacred texts of Buddhism called Tripitakas?
a. Suttapitaka
b. Vinayapitaka
c. Dharmapitaka
d. Gyanapitaka
6. Which of the following Indian states has the lowest sex ratio {number of females per thousand males}?
a. West Bengal
b. Haryana
c. Punjab
d. Uttar Pradesh
7. Which of the following is the oldest printed book of the world?
a. The Gutenberg Bible
b. Hiraka Sutra
c. Les Hommes de bonne Volante
d. Old King Cole
8. This personality was the first Indian to receive the Magsaysay Award in the year 1958. Can you name him from the given options?
a. CD Deshmukh
b. Mother Teresa
c. Acharya Binoba Bhave
d. Jaya Prakash Narayan
9. Who is known as the father of Geometry?
a. Pythagoras
b. Euclid
c. Euler
d. None of these
10. Rovers cup is associated with
a. Hockey
b. Football
c. Cricket
d. Golf
11. This Indian state is the least densely populated state. Name it from the given options.
a. Sikkim
b. Arunachal Pradesh
c. Assam
d. Manipur
12. What is the approximate age of the earth?
a. 3.8 billion years
b. 4.2 billion years
c. 4.6 billion years
d. 4.8 billion years
13. Which Indian state was the first one to implement the Panchayati Raj in the whole state?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Bihar
c. Rajasthan
d. Gujarat
14. This personality is NOT the winner of Nobel Prize.
a. Kofi Annanb
b. Mother Teresac
c. VS Naipaul
d. Richard Nixon
15. The largest state of India (in terms of area) is
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Maharashtra
16. The line of equator does no pass through
a. Kenya
b. Somalia
c. Uganda
d. Egypt
17. National Institute of Oceanography is based in
a. Mumbai
b. Chennai
c. Panaji
d. Kochi
18. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India is a famous work of
a. Dada Bhai Naoroji
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. AO Hume
d. BG Tilak
19. The first ancient Olympic games took place in the year
a. 476 BC
b. 576 BC
c. 676 BC
d. 776 BC
20. When one crosses the International Date Line from west to east, then the date is said to be set back by
a. one hour
b. twelve hours
c. one day
d. None of these
21. Equinoxes occur when
a. the days are longer than the nights
b. the nights are longer than the days
c. the nights and days are equal in length
d. the difference between the length of nights and days is the highest
22. Which of the following is NOT a permanent member of United Nation's Security Council?
a. Russia
b. China
c. France
d. Germany
23. You would associate the theory of 'Laissez Faire' with
a. JK Galbraith
b. JM Keynes
c. Adam Smith
d. David Ricardo
24. Wealth of Nations is authored by.
a. Adam Smith
b. JK Galbraith
c. JM Keynes
d. None of these
25. This personality is considered, as the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi. Can you identify him from the given options?
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
c. Dadabhai Naoroji
d. Mahadev Gobind Ranande
Post your Answers.I will Post answers tommorrow
Some Useful Stuffs:
1. What is project Swashakti?
Ans: Swashakti is a project for rural womens development and empowerment.
2. What is the meaning of the Blue Box term related with WTO?
Ans: In WTO terminology, subsidies in general are identified by boxes.
Any support that would normally be in the amber box, is placed in the blue box
3. Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan was associated with
Ans: Total Revolution
4. What is project Gyandoot?
Ans: The goal of this project is to establish community-owned, technologically innovative and sustainable information kiosks in a poverty-stricken, tribal dominated rural area.
5. What do you understand Bhoomi?
Ans: This was the name of the project meant for the computerization of land records of Karnataka.
6. What is the aim of the Public Distribution System (PDS)?
Ans: Ensuring availability of food grains to the public at affordable prices as well as for enhancing the food security for the poor.
7. Co-operative movement in which sector of the Indian Economy has been highly successful?
Ans: Milk production
8. Inflationary Pressure on the Economy means
Ans: It means inflation is high in the economy.
9. What will be the effect of introduction of Kullahars, Khadi and Sampark Kranti Express etc. on the rural economy?
Ans: It will promote the rural domestic industries thereby increasing the employment generation in the rural sector and hence leading to the growth of the Indian economy in general.
10. What is the contribution of the agriculture sector in the GDP of the Indian Economy?
Ans: 10: 21%
11. What is rain fed farming?
Ans: Rainfed farming, is defined as growing crops under conditions of natural rainfall.
12. Inflation is measured in terms of
Ans: Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
13. What are the uses of the interlinking of the rivers?
Ans: 13: It addressed the twin problems of monsoon floods and water scarcity.
14. What is National Bamboo Mission?
Ans: The National Mission has been structured to address critical areas of bamboo development covering - research, development, post-harvest management, product development and marketing by adopting a mission mode approach.
15. What is the chemical used for the cloud seeding?
Ans: Silver Iodide
16. What is the name of the first Genetically Modified crop that was given permission to be grown in India?
Ans: Bt Cotton
17. The National Commission of Women was constituted in
Ans: 1992
18. What is micro finance?
Ans: Small loans that help poor people to start or expand their small businesses.
19. What is NPA?
Ans: NPA is defined as Non Performing Assets
20. What is the purpose of launching the Indira Awas Yojana?
Ans: The project was started to help construction of dwelling units for members of Scheduled Castes and also Non-Scheduled Castes rural poor living below the poverty line.
My answers are in bold---
1. PIN code started in India in the year.
a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1968
d. 1972 It was itroduced on15th of August 1972
2. You would associate the establishment of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) with.
a. Subramaniam Bharti
b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Gobind Vallabh Pant
3. Who presides the Lok Sabha?
a. Prime Minister
b. President
c. Vice President
d. Speaker
4. Who discovered Aspirin?
a. Alexander Fleming
b. Felix Hoffmann (In 1899)
c. Robert Koch
d. Joseph Lister
Follw this link for more details as Felix was not the first iventor....
History of Aspirin
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the sacred texts of Buddhism called Tripitakas?
a. Suttapitaka
b. Vinayapitaka
c. Dharmapitaka (Dear its Abhidharmpitka)
d. Gyanapitaka
6. Which of the following Indian states has the lowest sex ratio {number of females per thousand males}?
a. West Bengal
b. Haryana (861)
c. Punjab
d. Uttar Pradesh
Follw this link for more details---
Census of India - India at a Glance : Sex Ratio
7. Which of the following is the oldest printed book of the world?
a. The Gutenberg Bible
c. Les Hommes de bonne Volante
d. Old King Cole
8. This personality was the first Indian to receive the Magsaysay Award in the year 1958. Can you name him from the given options?
a. CD Deshmukh
b. Mother Teresa
c. Acharya Binoba Bhave (1958.)
d. Jaya Prakash Narayan
9. Who is known as the father of Geometry?
a. Pythagoras
b. Euclid
c. Euler
d. None of these
10. Rovers cup is associated with
a. Hockey
b. Football
c. Cricket
d. Golf
11. This Indian state is the least densely populated state. Name it from the given options.
a. Sikkim
b. Arunachal Pradesh
c. Assam
d. Manipur
12. What is the approximate age of the earth?
a. 3.8 billion years
b. 4.2 billion years
c. 4.6 billion years (4.55 bn yrs)
d. 4.8 billion years
13. Which Indian state was the first one to implement the Panchayati Raj in the whole state?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Bihar
c. Rajasthan
d. Gujarat
Follow the link.....
New Page 1
14. This personality is NOT the winner of Nobel Prize.
a. Kofi Annan
b. Mother Teresa
c. VS Naipaul
d. Richard Nixon
15. The largest state of India (in terms of area) is
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Maharashtra
16. The line of equator does no pass through
a. Kenya
b. Somalia
c. Uganda
d. Egypt
17. National Institute of Oceanography is based in
a. Mumbai
b. Chennai
c. Panaji
d. Kochi
18. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India is a famous work of
a. Dada Bhai Naoroji
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. AO Hume
d. BG Tilak
19. The first ancient Olympic games took place in the year
a. 476 BC
b. 576 BC
c. 676 BC
d. 776 BC
20. When one crosses the International Date Line from west to east, then the date is said to be set back by
a. one hour
b. twelve hours
c. one day
d. None of these
21. Equinoxes occur when
a. the days are longer than the nights
b. the nights are longer than the days
c. the nights and days are equal in length
d. the difference between the length of nights and days is the highest
22. Which of the following is NOT a permanent member of United Nation's Security Council?
a. Russia
b. China
c. France
d. Germany
(the permanent members are...China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States)
23. You would associate the theory of 'Laissez Faire' with
a. JK Galbraith
b. JM Keynes
c. Adam Smith
d. David Ricardo
24. Wealth of Nations is authored by.
a. Adam Smith
b. JK Galbraith
c. JM Keynes
d. None of these
25. This personality is considered, as the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi. Can you identify him from the given options?
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
c. Dadabhai Naoroji
d. Mahadev Gobind Ranande
the marathon got a bumpig start.............
Hi! Puys
Let have some questions:
1. PIN code started in India in the year.
a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1968
d. 1972
2. You would associate the establishment of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) with.
a. Subramaniam Bharti
b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Gobind Vallabh Pant
3. Who presides the Lok Sabha?
a. Prime Minister
b. President
c. Vice President
d. Speaker
4. Who discovered Aspirin?
a. Alexander Fleming
b. Felix Hoffmann
c. Robert Koch
d. Joseph Lister
Dear Amitprakash do post the answers... so that everybody can have the benefit and i can evaluate myself.....:-P
Hi! Puys
Let have some questions:
Post your Answers.I will Post answers tommorrow
my take :
1. d. 1972
2. b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
3. d. Speaker
4. b. Felix Hoffman
5. d. Gyanapitaka
6. b. Haryana
7. b. Hiraka Sutra
8. c. Acharya Binoba Bhave
9. b. Euclid
10. b. Football
11. b. Arunachal Pradesh
12. c. 4.6 billion years
13. c. Rajasthan
14. d. Richard Nixon
15. b. Rajasthan
16. d. Egypt
17. c. Panaji
18. a. Dada Bhai Naoroji
19. d. 776 BC
20. c. one day
21. c. the nights and days are equal in length
22. d. Germany
23. c. Adam Smith
24. a. Adam Smith
25. b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Hi! Puys
Let have some questions:
1. d. 1972
2. b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
3. d. Speaker
4. b. Felix Hoffman
5. d. Gyanapitaka
6. b. Haryana
7. b. Hiraka Sutra
8. c. Acharya Binoba Bhave
9. b. Euclid
10. b. Football
11. b. Arunachal Pradesh
12. c. 4.6 billion years
13. c. Rajasthan
14. d. Richard Nixon
15. b. Rajasthan
16. d. Egypt
17. c. Panaji
18. a. Dada Bhai Naoroji
19. d. 776 BC
20. c. one day
21. c. the nights and days are equal in length
22. d. Germany
23. c. Adam Smith
24. a. Adam Smith
25. b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
>>>>>>>> IRMA
Hey can u plz tell from where to get some previous IRMA papers and more questions on issues of social concern with questions from te syllabus mentioned
Download the HDR 2009 from here:
Reports Global reports HDR 2009 Human Development Reports (HDR) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
More links:
Refer to this previous thread for more GA material posted by me earlier:
Also, google for the rural development ministry website of every state & union territory of India.